MP GNTST PNST 2023 Application Form, Syllabus, Exam Date, Pattern

MP PNST GNTST 2023MP GNTST PNST 2023: The General Nursing Training Selection Test or Pre-Nursing Selection Test is conducted by the MPPEB (Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board). Only female candidates can apply for the test. Candidates get selected based on their marks in the entrance examination and names on the merit list. They offer admission to general Nursing and BSc nursing programs. It is a state-level examination. They provide admission for a total of 1040 seats. You can get all the details related to the examination in this article, so go through the full article.

MP GNTST PNST 2023 Notification:

  • MP PNST 2023 Application Form has been released on 15th February 2023.

MP GNTST PNST 2023 Highlights:

Exam Name General Nursing Training Selection Test (GNTST) and Pre-Nursing Selection Test (PNST) – 2023
Conducted By Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MP Vyapam)
Purpose of Exam Admission Into Diploma Courses
Location Madhya Pradesh
Mode of Application Online
Official Site

MP GNTST PNST 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Available the Online application 15th February 2023
Final date to submit the application form 1st March 2023
MP GNTST PNST 2023 Exam Date To Be Announced
Result To Be Announced

MP GNTST PNST 2023 Application Form:

  • MP GNTST PNST 2023 Application forms can be filled out online through the official website.
  • The form will be made available by the authority in February.
  • It can be filled up until the last month of March itself.
  • The entrance examination will take place in July. Before filling out the application form, candidates are suggested to check the eligibility criteria carefully.
  • Fill in the personal details, contact number, and other qualification details. Then upload the passport-size photograph and signature.
  • Upload documents like 10+2 mark sheets and certificates; you also have to upload proof of age.
  • Then pay application fees, review your application details thoroughly, and submit them.
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MP GNTST PNST 2023 Application Form: Click Here

Documents needed to Submit:

  • Mark sheets and passing certificates of 10+2 exams recognized from the MP board.
  • Domicile of the state-issued by the District medical board of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Caste certificate of the candidates issued by the competent Authority.
  • Medical Fitness certificate issued by the medical officials.
  • Result of the examination.

Application Fee:

Fees can be paid online mode. You can pay via credit card/ Debit Card/ Net banking. The fee is different per the different category are as follows:

  • For General Category- Rs. 400/-
  • For SC/ST/OBC/PWD- Rs. 200/-

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age Criteria– candidates must be under the age as of first July 2021. The minimum age criteria are 17 years and the maximum age criteria will be 27 years. 5 years of age relaxation for candidates who belong to the SC/ST/OBC/ widows group.
  • Qualification Criteria- For the GNTST course candidates must be passed 12th with 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology from the recognized board of MP. There is an age and Marks relaxation of 5% for reserved category candidates.
  • For the PNST course, candidates must be passed 12th with 40.5% marks in Physics, Chemistry, English, and Life Sciences from the recognized board of MP. There is an age and Marks relaxation of 5% for reserved category candidates.

Candidates must have a resident of Madhya Pradesh and also has valid identity Proof.

Exam Pattern

  • Total Number of Questions- 150
  • Total Marks- 150
  • Time Duration- 3 hours
  • Question Type- Multiple Choice
  • Subjects- Biology (30 questions), English (30 questions), Physics (30 questions), Chemistry (30 questions)
  • Negative Marking– No
Subjects No. of Questions No. of Marks
English 30 30
Zoology 30 30
Chemistry 30 30
Botany 30 30
Physics 30 30
Total 150 150
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The question paper is divided into 4 subjects which cover the following topics-

  • Physics-  Thermodynamics, Units and Dimension, Conservation of momentum and energy, Hooke’s Law, Reflection, Wave nature of light, Lenses, Prism, Beats and Doppler effect, Oscillations, Bohr model of the atom, Velocity of light, Refraction, Stefan’s law, etc.
  • Chemistry- Organic and inorganic Chemistry, Nuclear chemistry, Structure of Atom, Rate of Reaction, Enthalpy, Faraday’s Law, Arrhenius equation, Radiocarbon dating, Property of solids, Thermodynamics, Crystal Lattice, Thermochemistry, Nuclear chemistry, Solutions, solid states, etc.
  • Biology- Zoology, Structure and Function of Animal Life, Evolution Economic, Structure Organization of the Cell, Embryo development, Structure organization of the Cell, Megasporogenesis, Bacteriophage, External Morphology, Cyanobacteria, enzymes, Evolution Economic, Taxonomy, Growth hormones, Role of Plants in Human Welfare, Prokaryotic, Five kingdoms of classification, Developments of Body and Genetics, Eukaryotic, Light, and electron microscopic view of cells, Binominal Nomenclature, Fertilization endosperm, etc.
  • General English-  Tenses, Active and Passive voices, Vocabulary, Types of Sentence, Report Writing, Grammar and Comprehension, Elementary spoke English, Business correspondence, Precise Writing, Technical Description of things and Processes, Reading Comprehension, Prefix and Suffix, Prepositions, Phrasal verbs, Noun and Pronoun, Verbs, Narration, Articles, and Determiners, etc.

Admit Card:

Candidates can get admit cards from the official website of the University. It will be issued online by Vyapam on its official website at it can be downloaded by using personal credentials. You will have to carry your admit card with you at the time of the entrance exam because without it one should not be allowed in the entrance hall. You also have to carry an identity proof along with your Admit Card.

Answer Key:

Once a result has been displayed the answer key of the question paper is also displayed by officials after one week of the examination. Candidates can check and download the answer key by using login credentials. If there is any objection then it can be resolved by the authority and the fresh answer key will be displayed again on the same portal.

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The result of the examination will be released online after the examination in July. It will be released on the online medium at the official website. You can download it by using your roll number or entering your Date of Birth. After checking the result you will get to know your qualifying status for the exam and then you will be able to appear in the counseling.

Selection Procedure:

After the examination merit list will be prepared based on the total marks scored by the individual in the entrance examination. Candidates must be scored a minimum of 45% of the total marks to qualifying the examination. After the analysis of everyone’s marks, the total cut-off marks will be released, and based on that merit list will be prepared for the selected candidates.


Selected candidates call for the online counseling process conducted by the official authority. The counseling for both exams takes place through an online medium. Selected candidates can check their counseling schedule at the and also it will be done after the month of the exams. The seat you will get is based on your performance in the examination. Selected candidates get registered for admission after the confirmation. There are two to three rounds of counseling take place. After the counseling, you will have to submit the required documents to the university and it will be verified by the officials and then you will have to pay admission fees and get admission.

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