Events | Exam Dates |
Start the Online Registration | September |
Deadline to submit an Application form | September |
Challan through Bank Last Date: | October |
Bihar Civil Service Exam Date | October |
To apply for Bihar Civil Service ensure to use the online facility. First, go to the official website and collect all the details. Go to the main website and click ‘Apply now’ to catch the application form. Fill out the application form by personal as well as professional details. It is important that you must fill in all the details carefully because you may come across problems later. Upload the latest photo and signature while submitting the application form. Pay the application fee also.
Steps to Apply are as Follows:
The Bihar Civil Service examination will appear in two parts-Prelims and Main
Preliminary or Prelims is an objective type examination. This paper will consist of various Multiple Choice Questions. The candidate will select one correct answer from four given options. There will be 150 questions and each question carries one mark. The exam duration will be 120 minutes.
The Bihar Civil Service Recruitment Main Exam is a subjective type of examination. There are some mandatory subjects in the examination such as General Knowledge, English, and Mathematics. There will be two optional subjects out of Statistics, Zoology, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, and Agriculture
The selection process is based on the performance acquired in the exam:
The written test consisted of four papers in the Main exam with subjects like Hindi, General Studies, First Optional Paper, and Second Optional Paper
It is crucial for candidates to attain at least 30 marks in Hindi subjects.
General Studies is divided into two categories such as GS Paper I and GS Paper IIT
the maximum marks for General Knowledge will be 200 which the candidate is required to complete in 3 hours. GS section is divided into three sections such as
First Optional Paper:
Second Optional Paper:
Optional Papers: This consisted of the subjects given below:
Select the optional subjects as per the interest. After exams get cleared, the candidate will be called a Personal Interview.
Candidates can find below Bihar Civil Service Recruitment Syllabus for the Preliminary General Knowledge:
The following subjects will appear in the Prelims of BBSC:
After clearing the Main examination and preliminary, the candidate will be called for a Personal Interview. The final selection of the candidates is based on the marks acquired in Preliminary, main, and interview
Seek the admit card from the main official website. Go to the main website Download the admit card by entering your name and registration number admit card.
collect the exam result from the official website. Enter the roll number to seek the result. Go to the main website and collect the admit card.