PG Exam

AUCET 2022 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Pattern, Eligibility

AUCET 2022: AUCET is a state-level examination commenced by Andhra University, Visakhapatnam which provides an opportunity to many to enroll for seeking admission in desired postgraduate courses offered under Science, Commerce, Humanities, Management, Teaching and Journalism and Mass communication. The admission will be given by Andhra University and its affiliated colleges including Dr. BR Ambedkar University, Srikakulam based on the scores acquired in the AUCET entrance test. The admission offered to the courses like MSc, MA, MCom, MHRM, MJMC, MLISc, MPEd, MEd, MTech in several Andhra Universities.

AUCET 2022 Highlights:

  • Examination Name: Andhra University Common Entrance Test
  • Exam Frequency: Once a year
  • Exam Mode: Offline
  • Exam Duration: 90 minutes
  • Accepting Colleges: 2 colleges
  • Official Website:

Eligibility Criteria:

Those who are looking forward to applying for AUCET 2022 needs to check the eligibility criteria before applying for any of the courses:

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India and Andhra Pradesh, holding a relevant residential proof amended in the Andhra Pradesh State, Educational Institution 1974.
  • Candidate must have successfully completed graduation into courses such as Arts and Science along with 50% marks and 45% for reserved category applicants
  • Those who have appeared /appearing in the final year examination may also apply for the courses.
  • There is no specific age limit to appear for AUCET 2022.

AUCET 2022 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
AUCET 2022 start application forms Update will be soon
Closing date for an application form Update will be soon
Admit cards Update will be soon
AUCET 2022 Exam Date Update will be soon
Result Date Update will be soon
Counseling start Update will be soon

AUCET 2022 Application Form:

It is crucial to apply for AUCET 2022 by filling an application form. Avail of the application form using the official website and fill in all the details mentioned in it. For AUCET 2022 registrations, candidates are required to fill the application form using the official website of the Andhra University. Submit the application fee after entering and submitting the application form. The amount can be submitted via various modes such as debit card/ credit card/ net banking or even by offline mode such as Andhra Bank/ SBI Challan.

  • General/OBC category applicants will submit Rs 600/-
  • SC/ ST/ PHC category applicants will submit Rs 500/-

After submitting the application form and application fee, seek the printout and keep it safe for further use.

AUCET Courses Offered:

Following are the courses offered at Andhra University:

M.P.Ed, M.A. Music, M.A. Dance, MFA (sculpture, painting, print making), M.A. Hindi  M.A. Sanskrit, M.Tech Ocean Science, Tech Petroleum Exploration & Production, M.Tech Atmospheric Science, M.A. Economics, M.A. History, M.A. Applied Economics, B.F.A, M.H.R.M, MA. English, M.A. Telugu, M.Com, MA Women Studies, M.Sc Geography, PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy, Adult & Continuing Education, M.A. Social Work, M.A. Sociology, M.A. Political Science, M.A. Public Administration, M.Ed        M.J.M.C, M.A. Philosophy, M.A. Anthropology, M.S. Mass Communication & Studies, M.L.I.Sc., M.Sc. Geology, M.Sc Chemistry, M.Sc Statistics, M.Tech Applied Geology, M.Sc Electronics, M.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. Space Physics, M.Sc. Marine Geophysics, M.Sc. Meteorology, M.Sc. Physical Oceanography, M.Sc. Nuclear Physics, M.Sc. Biochemistry, M.Sc. Biotechnology, M.Sc. Agricultural Biotechnology      M.Sc. Horticulture & Landscape Management, M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, M.Sc Botany, M.Sc. Human Genetics, M.Sc. Marine Biology and Fisheries, M.Sc. Zoology, M.Sc. Microbiology, M.Sc. Fishery Science M.Sc. Home Science, M.Sc. Anthropology and M.Sc. Geophysics

AUCET Exam Centres 2022:

AUCET 2022 exam can be conducted in any of the examination centres mentioned below:

  • Visakhapatnam
  • Srikakulam
  • Vizianagaram
  • Kakinada
  • Rajahmundry
  • Eluru
  • Vijayawada
  • Guntur

Exam Pattern:

Check the examination pattern given below:

  • AUCET 2022 examination will be commenced in the offline mode.
  • The question paper will be consisted of 100 objective type questions.
  • The candidate needs to complete the paper in a duration of 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • The candidate will receive 1 mark for every correct answer and there will be no negative marking. The questions will appear from subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Geology, English, Physical Sciences, and Humanities and Social Sciences, etc.


Check the exam syllabus given below:

  • Life Sciences Syllabus: Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Biotechnology, Biomolecules, Immunology, Techniques, Physiology, Metabolism, Animal Science, Plant Science, Microbiology, Nutrition, and Ecology Environment and Evolution
  • Physical Sciences Syllabus: Electrostatics, Dielectrics, Capacitance, Magnetostatics, Moving charge in electric and magnetic field, Electromagnetic induction, Varying and alternating currents, Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves, Basic Electronics, Digital Principles, Atomic Spectra, Molecular Spectroscopy, Quantum Mechanics Inadequacy of classical Physics, Matter Waves, Uncertainty Principle, Schrodinger Wave Equation, Nuclear Physics Nuclear Structure, Alpha and Beta Decays, Nuclear Reactions, Crystal Structure, X-ray Diffraction, Nanomaterials, Bonding in Crystals, Magnetism, Superconductivity, Kinetic theory of gases, Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell’s equations, Low temperature Physics, Quantum theory of radiation, Statistical Mechanics, The Matrix methods in paraxial optics, Aberrations, Interference, Diffraction, Polarization, Laser, Fiber Optics and Holography, Mechanics and Waves and Oscillations, Vector Analysis, Mechanics of Particles, Mechanics of rigid bodies, Mechanics of continuous media, Central forces, Special theory of relativity, Fundamentals of vibrations, Damped and forced oscillations, Complex vibrations, Vibrations of bars, Vibrating Strings, and Ultrasonics
  • Mathematical Sciences Syllabus: Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus, Groups, Real Numbers, Differential Equations and Solid Geometry, Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree, Differential Equations of First Order but not of the First Degree, Higher-Order Differential Equations, The Plane, The Line, The Sphere, and Cones, Cylinders and Conicoids
  • Chemical Sciences Syllabus: s-block elements, p-block elements, Organometallic Chemistry, Chemistry of d-block elements, Chemistry of f-lock elements, Theories of bonding in metals, Metal carbonyls and related compounds, Coordination Chemistry, Spectral and Magnetic Properties of Metal Complexes, Reactivity of metal complexes, Stability of Metal Complexes, Hard and soft acids bases, Organic Chemistry, Structural theory in Organic Chemistry, Acyclic Hydrocarbons, Alicyclic hydrocarbons (Cycloalkanes), Benzene and its reactivity, Polynuclear Hydrocarbons, Halogen compounds, Hydroxy compounds, Carbonyl compounds, Carboxylic acids and derivatives, Active methylene compounds, Exercises in interconversion, Nitrogen compounds, Heterocyclic Compounds, Carbohydrates, Amino acids and proteins, Mass Spectrometry, Gaseous State, Liquid State, Solid State, Solutions, Colloids and Surface, Chemistry, Phase Rule, Dilute Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Photochemistry, Thermodynamics, Chemistry and Industry, Separation Techniques, Spectrophotometry, Molecular sectorscopy, Drugs, Formulations, Pesticides and Green Chemistry, Drugs, Formulations, Pesticides, Green Chemistry, General Chemistry, Atomic Structure and elementary quantum mechanics, Chemical Bonding, Stereochemistry of carbon compounds, General Principles of Inorganic qualitative analysis, Molecular symmetry, Theory of quantitative analysis, Evaluation of analytical data
  • Geology Syllabus: Palaeontology, Indian Geology and Economic Geology, Palaeontology, Indian Geology, Economic Geology, Petrology and Structural Geology, Nature and Scope of Petrology, Metamorphic Rocks, Physical Geology, Crystallography and Mineralogy, Rivers, Wind, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Crystallography, Mineralogy, Formation, Mineralogy, and Optical Mineralogy
  • Humanities and Social Sciences Syllabus: Reasoning, Numerical Ability, General English, and Current Affairs
  • English Syllabus: Literary Terms, Genres, Literary Movements and Trends, Critical Concepts, Verb patterns and structures, Phrasal verbs concord, Active and Passive Voice, Prepositions, Question tags, Articles, Synonyms and antonyms, one-word substitutes, Note-taking confusables, Comprehension, Unknown Poem and Passage, Letter Writing, and Idioms and Phrases

Admit Card:

After filling and submitting the application form, download the admit card from the official website. Admit card is the most important document for candidates to appear in the examination. Details available in admit card includes applicant’s name, candidate’s photo, Exam day/date/time, Roll number, exam venue, Date of Birth, etc.

Steps to download Admit Card are as follows:

  • Go to the official website of Andhra University
  • Login using Registration Number and Password
  • Click on Download AUCET 2022 Admit Card.
  • Take a print of the admit card.
  • Paste a passport size photograph on Admit Card.

Cut Off:

Cut off is the minimum marks scored in AUCET 2022. Those who score more or equal to the given cot off will move further for other rounds.

  • General category: 50%
  • SC/ST/OBC: 45%
  • PWD: 40%

Tie Breaker Criteria:

In the situation where two candidates acquire the same marks, then preference will be given on the following criteria:

  • An applicant who acquire more in Class XII
  • Candidate older age will be given preference

Counseling Process:

The counseling process will begin in the month of October. The registration will be done for counseling process via online mode Once done with the registration gets over, upload the documents for verification and then web options are to be filled. After filling the choices, there will be a release of seat allotment.

Check the prerequisites for counseling:

  • Those who score equal to or more than the stated cut off will be called for Counselling.
  • Register for counseling from the official website.
  • Candidates will be given allotted date/time slot for counselling
  • Counseling will be done category wise.
  • Candidates will be allotted with the colleges based on merit/preference.
  • For the confirmation of admission, submit the admission fee before the last date.

Documents required for verification during the Counselling Process: Given below are the documents needed for counseling process:

  • Valid Government ID proof
  • AUCET 2022 admit card
  • AUCET 2022 score card
  • X standard mark sheet
  • XII standard mark sheet
  • Migration certificate
  • Character certificate
  • Community certificate (SC/ST/OBC)
  • Four latest colored passport size photographs
  • Special certificates, for example, NCC, NSS, PH, Sports

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