APRJC CET 2022: The Andhra Pradesh Residential Educational Institution Society (APREI) Amravati conducts a typical passage test which is known as the APRJC CET or the Andhra Pradesh State Residential Junior College Common Entrance Test each year during the long stretch of May. Competitors in the wake of meeting all requirements for the APRJC CET become qualified for induction into the first-year middle of the road in quite a while arranged in the province of Andhra Pradesh. For APRDC CET, if it’s not too much trouble, click on the connection.
Each one of those understudies concentrating in class X in the territory of Andhra Pradesh and who will show up for their Board test in the period of March 2022, can apply for APRJC CET 2022. The candidate should likewise be a resident of India. The directing body acknowledges the APRJC CET application types of the relative multitude of candidates independent of the station they have a place with. There is an aggregate of 10 organizations that offers seats to qualified applicants based on APRJC CET scores.
APRJC CET 2022 Notification:
- APRJC CET 2022 Application Form has been released on 28th April 2022.
APRJC CET 2022: Highlights
Organization Name | Andhra Pradesh Residential Educational Institutions |
Exam Name | APRJC Common Entrance Test 2022 (APRJC-CET 2022) |
Level of Examination | State Level Examination |
Mode Of Application Form | Online |
Official Site | aprjdc.apcfss.in |
APRJC CET 2022 Exam Date:
Event | Tentative Date/s |
Application Form Begins | 28th April 2022 |
Last Date to Apply to submit the form | 20th May 2022 |
Fee Submit Last Date | 20th May 2022 |
Availability of the Hall Ticket | To Be Announced |
APRJC CET 2022 Exam | 5th June 2022 |
Answer Key Release Date | To Be Announced |
Result Date announced | To Be Announced |
Counselling Process | To be Notified |
APRJC CET 2022 Application Form:
After the finish of the enlistment/application measure for the APRJC CET 2022 (Intermediate) closes, the new test date is delivered. The initial move towards taking the APRJC CET test will be to apply for APRJC CET 2022 in online mode. The competitors need to finish the online application method for APRJC CET to bring entrance into one of the private universities in the Andhra Pradesh state. It is generally suggested that the hopefuls should finish their application form a long time before the last date to maintain a strategic distance from any 11th-hour bother.
The wannabes need to follow these basic advances on the off chance that they need to effectively apply for APRJC CET:
- Experience this exam qualification standard for 2022 and just when each checkbox is ticked go with the application form filling measure
- Pay the imperative APRJC CET 2022 application form expense, which is INR 250/ -, in online mode
- An auto-created Journal number will be given post-accommodation of the online application charge which will repeat the way that the authorities have gotten the application expense sum
- Give all the individual subtleties, for example, name, address, contact subtleties, and so forth in the particular textboxes
- Transfer the checked variant of the new photo according to the predetermined organization
- Pick the course from a rundown of courses for which you need to sit in the APRJC CET 2022 test
- Present the finished application form and keep a duplicate of the submitted APRJC CET application form for some time later.
- Note down the “Reference Number” which will assume its part during the admit card downloading measure
- Note: The candidates won’t roll out any improvements to their application form whenever it is submitted. It is in this manner prompted that the candidates should cross-check all the outfitted subtleties prior to tapping on the “Submit” button
Eligibility Criteria:
The accompanying pointers will examine the itemized qualification measures for the APRJC CET:
- The candidate should be an occupant of India
- The candidate probably examined and cleared the passing test from an Andhra Pradesh school as it were
- The application types of just those competitors will be acknowledged by the specialists who will clear their passing assessment in March 2022
- Open class candidates probably finished the passing test with at least 6.0 GPA and at least 4.0 GPA in English at the passing level.
- Held classification candidates (OBC, SC, ST, and Minority) more likely than not finished the passing assessment with at least 5.0 GPA and at least 4.0 GPA in English at the passing level
Exam Pattern:
Through the accompanying pointers, the competitors will have a reasonable piece of thought in regards to the test design:
- APRJC CET is an offline test
- APRJC CET is directed for 5 unique projects – BPC, MPC, EET, MEC/CEC, and CGDT
- Objective-type questions are asked in the APRJC CET test
- The greatest imprint for APRJC CET is 150 (50 for each subject)
- The greatest time length of the APRJC CET test is 150 minutes, i.e 2 hours and 30 minutes
- Competitors are furnished with an OMR sheet in which their reactions are recorded
- Inquiries depend on the class Xth prospectus
- The vehicle of guidance for APRJC CET is in the English language as it were
APRJC CET Syllabus 2022:
The syllabus for the Exam is too detailed to be discussed over here and for accurate details, you can feel free to visit the official website.
Admit Card:
The accompanying pointers will assist the up-and-comers with downloading their APRJC CET lobby ticket for 2022:
- Visit the authority site of APREIS by means of the connection – https://apreis.apcfss.in/
- Discover the “Hall Ticket” interface on the landing page
- Snap-in the APRJC CET corridor ticket connect
- Enter all the necessary APRJC CET up-and-comer subtleties and snap on “Submit”
- The lobby ticket for the exam will show up on the PC screen
- Confirm all the subtleties referenced on the corridor ticket and download/save the equivalent.
Answer Key
The answer key will be available online on the official website as soon as the result is likely to be declared.
Here are sure advances which the applicants need to utilize to check the APRJC CET 2022 outcome:
Visit the authority site of Andhra Pradesh Residential Educational Institution (APREI) Amravati by means of the connection – aprjdc.apcfss.in
- The authority site landing page will show up on the PC screen
- Post for the connection that peruses – Result 2022
- Snap on the APRJC CET result 2022 connection
- Round out the clear sections with the imperative subtleties
- Snap-on the “View” or “Submit” button in the wake of rounding out the subtleties
- The result for 2022will be shown on the PC screen
- Download the scorecard for future reference
Cut Off
Cut-off is as same as what is mentioned in the eligibility section above.