Bachelor Degree 2023

APRDC CET 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Eligibility

APRDC CET 2023: Andhra Pradesh Residential Educational Institutions Society (APREIS) is the conducting body of the Common Entrance Test for Andhra Pradesh Degree Colleges. This examination is held every year in July or August Month. You can check official notification online through the website of the institution i.e. Application for the examination will begin in June month. They offer a degree program for B.A. B.Sc. and B.Com. Applicants are requested to check all the eligibility criteria of the examination. In this article, you will get the information related to form, exam dates, eligibility criteria, syllabus, pattern, etc.

APRDC CET 2023 Application form:

Applicants fill the application form online by going through the official website. Notification will release in the month of June.  You can fill application online by going through the official link for the application.

  • Registration for APRDC CET starts in June month. Candidates can register before the last date
  • After registration, you will get the application form and start filling it
  • Fill in all personal details, residential address and educational details, etc
  • Upload all the required documents in the given format
  • Upload passport size photograph and signature in the required format
  • Pay application fee online by using online paying link given on page
  • Quick review and submit dully-filled application form

Documents Required for APRDC CET:

  1. High school Mark sheet and certificate
  2. Intermediate Mark sheet certificate
  3. Category certificate
  4. Signature/ photograph scanned

Application Fee:

Application fees can be paid online by using online payment gateways like Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, UPI and payment wallets. It is advisable to pay the application fee before the last date to avoid last-minute complications.

The application fee of APRDC CET for all category candidates is Rs.250/-

APRDC CET 2023 Exam Date:

Event Tentative Date/s
Application Form Begins March 2023
Last Date to Apply to submit the form June 2023
Fee Submit Last Date June 2023
Availability of the Hall Ticket To Be Announced
APRJC CET 2023 Exam To Be Announced
Answer Key Release Date To Be Announced
Result Date announced To Be Announced
Counselling Process To be Notified

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants must have to check eligibility criteria before applying for the examination. Eligibility criteria for the examination are as follows:

Education Qualification:

  • Candidates must have passed 10+2 from recognized Board and Institution of Telangana state.
  • General category candidates must have secure minimum of 50% marks in intermediate with English subject.
  • SC/ST candidates must have secured a minimum 40% marks in intermediate with English subject.
  • Candidates who have a gap after the intermediate are not eligible to apply.
  • To apply for B.Com course candidates must have Economics, Commerce-1 and Commerce-2 as the main subject in intermediate.
  • To apply for B.Sc (MEC) candidates must have Maths, Economics and Commerce as main subjects in intermediate.
  • To apply for B.Sc (MPC) candidates must have Math, Physics, and Chemistry as main subjects.

Nationality:  Those who are applying for the examination must be Indian Citizens.

  • Examination Pattern
  • Exam Date- To be announced
  • Exam Mode- Pen and Paper based
  • Time Duration-   2 and half hours
  • Exam language- English and Telugu
  • Section of Paper- There are three papers of 40 marks for each subject and each subject carries an English subject with the addition of 30 marks.
  • Total questions-   150 (120+30 English)
  • Total Marks- 150 (120+30 English)
  • Question paper Types- Multiple Choice
  • Marking scheme- One mark for each correct answer and there is no negative marking scheme.

According to the subjects question paper will be consist of the following pattern:

  • English, Mathematics and Physical Science- 150 marks
  • English, BioScience and Physical Science- 150 marks
  • English, Social Studies and Mathematics- 150 marks
  • English, Mathematics and Physical Science- 150 marks
  • English, BioScience and Physical Science- 150 marks

Exam Syllabus

The examination syllabus is based on the subjects you have opt for the entrance test. The questions will be asked from the following subjects English, Physics, Mathematics, History, Economics, Commerce, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany. It is advisable to prepare according to the subjects based on the 12th examination.


Cell: structure and functions, Complexities of the plants life, The diversity of plant life, Genetic material, Morphology of angiosperms, Common plant disease, Processes in plants, Taxonomy of flowering plants, Ecology, Recombinant DNA and tissue culture, Animal Reproduction and Human Development, Economy Botany, Classification, Animal Histology, Animal world, Animal Morphology, Animal locomotion, Animal Respiration, Animal Physiology, Animal Excretion, Animal Circulation, The diversity of human life, Cellular growth, Human endocrine system, Human disease, Control and Coordination, Genetics, Biotechnology, Human development, Biology in Human welfare, Modern techniques in diseases diagnosis


Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Molecular physics, Statistical mechanics, Atoms, Experimental Physics, Relativity, Condensed Matter Physics, Electromagnetic Theory, Mathematical methods, Nuclear Physics, Electronics, Classical mechanics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Quantum Theory and its Applications


Structure of Atoms, Solid-state, Classification of Elements, Periodicity, Surface chemistry, States of matter, Hydrogen, Equilibrium, Process of isolation of elements, Chemical kinetics, Solutions, P,D,F Block elements, Coordination Compound, Ethers, Ketenes, Bimolecular, Carboxylic acids, Amines, General organic chemistry, Hydrocarbons, General organic chemistry, Environmental chemistry


Quadratics equations, Binomial Theorem, Complex numbers, The fundamental principle of counting, Sets, Relations and Functions, Probability, Arithmetic’s, Geometric, Harmonic Progressions, Vectors and Scalars, Integral as an anti-derivative,  Differential Calculus Polynomials, Data Representation and Computer basics knowledge


Sentence and Paragraph Writing, jumbled words, Word meaning, Unseen passage, Grammar and Comprehension, Antonyms, Synonyms, Precise Writing, Fill in the blanks, opposite words, Sentence making,

Admit Card

Candidates can get admit Card from the official website ( of the University. Download hall ticket by using application number and date of birth credentials. Take a print out of your admit card. You will have to carry admit card with you at the time of the entrance exam because without it one should not be allowed in the entrance hall. You also have to carry identity proof such as an Adhaar card along with Admit Card.


The result of the examination will be released online after the examination in the month of July. It will be released on the online at the official website. You can download by using your roll number or entering your Date of Birth. After checking the result you will get to know your qualifying status of the exam and then you will be able to appear in the counseling.

Counseling/ Seat Allotment:

After the examination merit list will be prepared on the basis of the total marks scored by the individual in the entrance examination. After the analysis of marks the total cut-off marks will be released and on the basis of that merit list will be prepared for the selected candidates. Selected candidates call for the online counseling process conducted by the official authority. There is a total of three rounds of the counseling that takes place. The seat you will get on the basis of performance in the examination. To appear in the counseling you need to pay a fee through online. After the whole process, you will have to pay the admission fee and get admission to the college.


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