AEEE 2022: AEEE stands for Amrita Engineering Entrance Examination. AEEE exams are conducted every year and this year in 2022 also they will commence the examination. It is a university-level examination. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham conducts entrance examination every year to admit eligible students to the B.Tech programs offered at 5 engineering campuses. The exam aims at choosing the eligible candidates on different campuses including Bengaluru, Amritapuri (Kollam), Ettimadai (Coimbatore), and Vengal (Chennai). Those who are desperate to appear in the examination can access the complete details below:
AEEE 2022 Notification:
- 3rd June 2022: AEEE 2022 Application form has been released and the last date to apply is 10th June 2022.
AEEE 2022: Highlights
Exam Name | Amrita Engineering Entrance Examination (AEEE) 2022 |
Conducted By | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University) |
Exam Level | University Level |
Exam Type | UG Level |
Category | Engineering Entrance Exams |
Mode Of Application Form | Online |
Official Website | |
AEEE 2022 Exam Date:
Find below the AEEE 2022 Exam Date, Start to submit application form, deadline to submit an application form, Admit card download, etc:
Events | Exam Dates |
Online application form sales (OMR and Online) start | 30th December 2021 |
Closing to submit online Application Form | 10th June 2022 |
Last date for receiving Application Form for PPT | To be announced |
CBT exam Slot booking Date | To be announced |
Closing Stot Booking for CBT | To be announced |
P&P exam Admit card Download | To be announced |
AEEE 2022 Exam Date | - Phase 1: 17th June 2022 To 19th June 2022
- Phase 2: 31st July 2022 To 2nd August 2022
Offline Exam date for PPT | To be announced |
AEEE Result Announcement Date | To be announced |
Option open to change the Profile & academic preference | To be announced |
Trial Allotment, clarification of doubts | To be announced |
Fees last date for candidates satisfied with the first allotment | To be announced |
Second Allotment to those who opted for sliding and those who are below the last rank in the first allotment | To be announced |
fees pay the last date for candidates satisfied with the branches in the second allotment | To be announced |
Third Allotment to those who opted for sliding and those who are below the last rank in the second allotment | To be announced |
Last date to pay the fees for candidates satisfied with the branches allotted in the third allotment | To be announced |
Verification of documents & filling the vacant seats | To be announced |
The process to apply consisted of the following steps:
- Candidates can apply through only Online modes.
- Choose the code for filling up the application form.
- The application form releases in December.
- Fill in details like personal, educational, and other required details carefully.
- Upload the scanned photos as well as a signature in either JPEG format or JPG format. The size of the photo in both formats should be 20 KB.
- The dimension of the scanned images should be 3.5 cm Width X 4.5 cm Height (photograph), and 3.5 cm width and 1.5 cm height (signature).
- Printed OMR application forms can also be acquired from the head post office, federal bank, and Dhanlaxmi Bank.
- Seek a printout of the application form for further help.
AEEE Application Fee:
- You can apply online for the application fee using modes such as Net Banking, debit, or credit card.
- If you apply offline, then make payment through Demand Draft in the name of Amrita School of Engineering which is to payable at “Coimbatore”.
- The application fee costs Rs. 1000/-.
- The fee is not refundable.
Steps to apply for AEEE 2022 Application Form:
- Visit the website of AEEE 2022.
- On the home page of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham university and click on B.Tech. 2022.
- Then click on “Apply Now” and then click on “Register” which will be redirected to the registration form.
- Fill the registration form with required details like Email Id, Phone Number, Password, then select the Degree, Program Applying for and Campus then click on the “Register” button.
- After login candidates can see the Application Form with some instructions.
- The Application Form will consist of details like Personal, Educational, communications, and examination centers details.
- Upload the Documents.
- Pay the application form fee for the final submission of the application form.
- Once the transaction will be completed take the printout of the filled Application Form and Fee Receipt for future reference.
AEEE 2022 Application Form: Click here
Eligibility Criteria:
- Aspirants must be born on or after 1st July 2001.
- Candidates must clear the intermediate or some equivalent examination from some recognized university or board with subjects such as Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics.
- The minimum marks candidates should have obtained is 55% in every subject and 60% aggregate in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics.
- Those who are appearing in intermediate can also apply for the AEEE entrance test.
- The minimum eligibility for management quota should be 80% aggregate in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
Exam Pattern:
- The examination is commenced in Online modes.
- The Question paper consist of multiple-choice questions
- There is 60 Objective Type Questions in the question paper.
- The exam duration is two and a half hours.
- Total marks will be 170 marks.
- The candidate will be awarded 3 marks for every correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
- Candidates need to answer in the English language only.
Subjects | Number of Question | Marks |
Chemistry | 10 | 30 |
Mathematics | 30 | 90 |
Physics | 15 | 45 |
English | 5 | 15 |
Total | 60 | 170 |
- Chemistry: Colligative properties, Thermodynamics, Stereochemistry, and Organic nitrogen compounds, P block elements, Basic Chemical calculations, d and f block elements, Atomic structure & periodicity, Chemical bonding, – S-block and hydrogen, Solid-state, Coordination compounds, Biomolecules, and Environmental Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Gaseous State & Surface chemistry, Chemical, and Ionic Equilibria, Hydrocarbons & Polymers, Organic halogen compounds, Organic functional groups, Chemical kinetics, Basic Organic chemistry
- Mathematics: Integral Calculus, Differential Equations, Co-ordinate Geometry, Sets, Matrices and Determinants, Relations and Functions, Complex Numbers, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, Sequences and Series, Quadratic Equations, Trigonometry, Probability, Differential Calculus, The Straight Line and Pair of Straight Lines, Circles and Family of Circles, Conic Sections, Vector Algebra and Three-Dimensional Geometry.
- Physics: Electrostatics, Current Electricity and Magnetostatics, Units and dimensions, Kinematics, Electromagnetic Induction, and Electromagnetic Wave Mechanics, Solids and Fluids, Oscillations and Waves, Heat and Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Ray and Wave Optics, Modern Physics.
- English: Antonyms, Preposition, Verbs, Articles, Synonyms
Amrita University 2022 Admit Card:
- The Amrita University 2022 Admit Card will be provided to the candidates after the selection process gets over.
- The slot booking will start in April.
- The admit card will be released in April.
- Download the admit card by entering the application number, email address, and date of birth.
- Make sure for carrying the admit card on examination day at the examination center.
- Admit card consisted of all details such as roll number, exam center details, etc.
- Admit card is not available by post.
AEEE 2022 Result:
To seek the results of AEEE 2022, make sure for visiting the main website. For accessing the examination, ensure to enter the registration number, date of birth, and security code. Once the results are declared, the merit list will be prepared soon. Based on this merit list, candidates will seek admission to the course.
AEEE Cut Off:
Once the result for Amrita University is announced, the cut-off will be released at the same time. Based on the cut-off the candidates will shortlist and will be given a call for the counseling process. The cut-off denotes the minimum marks gained by the candidates for qualifying the examination.
AEEE Counselling 2022:
The Amrita University 2022 counseling process will start in May. Candidates are required to submit the amount of Rs 5000/- through demand draft as the counseling fee. The counseling call letter will also release in May only. Rank list and counseling will release through online mode only. The counseling process is arranged on three different campuses. Candidates will be given an option for counseling in any of the three campuses as per their choice.
Documents Needed for Counseling:
- Admit Card & Score Card
- 10thclass certificate for Date of Birth
- 12th class Mark sheets
- 12th class Admit Card
- Transfer Certificate
- Community Certificate
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Please tell me about attempt counting in a year