Assam Police Recruitment 2023: Every year SLPRB or State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB) of Assam releases notification regarding the employment of individuals in varied posts under Assam police. Candidates willing to apply for the Assam Police Recruitment 2023 can take the help of the official website to know more details about the same. Tentatively from the month of June 2023, the application procedure will commence and will continue till the month ends. Candidates need not have to pay any application fee in order to apply for this. Any candidate who has registered his name in the Employment Exchange of Assam are eligible to apply. Forester, Forest Guard, Stenographer, Driver are some of the posts this recruitment offers. Experience is not required but extracurricular activities are given preference. A final merit list will be prepared after the written test takes place. This article will discuss the eligibility criteria, the application process, selection procedure, and so on.
Assam Police Recruitment 2023 Application Form:
The application procedure of the Assam Police Recruitment 2023 are as follows:
- Open the home page of the official website
- Candidates need to select the post and complete the registration by providing the required details.
- Furnish all personal and academic particulars in the application form.
- Photographs with signature and other documents must be uploaded as prescribed in the application form.
- No correction facility is available so applicants must recheck their forms before submission.
Assam Police Recruitment 2023 Dates:
Events | Dates |
Online application form submission date | March 2023 |
End to submit application form | June 2023 |
Following are the eligibility criteria for the candidates applying in various posts under Assam Police :
- Applicants need to be a resident of Assam, India.
- The lower age limit for applying in this category is 18 years.
- For the post of Stenographer and Forester, the lower age limit is 21 years.
- The upper age limit for applying in this category is 38 years.
- SC and ST candidates get an age relaxation of 5 years.
- For OBC and MOBC the age relaxation is 3 years.
- S.L.C or Class X qualification from a renowned Council or Board is required.
- NCC ‘A’ Certificate or Home Guards Training Certificate is also required from applicants applying for a constable category.
- Any candidate with only H.S.L.C. completion certificate and without Home Guards Training Certificate or NCC ‘A’ Certificate cannot apply for the above-mentioned post.
Assam Police 2023 Selection Process:
The SLPRB will go through the applications and only the selected applicants will be called for further rounds. The Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standards Test (PST) will be conducted for constable’s post. There will be no marks in PST but only PST qualified candidates will go for PET where there will be 2 events – a long jump and a race. A merit list will come up depending on the scores a candidate has obtained. For the Constable post, the written test will only take place after qualifying PET. Other than this the written test will take place for all candidates applying for varied categories under Assam Police Recruitment.
The syllabus differs for each post but candidates can refer to the below-mentioned syllabus to get an idea about the topics asked in the examination.
History, Geography, Polity, and Economy of Assam:
- Settlement Geography
- Soils and Vegetation
- Political Geography
- Transport and Trade
General Knowledge:
- Environment
- Assam – Education, Culture, Agriculture, Trade, Commerce, Social Issues
- Indian Agriculture, Trade & Commerce
- Natural Resources
- Geography – World, India
- Current Events – National & International
- Indian Polity
- Indian History and Assam History, etc.
- Geomorphology
- Adverb.
- Antonyms.
- Vocabulary.
- Comprehension.
- Sentence Rearrangement.
- Synonyms
- Parts of Speech, etc.
- Average
- Simple Interest
- Mensuration And Other Related Topics.
- Discount etc
Exam Pattern:
For the written test candidates need to answer 100 MCQ type questions for 50 marks. For each correct entry, ½ mark will be added. There is no provision of negative marking.
Admit Card:
- Applicants need to visit the official website
- Provide the log in particulars and press the submit option.
- The screen will display the admit card.
- After downloading the admit card candidates should collect a print out of the admit card for future reference.
Cut off:
SLPRB will disclose the cut off after the written exam takes place. The minimum qualifying marks are termed as cut off which are declared depending on the category a candidate has applied for. Candidates qualifying the cut-off score are called further for final selection.
Candidates need to go through the following steps to acquire their results:
- Check the official website of SLPRB.
- Check the notification of the result
- The name and roll numbers of all the selected applicants will be displayed.
Answer Key:
After the examination gets over SLPRB will announce the answer key on their official website. From the answer key candidates can find out their correct answers and can calculate the score they can obtain in the examination. No guidelines are there on the official website regarding the answer key. A week after the examination is conducted the answer key will be released on the Official Website.