Assam JMEE 2023 is an examination conducts every year so that eligible applicants may get a chance to appear in MCA courses proffered in various institutions situated in Assam. The examination is organized by the Department of Technical Education, Assam, and is commenced by official authorities to provide admission to the qualified candidates on the basis of marks acquired by them in the exam. This information is not enough for those who wanted to apply for the examination. Assam JMEE 2023 is again an opportunity for those who are eagerly waiting to appear for this reputed exam and exam related all details are given below:
Those who are willing to apply for Assam JMEE 2023 must acquire the complete eligibility criteria here:
Check the eligibility carefully and if you think that you are fit into it then you must move forward to apply for JMEE 2023 examination. Given below are the details related to the application form:
Make a payment of the application fee using modes such as debit card/ credit card/ net banking. Application fee once paid will not be returned. Those who have planned to pay offline may use go to State Bank of India after generating the Cash Deposit Form from ‘State Bank Collect’ and submit the fee. The application fee will be Rs 1000/-
Events | Exam Dates |
Application form available | To Be Announced |
Last date to submit the application form | To Be Announced |
Admit Card | To Be Announced |
Assam JMEE 2023 Exam Date | To Be Announced |
Result | To Be Announced |
Counselling | To Be Announced |
Candidates must be ready with soft copies of the documents listed below before filling the application form of JMEE 2023.
It is crucial to check the exam pattern before applying for an examination so that exam preparation can be made accordingly.
Those who have successfully applied for Assam JMEE 2023 will receive an admit card from the official website. Download the admit card using the application number/ username and password. The admit card comprises of all important information such as exam date and time, name and address of the exam centre, etc. It is compulsory to carry a copy of the admit card to the exam centre. The candidate is not permitted to appear in the examination without an admit card.
Guwahati and Jorhat are the cities in Assam where Assam JMEE 2023 will conduct.
To check the examination result, check the official website using login credentials. Download the scorecard by entering roll number and Date of birth. Candidates will be able to get a glimpse of marks attained in the exam. After the result declaration, there will be counseling round.
Those who are selected and have their name on the merit list will be called for counseling. Candidates will be called according to ranks and reservation criteria. It is mandatory for candidates to report at the counselling venue in person along with the required documents for verification.
List of documents required for counseling: