Bihar BPSC 2022: The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) is created by the Constitution of India to select applicants for civil service jobs in the Indian state of Bihar according to the merits of the candidates. It was established on April 1, 1949. The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) will issue the official notification for the 2022 Combined Competitive Examination (CCE). The examination will be conducted for recruiting eligible candidates for various posts in departments and ministries under the Bihar government’s Deputy Commissioner. It is also known by other names like the Bihar Provincial Civil Service (PCS) Exam or the Bihar Civil Services Exam. It is a highly competitive exam. The examination will be conducted in three phases: preliminary, main, and interview. There are complete details about the Application Form, Exam Date, Online Notification for Important Dates, Syllabus, Admit Card, Results, and the Interview Process.
The Mandate of the Bihar Public Service Commission:
- Recruitment is done through the conduct of competitive examinations or through interviews for the services of the state government.
- advising the state government on the suitability of officers for the appointment, promotion, and transfer from one service to another.
- Advising the state government on matters related to recruitment to various services and posts, the framing and amendment of recruitment rules
- advising the state government in all disciplinary cases relating to different civil services.
- advising the state government in the matter of granting an extraordinary pension, reimbursement of legal expenses, etc.
- advising the state government on any matter referred to the commission by the governor of Bihar.
Bihar BPSC 2022 Notification:
- Bihar Public Service Commission (68th BPSC) 2022 Application Form has been released. Click here to apply.
BPSC Recruitment 2022: Highlights
Exam Name | 68th Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination |
Conducted by | Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) |
BPSC Vacancy | 281 Post |
Application Mode | Online Mode |
Exam Mode | Offline Mode |
Category | Government Jobs |
Job Location | Bihar |
Official Site | |
Bihar BPSC 2022 Exam Dates:
Events | Exam Dates |
Notification Release Date | 18th November 2022 |
Application Form Release Date | 25th November 2022 |
Registration Last date | 20th December 2022 |
Fee Submit Last date | To be announced |
Admit Card | To be announced |
Exam Dates (Prelims) | To be announced |
Exam Date (Mains) | To be announced |
Result | To be announced |
Bihar BPSC Recruitment 2022 Application Form:
Bihar Public Service Commission will release the Bihar Civil Services 2022 Application Form in the month of August and close in the month of September (approximately). It will be released on the official website of the BPSC. The application form for the preliminary and main phases will be released separately. A candidate who qualifies for the preliminary exam only fills out the main exam form. But remember, the optional subjects for the main phase will be filled in when you are filling out the preliminary form. Candidates should do the registration in the month of August because only registered candidates will be allowed to complete the application process.
Steps to fill out the Bihar BPSC Recruitment 2022 Application Form:
- Visit the official website (BPSC) (
- Click on the ‘ONLINE REGISTRATION’ tab
- Then click on the ‘Apply Online button. Fill in the required detail carefully.
- Now click the ‘submit’ button.
- After the registration, there will be a link activated for fee submission the next day(11 am).
- Click on ‘Online Payment’.
- For General/OBC fee will be Rs.600/.
- For SC/ST/PH and women fee will be Rs.150/.
- Then Next day after 11 am the application form will be activated.
- Fill in the personal details with education.
- Upload photograph and signature.
- Submit the Bihar Civil Services 2022 Application Form.
- You should take the printout/save the Application form and Check your registration number, bar code and application number will mention in the printout of the application form.
Department | Post Name | No. of Posts |
पुलिस उपाधीक्षक | गृह विभाग (आरक्षी शाखा) | 8 |
जिला सनादेष्टा | गृह विभाग (विशेष शाखा) | 1 |
जिला अग्निशमन पदाधिकारी | गृह विभाग (आरक्षी शाखा) | 19 |
काराधीक्षक | गृह विभाग (कारा) | 2 |
राज्य कर सहायक आयुक्त | वाणिज्य कर विभाग | 7 |
अवर निर्वाचन पदाधिकारी | निर्वाचन विभाग | 8 |
अवर निबंधक / सन्युक्त अवर निबंधक | मधनिषेध, उत्पाद एवं निबंधन विभाग | 20 |
श्रम अधीक्षक | श्रम संसाधन विभाग | 1 |
नियोजन /जिला नियोजन पदाधिकारी | श्रम संसाधन विभाग | 3 |
प्रोबेशन पदाधिकारी | गृह विभाग (कारा) | 1 |
सहायक निबंधक सहयोग समितियॉ | सहकारिता विभाग | 4 |
सहायक निदेशक | दिव्यांगजन सशक्तिकरण निदेशालय | 5 |
ईख पदाधिकारी | गन्ना उधोग विभाग | 2 |
बिहार शिक्षा सेवा (प्रशासन उप संवर्ग) | शिक्षा विभाग | 4 |
श्रम प्रवर्तन पदाधिकारी | श्रम संसाधन विभाग | 35 |
अपर जिला परिवहन पदाधिकारी | परिवहन विभाग | 1 |
ग्रामीण विकास पदाधिकारी | ग्रामण विकास विभाग | 7 |
प्रखंड पंचायत राज पदाधिकारी | पंचायती राज विभाग | 40 |
राजस्व अधिकारी एवं समकक्ष | राजस्व एवं भूमि सुधार विभाग | 39 |
आपूर्ति निरीक्षक | खाध एवं उपभोक्ता संरक्षण विभाग | 14 |
प्रखंड अनु. जाति एवं जनजाति कल्याण पदाधिकारी | अनु. जाति एवं जनजाति कल्याण विभाग | 60 |
Total Post | 281 |
BPSC 2022 Eligibility:
- Candidate should have Passed Graduation or equivalent from recognized University.
- Only for District Fire Officer (जिला अग्निशमन पदाधिकारी): Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Fire Engineering) or Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical / Automobile discipline.
Age limit:
- Cut-off Date for Age is 01/08/2022
- Minimum Age: 20, 21 & 22 years (Post Wise)
- Maximum Age for Male: 37 Years
- Maximum Age for Female: 40 Years
Selection Process
- Preliminary Exam (Qualifying Marks): 150 Marks
- Mains Written Exam: 900 Marks
- Interview: 120 Marks
Bihar Civil Services 2022 Exam Pattern:
BPSC Conducts the Combined Competitive Examination in three phases. Find the below all details related about Bihar BPSC Recruitment 2022 Exam Pattern:
Bihar BPSC Recruitment 2022 Preliminary Exam:
- The exam will be conducted offline (pen and paper) mode.
- There will be a written exam based on a Multiple Choice objective type pattern.
- The Question paper is bilingual.
- The preliminary Exam is only qualifying in nature.
- This is a General Studies paper, it consists of Objective Type and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of total of 150 marks Duration of 2 hours.
Main Exam:
- The Main exam will consist of 4 papers.
- The Hindi exam is 100 marks and 3 hours.
- General Studies (Paper I) is of 300 mark, 3 hours.
- General Studies (Paper II) is of 300 mark, 3 hours.
- The optional Subject is 300 marks, 3 hours.
- Candidates are required to qualify for a minimum of 30% marks in Hindi, however; these marks will not be considered while preparing the final merit list.
- For the optional subject, candidates are required to select one subject from the list of available subjects for the Main examination.
Optional Exam:
- The candidates have to choose one Subject Paper from the below list for the Mains Optional Paper.
- This Optional Paper will be of 300 marks.
- The time limit for this paper will be of 3 hours.
Subject Code | Paper Name |
04 | Agriculture Science |
05 | Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science |
06 | Anthropology |
07 | Botany |
08 | Chemistry |
09 | Civil Engineering |
10 | Commercial Science and Accounting |
11 | Economics |
12 | Electrical Engineering |
13 | Geography |
14 | Earth Science |
15 | History |
16 | Labour and Social welfare |
17 | Law |
18 | Management |
19 | Mathematics |
20 | Mechanical Engineering |
21 | Philosophy |
22 | Physics |
23 | Political Science and international relation |
24 | Psychology |
25 | Public governance |
26 | Social Science |
27 | Statistics |
28 | Zoology |
29 | Hindi Language and literature |
30 | English Language and literature |
31 | Urdu Language and literature |
32 | Bengali Language and Literature |
33 | Sanskrit Language |
34 | Persian Language and literature |
35 | Arabic Language and Literature |
36 | Pali Language and Literature |
37 | Maithili Language and Literature |
Bihar Civil Services 2022 Interview
- Candidates will get an invitation for an interview after qualifying for the main exam.
BPSC Recruitment 2022 Syllabus:
Find below the BPSC 2022 Syllabus for the Preliminary and Main Exam:
BPSC 2022 Preliminary Exam Syllabus:
- Current Events of National and International importance.
- General Science.
- History of India and salient features of the history of Bihar.
- General geography and geographical division of Bihar and its major river systems.
- Indian Polity.
- Economy, Major changes in the economy of Bihar post-independence.
- Indian National Movement and the contribution of Bihar.
- General Mental Ability.
BPSC 2022 Main Exam Syllabus:
- Hindi –The paper will consist of questions on essay writing (30 marks), grammar (30 marks), sentence syntax (25 marks), and precis-writing/summary (15 marks). Questions will be of the Secondary Level of Bihar School Examination Board.
- General Studies (Paper I) –Current events of national and international importance, the modern history of India and Indian culture, and statistical analysis, graphs & diagrams.
- General Studies (Paper-II) –Indian Polity, India Economy and Geography of India, and the role and impact of science and technology in the development of India.
- Optional Subject –Candidates have to select from one of the optional subjects for this paper.
Here is the List of Optional Subject:
- Agriculture
- Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
- Anthropology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Commerce and Accountancy
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Geography
- Geology
- History
- Labour and Social Welfare
- Law
- Management
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science and International Relations
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Zoology
- English Language & Literature
- Hindi Language and Literature
- Urdu Language & Literature
- Bengali Language & Literature
- Sanskrit Language & Literature
- Persian Language & Literature
- Arabic Language & Literature
- Pali Language & Literature
- Maithili Language and Literature
Bihar Civil Services Exam 2022 Recommended Books:
- History:- NCERT + Spectrum Rajiv Ahir + Relevant Chapters from Lucent GK
- Geography:- NCERT + Atlas is a must for Map-Based Questions Practice
- Polity/Economics:- NCERT for both Economics and Political Science and For Polity if the aspirant is preparing from Laxmikanth – need not go into details, an overview is sufficient
- GK:- Lucent General knowledge
- Current Affairs:- GK Today Website
Admit Card:
The admit card will be released online on the official website of BPSC, 15 or 20 days before the exam. It is compulsory to carry this admit card to the exam hall and also one identity proof like (Aadhaar Card, Voter ID Card, Pan Card and Driving Licence). It contains information about the exam centre, roll no and the timing of the exam.
Here are the Steps to Download to Admit Card:
- Visit the official website of Bihar PCS
- Click on “BPSC CCE Admit Card 2022”
- Enter the details carefully.
- Click on the ‘Submit’ tab.
- After that admit card will be displayed on your screen.
- Download and take print of Admit card.
Result & Interview:
The result will declare on the official website by online mode. First the result will be announced for a preliminary exam, the candidate who qualifies the preliminary only can give the mains exam. After the mains exam again the result will be announced, the candidate who qualify the mains invited for the interview. The final merit list will be prepared on the basis of candidate’s performance in the Main Examination and the Interview round.
Steps to Check the Result:
- Visit the official website of BPSC CCE.
- Click on download their Bihar CCE 2022 Result.
- Enter Registration No. /Roll No.
- Candidates can also download their Results from the official site.