Nursing Exam 2023

Bihar ANM Admission 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Pattern

Bihar ANM Admission 2023: Bihar ANM stands for the Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery course. This is basically a job-oriented course. This is a course that is related to the field of nursing. The students who have passed the class XII examination are eligible to apply for this course. The duration of this Nursing course is for 2 years. It focuses primarily on the treatment of children, women, and also old aged people.

Bihar ANM Admission 2023 Application Form:

  • The authority will be releasing the application form for those students who have enrolled for the course.
  • You will be able to get the application from the official website.
  • You can only submit the form online.
  • There is no provision for filling up the form offline.
  • Once the application form is uploaded to the official website, the candidates will be notified about it.
  • The admission for this course will be based on the merit list.
  • The council will prepare a merit list for all the eligible candidates on the basis of the class XII examination or any other qualifying examination.
  • In order to apply for this course, it is important for you to score well in your class XII examination.

In order to fill up the application form, you will have to follow the steps mentioned below:

  • First you will have to visit the official website of the Bihar Nursing Registration Council.
  • You will have to press on the link of the application form there
  • You can download the prospectus.
  • The prospectus will have instructions about filling up the application form. Before you start filling up the application form, you will have to go through the instructions.
  • You will have to provide the correct email id and password.
  • All the important details regarding the admission will be sent to the registered mail id and the number.
  • It is necessary for you to submit the correct information including your name, educational qualification etc.
  • If you provide wrong information in the application form then there is a possibility for the form to get rejected.
  • Make sure that you upload the photo, the signature and also the documents as per the mentioned specifications.
  • Another very important thing that you will have to remember here is that you should fill up the application form before the last date.
  • Once you fill up the application form you will have to proceed in order to make the payment.

Application Fee:

  • The application fee for the candidates belonging to the unreserved category is Rs. 750/-
  • The application fee for the candidates belonging to the reserved category is Rs. 200/-

Bihar ANM 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Starting of online application form submission To be announced later
Last date to register online To be announced later
Last date for application fee payment To be announced later
Bihar ANM 2023 Exam Date To be announced later
Availability of admit card To be announced later
Result Declaration To be announced later

Bihar ANM Admit Card:

  • The admit card will be released online in the official website of the state health society.
  • For downloading the admit card it is necessary for the contestants to provide important details about the registration.
  • Certain important information like venue, date, and timing of the examination will also be there on the admit card.
  • The candidates will have to download the admit card and take a print out of it for future reference.
  • No candidate will be allowed to appear for the examination without the admit card.

Exam Pattern:

  • The mode of the examination will be online CBT. It will be a computer-based test.
  • The exam duration will be for 2 hours.
  • There will be a total of 80 questions and the maximum marks will be 100.
  • Each of the questions will carry 1 mark and the questions that are based on a technical subject will be 2 marks.


  • General Ability: Culture, General Knowledge, Constitution, History, Economics, Geography, General Science, Indian Polity
  • Numerical ability: Percentage, Time and Work, Simplification, Profit and Loss, Time and Distance, Averages, Problems on Ages
  • Technical ANM subject: Community Health Nursing, Health Promotion, Primary Health Care, Child Health Nursing, Midwifery, Health Centre Management
  • Analytical Ability: Arithmetic Reasoning, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Similarities, Space Visualization, Verbal and Figural Classification, Data Sufficiency, Figural Series Compilation.

Result and Merit List:

  • Once you conduct the examination, the authorities will be publishing the result online on the official website.
  • The result will contain reports of the total score and also the subject wise score for each of the subjects.
  • Apart from the result, the merit list will also be published by the authority on the official website.
  • In the merit list, 50%  weightage will be given to the performance of the candidate in the computer-based examination. The other 50% weightage will be given to the performance of the candidate in academics.

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