Bihar SSC Recruitment 2022: Bihar Staff Selection Commission or BSSC was established by the Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India. The SSC is responsible for recruiting Group B (Non-Gazetted) and Non-Technical Group C Posts and recruitment in Railway & Industrial Establishment, Subordinate Offices, in the Ministries Department, Government of India. IN addition to this, SSC is wholly responsible for receipt and processing of an application for several examination, issue of the admit card to the candidates and for commencing candidate’s interviews for various posts. The BSSC has been built in with the aim of recruiting competent and highly skilled individuals by commencing written tests, professional tests and personal interviews. For Bihar SSC Recruitment 2022, several competitive examinations will be commended for the posts of Junior Scale Stenographer / steno / Labour / Library Restorer / Enforcement Officer / Junior Draftsman / Assistant Cashier / Senior Lab Attendant / Laboratory Assistant / Drivers / Clerk Cum Typist / Multi Tasking Staff / Forensic Lab Attendant / Assistant Sub Inspector / Data Entry Operator, etc.
Bihar SSC Recruitment 2022 Highlights:
- Organization’s Name: Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC)
- Name of Post: Fire Service, Assistant Auditor & Others, Accountant,
- Job Location: Bihar
- Job Category: Bihar Government Jobs
- Application Available: Online Application
- Official Website:
Bihar SSC Recruitment 2022 Application Process:
- Candidates need to apply for Bihar SSC Recruitment 2022 through official website
- Fill in all the personal and educational information carefully and correctly
- Make sure to keep the documents ready which you are going to attach with the application form
- Add info in the application form correctly to avoid inconvenience later.
- Make a payment of the application form
- Seek the print of the application form before making the final submission to the exam conducting authorities.
Bihar SSC Application Fee:
Those who belong to the state of Bihar will pay Rs 100/- as application fee. However, candidates belonging to outside Bihar will pay Rs. 400/-. Application fee payment can be made via various modes such as debit or credit cards or via net banking.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Age: Candidate’s minimum age to apply should be 21 years and maximum age for the General male category applicant should be 37 years. The suitable maximum age of female candidates should be 40 years. The maximum age for the SC/ST category candidate should be 42 years and OBC category applicant should be 40 years.
- Educational Qualification: Candidate should be a graduate at least from a recognized university.
Selection Process for BSSC 2021:
The candidate will be selected via three-phased process – Prelims Exam, Mains Exam and Interview. Those who successfully finish off the prelims exam will be eligible to appear for the mains examination. Those who successfully finish off the mains exam will appear for the last and final stage i.e. personal interview. Candidate successfully qualifying all three phases will be hired as in BSSC.
BSSC 2021 Exam Pattern & Syllabus:
- Preliminary Exam will be CBT Objective Type
- Main Exam will be Descriptive Test
Exam Pattern of Prelims given below:
- The exam duration will be 120 minutes.
- The Question Paper will consist of 100 Questions for 400 Marks.
- There will be negative marking for incorrect answer.
- The question paper will be in two languages -Hindi & English.
- General Study will have 40 questions
- General Science & Math will have 30 questions
- Mental Ability Test & Reasoning will have 30 questions
Main Examination:
- Paper will be consisted of general Hindi
- Paper will have objective type multiple-choice questions.
- The question paper will appear in both Hindi and English language.
- There will be total of 100 questions in the paper for 400 marks.
- There will be negative marking for incorrect answer.
- The exam time duration will be 135 minutes.
- General Studies will have 50 questions for 200 marks.
- General Science & Mathematics will have 50 questions for 200 marks.
- Comprehension/ Logic/ Reasoning/ Mental Ability will have 50 questions for 200 marks.
General Knowledge: Part (A) General Studies:
(1) General Awareness: – Questions will appear from topics such as:
(II) Current Affairs: –
- Scientific Progress
- National/International Awards
- Indian Languages
- Books
- Scripts
- Capitals
- Currency
- Sport-Sportspersons
- Important Events
(III) Indian & Neighbouring countries: –
- History of Neighbouring countries
- History of India
- Culture
- Geography
- Economic Affairs
- Independence Movement
- Indian Agriculture & Natural Resources
- Constitution of India
- Polity
- Country’s Political System
- Panchayati Raj
- Community Development
- Five-year Plans
- National Movement Part
(B) General Science & Mathematics: –
General Science: –
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Geography
Mathematics: –
- Number System
- Computation of whole Numbers
- Decimals & Fractions
- Relationships between Numbers
- Basic Arithmetical Process
- Percentage
- Ratio & Proportion
- Average
- Interest
- Profit & Loss
Part(e) Comprehension/Logic/Reasoning/Mental Ability:
- Analogies
- Similarities & Differences
- Spatial Visualization
- Spatial Configuration
- Problem solving
- Analysis
- Visual Memory
- Odd man out
- Observation
- Relationship Concepts
- Arithmetic Reasoning
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Classification
- Arithmetic Number Series
- Non-Verbal Series
- Coding
- Decoding
Admit Card:
After filling and submitting the application form, the candidate will receive an admit card from the exam conducting authority. The admit card is also called a hall ticket is an important document that the candidate should have while entering the examination hall. Make sure to fetch this card via following given steps:
- First log on the official website of the BSSC website
- Find the link of BSSC Inter Level Admit Card 2022
- Click on the link.
- Enter your name and roll number details to download the admit card
- The admit card will appear on the screen.
- Take a print of the admit card for further reference.
Cutoff Marks:
BSSC will declare the exam result a few days after the exam gets over. After the exam, the expected cut off will be released on the official website of BSSC i.e. Make sure to check the cut off Merit List 2020 via online mode.
Cutoff & Merit List will be released rank wise including the candidate’s name and roll number. Check the official portal for cut off, rank, and result. Cut off marks implies the minimum marks attained by the candidates to get qualified in the examination and appear for the next level of examination. Those who secure marks more than the minimum cutoff marks will be shortlisted for the post.
Factors affecting cut off List:
- Number of candidates applied for the examination
- Previous year cut-offs
- Seat Availability
- Marking trend
- Annual intake
- Exam pattern
- Average performance
- Level of difficulty
- Lowest and average marks in the main examination
- Number of candidates appeared in the examination
- To check the result of Bihar SSC Recruitment 2022, go to the official website of BSSC.
- Click to download the Bihar SSC Inter Level Result 2022.
- The result will appear in PDF format, so the candidate needs to download it to check the details mentioned in it.
- Download the Result via the direct downloading link of Bihar BSSC Inter Level Result 2022.
Details available on Scorecard:
- Marks Obtained
- Candidate’s Name
- Registration Number
- Roll Number
- Date of Birth
- Candidate’s Parent’s Name
- Subject Code/Name
- Total Marks
- Percentage of the total Obtained Marks
- Marks of the Candidates