AP PGLCET 2023: stands for Andhra Pradesh Post Graduate Law Common Entrance Test. The examination is announced by Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu on behalf of APSCHE. The applications are invited for those who are looking for applying for the examination such as the LL.M course into university as well as to the affiliated colleges in AP state for the year 2023. For more about AP PGLCET 2023 Application Form, Exam Dates, Exam Pattern, Eligibility Criteria, Syllabus, Answer Key, etc:
AP PGLCET 2023 Exam Date:
Events | Exam Dates |
AP LAWCET Notification date | February 2023 |
Online Application form Start to submit | February 2023 |
Without late fees to submit online application form date | April 2023 |
Registration form online submit without late fees of Rs 500/- Last date | May 2023 |
Last date Online Registration Form submit date without late fees of Rs 1000/- | May 2023 |
Online Registration Form Last Date to submit without late fees of Rs 1500/- | May 2023 |
With late fees of Rs 5000/- for the write entrance test in Anantapuramu | May 2023 |
AP LAWCET 2023 Exam Date | May 2023 |
AP PGLCET 2023 Application Form:
The candidates who are eligible to apply for AP PGLCET 2023 can use the online option. The registration process is divided into two different phases. The first phase consisted of depositing the application form and the second phase consisted of the submission of the application form. Make sure to take printouts and keep them safely for further use.
Payment via Offline Mode:
- Make sure to pay an application fee. Candidates are required to visit the nearest AP Online center
- Provide all the important details such as name, address, mobile number as well as make the payment
- You will get a fee for receipt at the mentioned centre consisted of ‘Journal number’. Then proceed will submit the application
Payment via Online Mode:
- Sign in the official website by clicking ‘’online payment’. Choose the post applying for AP PGLCET as well as the district belonging to you. Enter personal details Select the right mode for making payment and for this go to ‘’payment of Gateway’ and choose the bank. Press ‘Make Payment’ and then click submit
- Get done with the completion of the banking process. You will receive ‘Journal Number’ and then can proceed with submission of the application fee
Application Fee and Payment Info:
- The cost of the registration fee is Rs 600/-.
- The fee can be paid to any of the AP online centre via different payment gateways such as credit card, debit card, and internet banking
Eligibility Criteria:
- The candidate must be a resident of India.
- The candidate is required to belong to the state of Andhra Pradesh and should satisfy the local as well as non-local status needs which are laid in Andhra Pradesh State Educational institutions or 1974 as subsequently amended
Educational Qualification:
- Those who are holding the degree of LL.B / B.L 3/5 year on the date of the application and those who are appearing for LL.B / B.L in the final year examination are eligible to appear in the exam
- Those who are taking admission to LL.M private appearance of Osmania University, Hyderabad must have a minimum experience of 3 years as the judicial officer or 3 years standing as an advocate on the date of appearing for the PGLCET exam.
How to Fill the Online Application:
- First of all sign in the official website http://www.aplawcet.org. Read the instructions carefully for how to fill the application form. Then click on the ‘Apply Online’ link
- You will come across the web page which will appear on the screen. Choose the apt registration fee payment mode like from AP Online (or) Debit / Credit card and press it.
- After pressing the button click ‘Payment verification’. Fill the details in the mentioned fields after clicking the button such as ‘Proceed filling application form’ will appear on the screen
- Fill all the academic, personal, study, as well as reservation info. Then upload the photo and signature. Press ‘Save’ button
- Lastly, click the submit button. Take a print out of the application form mentioned as ‘Reference Id’
- Click the link ‘Print your Application’. Enter the details and press submit
Info Needed while Filling the Application Form:
- Hall ticket number/ Year of passing, place of study, percentage achieved in the qualifying examination.
- Study details for the degrees up to Degree / Intermediate
- Personal details as well as Address for correspondence
- Caste certificate in case of SC / ST / BC candidate.
- PH, NCC, NSS, CAP, Sports, etc
- Income up to 1lakh or 2 lakhs or more than 2 lakhs.
- Residence or Study or Relevant certificate for proof of the local status.
- Choice of helpline centers for verification of the certificates during the time of admission
AP PGLCET Regional Center:
Make sure to fill the regional centre of your choice where the candidate wishes to appear in the test. Test centres consisted of Tirupati, Visakhapatnam, Guntur, and Anantapuram
AP PGLCET Syllabus:
- Jurisprudence: Schools of Jurisprudence – Sources of law, Custom Precedent and Legislation, Persons, Obligation, Property, Rights and duties-Ownership and possession, Liability, Legal sanctions.
- Constitutional Law: Nature of the Constitution: Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Rights, Executive Judiciary and Legislature, Center-State Relations Emergency Provisions, Amendments to the Constitution.
- Public International Law: Subjects, International law and Municipal Law, State Territory, Air, Sea and Outer Space, Nationality and Statelessness, Extradition, Asylum, State Jurisdiction, United Nations.
- Mercantile Law: General principles of contract (sections 1-75,Indian contract ACT-1872).
- Labour Law: Trade Union Act 1926, Industrial Disputes ACT 1947.
- Crimes: India Penal code -General Principle and General Exceptions.
- Torts: General Principles of Tort, Defenses, Joint Liability, State Liability for torts, Consumer Protection Act 1986.
- IPR and Other Laws: Copyright Act, 1957, Patents Act,1970; Environmental Protection ACT, 1986; Human rights, The protection of human rights ACT, 1993, Salient features of Information Technology, Act, 2000 and Right to Information Act 2005.
Exam pattern:
The entrance test for AP PGLCET 2023 is purely based on online mode. The paper consisted of 120 objective type questions having multiple options. The time duration is for 90 minutes. Every question consisted of four different options; choose the right one out of them. Every correct answer means 1 mark addition. There is no negative marking. Paper will be English language only
Marking scheme:
- Jurisprudence consisted of 20 Questions
- Constitutional Law consisted of 20 Questions
- Public International Law consisted of 16 Questions
- Mercantile Law for16 Questions
- Labour Law for16 Questions
- Crimes and Torts for16 Questions
- IPR and Other Laws for16 Questions
Cut off marks:
The qualifying cut off marks in the entrance test consisted of 25% marks.
AP PGLCET Answer Key:
The answer key will be published on the official website. Candidates can make a calculation of the marks after acknowledging the total answers correctly marked via the key. In case of any sort of complaints like for keys, questions then one can submit the complaint to the exam authority in written with the required documents which are challenged the prior result.