MBA 2023

AIMA RMAT 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Syllabus, Result

AIMA RMAT 2023 will be commended for PhD in Business Administration. All India Management Association or AIMA is the national level body of the management profession. It gets support from the Government of India and Industry in 1957. It has contributed to the Management field and has a strong base of 68 Local Management Associations with a membership of several corporate/institutional members. AIMA consisted of Boards of Government bodies such as AICTEs, NBA, NPC and etc.

AIMA RMAT 2023-Highlights:

  • Exam Name: Research Management Aptitude Test (RMAT)
  • Exam Conducting Body: All India Management Association (AIMA)
  • Exam Purpose: Admission to Ph.D of Business Administration
  • Exam Frequency: Once in a year

Eligibility Criteria:

Check the below-given eligibility criteria before applying for AIMA RMAT 2023 exam:

  • Applicants must have cleared their master’s degree in allied subjects or management from Humanities, Commerce, Engineering, Law, etc., or must have completed their PGDM/PGDITM degree approved by AICTE with a minimum of 55% marks or its equivalent.
  • Those who have cleared their professional qualification such as Chartered Accountancy (CA), Cost Accountancy or any other professional degree with minimum of 55% marks are eligible to apply for the test.
  • Applicant must be a graduate with at least 50% marks in total aggregate
  • Those who have completed their 5 years of teaching experience as a full-time faculty in a management institute approved by AICTE and 5 years of post-qualification work experience at the managerial level may also apply for the exam.

AIMA RMAT 2023 Application Form:

To apply for AIMA, visit the official website of AIMA. Those who have applied for the first time need to generate their login credentials. Enter personal and academic details in the application form correctly. Besides this, upload the relevant document and pay the application fee.

Application Fee:

Submit the application fee of or Rs 1500/- to apply for any of the given below AIMA RMAT 2023 modes:

  • Demand Draft (DD)
  • Debit card
  • Credit card
  • Net Banking

If you are using the DD mode then make a demand draft of Rs 1500/- drawn in favor of “All India Management Association” and payable at New Delhi. Here is the address to send DD:

Manager (PhD Programme), AIMA-CME, Management House, 14 Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003

AIMA RMAT 2023 Exam Date:

Activities Date
Availability of the Online application form February 2023
Online registration Deadline June 2023
Admit card date released June 2023
AIMA RMAT 2023 Exam Date June 2023
Declaration of result July 2023
Interview date July 2023
Final result August 2023

Exam Center:

Here is the list of exam centers to appear in AIMA RMAT 2023:

  • Ahmedabad
  • Bangalore
  • Chennai
  • Delhi,
  • Hyderabad
  • Kolkata
  • Mumbai

Selection Process:

The selection of eligible applicants is based on the two-phased selection process. Both of these are as follows:

  1. Written test Research Management Aptitude Test (R-MAT)
  2. Interview of shortlisted candidates

Admit Card:

After successfully submitting the application form, applicants can download the admit card from the official website. To download the hall ticket/admit card, candidates are required to use their login credentials such as application number, date of birth/email id generated at the time of registration. Download the admit card as soon as it is released. It is mandatory to carry the print of the admit card to the examination center. Make sure to carry an ID proof (Voter ID, Passport, Aadhaar card, PAN card, or Driving license) along with the admit card.

Exam Pattern:

The examination pattern details for AIMA RMAT 2023 are as follows:

  • The exam will be conducted in online mode.
  • Paper will be for one and a half hour duration
  • Question paper will have Objective Type Questions (MCQs)
  • There will be two sections in the paper – Research Fundamental and Attitude & Basic of Management
  • Negative marking is not the case in the paper.

Exam Syllabus:

The section-wise topics appearing in the AIMA RMAT 2023 are as follows:

  • Basic of Management: Functions of managers in business organizations, Meaning Power and authority, Managerial skills and levels, Fundamentals of human resource management, Functions of human resource managers, training and appraisal, Concepts and components of the marketing mix, Functions of marketing managers, Indian financial systems, Basic accounting concepts, Functions of finance managers, Globalization of business, Balance sheet and its components, Statistical quality control techniques, Functions of operations managers, Elements of the business environment, Inventory costs and simple models
  • Research Fundamentals and Attitude: Steps in research, Decisional and research problems, Types and properties of the four types of scales used for data collection, primary and secondary data, Types of sampling methods, Data interpretation, Population and sample, Logical reasoning, Methods of data collection, Research and teaching aptitude, Types of variables, Overview of the higher education system in India, Research ethics

Exam Result:

The examination result of RMAT 2023 will be released by AIMA through online mode. Candidates are required to use their login credentials to check the result in the form of merit. Those who find their names in the merit list will appear for further rounds. Furthermore, results can also be checked via the registered email address or SMS.


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