It is crucial for every candidate to know in detail about the AFMC Exam Pattern of the AFMC MBBS test. Usually, the Exam pattern consisted of a length of question paper, marking scheme, marks per subject, number of questions and lots more. Once the applicant gets aware of the exam pattern, this will help in making preparations in a better way. Before that, know a little about AFMC. This is mainly Armed Forces Medical College that conducts MBBS entrance test so that excellent brainy can come out and seek admission to various reputed educational institutions. The offline mode of the examination is mandatory for every applicant, thus all the best while you make the preparation and bring the best out of you.
It is crucial for all candidates to know exactly about the AFMC Exam pattern which is given below:
Structure of Paper:
For cracking the AFMC test in the best way, ensure for attempting all the questions. For attempting well in the examination, ensure for using the previous papers and get some tips.
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Pl. give some samples of questions for AFMC 2021 Exam Pattern
how much marks i should score in NEET exam to become eligible for AFMC examination.....plz reply fast