Engineering 2023

AIEEE 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Pattern, Admit Card & Result

Exam Dates Application Form Eligibility Result

AIEEE 2023AIEEE 2023AIEEE 2023: Those who wish to excel in their career in Engineering and looking forward to joining IIT, NIT, and some other colleges required to participate in AIEEE 2023 examination. This examination is also known as JEE Main 2023. Interested candidates need to appear in the examination by filling the application form via an official link and start with the preparation soon.

Some changes in the Year 2023: There are some changes in the AIEEE 2023-24 examination. Because this time, there will be 40% weight that will give to board marks and 60% to the JEE main score. This is so for admission to NIT (National Institute of Technology). However, the year 2023 has brought some changes which lead to admission to NIT based on the main scores in JEE Main scores. Recently the government-appointed panel recommended the dividing of the weight given to the marks attained in the board exam.

AIEEE Notification (Latest):

  • Right now no notification released for AIEEE 2023.

AIEEE 2023 Eligibility Criteria:

Every examination has its own Eligibility Criteria and thus for AIEEE 2023. Here are the eligibility criteria details:

  • Those who have born on or after Oct 01, 1996, can apply for AIEEE 2023 examination. But those who belong to categories such as SC, ST, and PWD will be age relaxed with the upper age limit by 5 years. This means that those who are born on or after Oct 01, 1991, are eligible to apply for the examination. Date of birth will be considered mentioned in the certificate of Secondary Education Board or University.
  • Candidates have to pass class 12th or some equivalent exam in 2023 or else those who are appearing in class 12th or some equivalent exam in 2023 can appear in JEE Main. Those who have completed 12th, qualifying examination in the year 2023 or prior and those who have appeared in the examination in the year 2023 or later not considered valid for appearing the JEE Main 2023.
  • It is crucial to know that the number of subjects in QE includes at least five subjects in 12th to be eligible for written JEE Main. On the contrary, those who have taken four subjects not permitted to appear in the written test of JEE Main 2023.

AIEEE 2023 Application Form:

  • The application for JEE Main is provided via online mode. Make sure for filling the application form and upload the signature, thumb impression, as well as photographs. Ensure to keep a hard copy of the form for avoiding all emergency cases.
  • There are situations where an offer of admission needs to be the move for verification of the original documents during the time of admission. If you are found ineligible even after seeking admission then cancellation of the admission will take place at the same time.

AIEEE 2023 Exam Date:

Events January session(2023) April session(2023)
Application Form Availability Date: September February
last date of the Application form to submit: October March
Last day to Pay Registration Fee: October March
JEE Main 2023 Registration open again May
Application correction October July
Change exam center cities in the application form July
Download the Admit Card: December August
JEE Main 2023 Exam Date: January September
Answer Key publish date: January
All India Ranks announce for JEE Main 2023: January

Important Notes for AIEEE Exam:

If the candidate is interested in joining the JEE Main. Then apply via online mode only because there will be no other mode to apply. In order to apply, ensure for moving to the website

  • Make sure that you follow the eligibility criteria mentioned in the JEE Main Advanced and also in the State Institutions
  • Please ensure for submitting only one application form rather than using multiple applications because this may lead to rejection.
  • Ensure that you mention the name of the parents exactly mentioned as the registration in class 12th or in the equivalent qualifying exam. No need to add prefix such as Mr/Shri/ /Mrs/Smt/ Fr/Dr/Col etc.
  • Payment of fees can be made via various options such as debit cards, credit cards, e-challan. If you have chosen for e-challan then ensure that payment is done in cash in the banks such as Canara/ICICI/ Syndicate/HDFC. Once the application fee is paid, there will not be refund like scenario.
  • There won’t be any change in the submission of the application form. But a chance will be given to make modification in some particulars in the online form with all possible reasons. For making corrections, some specific date is provided. Thus candidates are required to access the info from the main website. No need to make changes via the application, fax, etc.
Best Book for AIEEE Exam
AIEEE Answer Key
AIEEE Admit Card

AIEEE Result 2023:

  • Those who are expecting the result of the examination then check the result via online mode. Use the main website to check the website and seek the details. The result will appear rough in the online mode only.
  • The marks of the class 12th or some equivalent exam will get displayed on the main site most probably in the month of June. Candidates are required to check the marks and make confirmation of the marks via the website. If any discrepancy is found then upload the copy of the mark sheet via online mode.
  • In case of modification in the qualifying exam marks because of verification, result revision, re-totaling. Then make sure for uploading a copy of the revised mark sheet in the month of June. It is important to mark that a revised mark sheet will not accept after June month.
  • Candidates are required to have a valid email address and personal ID. Make sure for using the mobile number. Retain the mobile number as well as the email address in use which is furnished in the application form as essential info is given to the candidate via email or text message.

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