
Bundelkhand University Admission 2022 Online Apply, Exam Date, Syllabus

Bundelkhand University Admission 2022: Bundelkhand University is a well known public state university situated in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India. It came into being in the year 1975 and since then it is favorite to acquire professional, technical, and vocational study programmes along with facilities for research. The University is attributed by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), UGC, AICTE, and AIU. Every year, Bundelkhand University plays an important role in building the career of many. Bundelkhand University Admission 2022 will again help many in pursuing the career of their choice.

BU Jhansi Eligibility Criteria:

Check the BU Jhansi 2022 Eligibility Criteria before applying for any of the courses:

  • To apply for admission to Under Graduate courses, candidates must have successfully completed their intermediate or must be waiting for the result of the qualifying exam or appearing for the qualifying exam.
  • Those who are looking forward to applying for Post Graduate courses must have successfully completed graduation or must be waiting for the result of the qualifying exam or appearing for the qualifying exam.

Bundelkhand University Application Form 2022:

The application form releases in the month of May every year and candidates are advised to fill the application form with accurate details as mentioned in the original documents. Submit the form before the last date. Make sure that the entire information mentioned in the application form should be correct otherwise form will lead to cancellation.

  • Step 1: Registration – Go to the official website of Bundelkhand University and choose the type of course. Enter all the details in the fields.
  • Step 2: Fill Details in Application Form – Enter details in the application form such as academic, personal and contact details. Make sure to check the details before making the final submission.
  • Step 3: Submit the Application Fee – After submitting the application form, pay the application fee via online and offline mode. Make the payment via net banking/debit card/credit card/bank challan of any nationalized bank. Additional bank charges need to be paid while making online fee submission

Application Fee:

  • General Category: Rs.1100
  • For SC & ST Category: Rs.550

Note: RS 600/- will be extra charged if the fee submitted late.

Application Fee for Direct Admission:

  • General Category: Rs.700
  • SC/ST Category: Rs.350

Note: RS 300/- will be extra charged if the fee submitted late.

  • Step: 4 – Printing the Application Form: Applicants after fee submission needs to print the application form of Bundelkhand University and fee receipt.
  • Step 4 – Application Submission – Attach the documents along with the application form and fee receipt and send them to The Coordinator, Admission Cell – 2018, Room No. 105, Administrative Block, Bundelkhand University, Kanpur Road, Jhansi – 284128 (U.P.) by registered post.

Note: Use an A4 size envelope with the name of the course written on the envelope to send printout of the application form of Bundelkhand University.

BU Jhansi 2022 Exam Date:

Find below the exam date through entrance test based and Merit List based:

Through Entrance Based:

Online Admission Forms Availability April
Last Date of Admission Forms May
Last Date for Receiving the Print out of Application Form May
Last date of Online Admission forms with a late fee of Rs.600/ May
Date of Entrance Test June
Declaration of  Result June

Through Merit-based:

Availability of Online Admission forms April
Last date of availability of online admission forms without late fee June
Last date for receiving the Print Out of Online
forms at the University.
Last date of availability of Online Admission
forms with a late fee of Rs. 300/-
Tentative Counselling date July

Bundelkhand University Admission 2022 Highlights:

  • Name of the entrance exam: Bundelkhand University entrance test
  • Exam Conducting Body: Bundelkhand University
  • Mode of Application: Online
  • Exam level: University level
  • Mode of admission: Entrance test/ Direct Admission
  • Mode of examination: Offline
  • Exam Duration: 2 hours
  • Number of Questions: 100
  • Payment Mode: Online (SBI net banking or ATM/ debit/ credit card of any nationalized banks)
  • Exam Centres: Jhansi, Lucknow, Gwalior, Allahabad, Ghaziabad, Patna Sahib and Chhatarpur

Bundelkhand University Admission Process 2022:

The online registration process for Bunelkhand University admission 2022 begins in the month of May.  Candidates can apply for admission by registering for admission in Bundelkhand University and submitting the application form before the due date. The university provides seats to the candidates with the help of an entrance test or merit (direct admission).

  • Admission Process – Entrance Test: First, candidates will register themselves for the entrance exam by submitting the application form and paying the registration fee. The admission is based on performance in the entrance test. The merit list will be prepared and released by Bundelkhand University after the Entrance test. A candidate’s merit is based on
  • Admission Process – Direct Admission: Those who want to acquire direct admission will first fill the direct form through the official website of Bundelkhand University. The merit list will be prepared and released on the basis of the performance in the last qualifying exam. Candidates can check the merit list.

The candidates who are finalized for admission will then be invited for counselling by the Bundelkhand University on a specific time/date. Make sure to carry required documents and those who fail to appear for counseling on the scheduled date and time will not be provided with admission to Bundelkhand University.

Bundelkhand University Courses:

The University offers courses under UG and PG level with the help of entrance exam and direct admission. It is important to check the list of courses prior to seeking admission or finalizing the course.

Entrance Based Courses:

  • Under Graduate Level: B. Sc. Agricultural Science
  • Post Graduate Level: M. Sc. Environmental Science, M. Sc. Forensic Science, M. Sc. Biochemistry, M. Sc. Biotechnology, M. Sc. Microbiology, M. Sc. Biomedical Science, M. Sc. Ayurveda and Alternate Medicine, M. Sc. Food Technology, M. Sc. Botany, M. Sc. Mathematics, M. Sc. Statistics, M. Sc. Chemistry, M. Sc. Electronics, M. Sc. Physics, M. Sc. Zoology, M. Sc. Agroforestry, M. Sc. Horticulture, M. Sc. Plant Pathology, M. Sc. Entomology, M. Sc. Genetics and Plant Breeding, M. Sc. Agricultural Extension, M. Sc. Seed Technology, M. Sc. Agronomy, M. Sc. Soil Sc. And Agricultural Chemistry, M. Sc. Animal Husbandry and Dairying, M. Sc. Agricultural Economics

Direct admission Based Courses:

  • Under Graduate Level: B. Sc. (Hons.) Maths, Statistics and Computer Science, B. Sc. (Home Science), B. Sc. (Maths Group PCM), B. Sc. (Hons.) (Biotechnology), B. Sc. (Hons.) (Microbiology), B. Sc. (Hons.) (Forensic Science), B. Sc. (Hons.) (Geology), B. Sc. (Biology Group PCB), B. Sc. (Hons.) (Biochemistry), B. Sc. (Hons.) (Biomedical Sciences), B. Sc. (Hons.) (Food Science and Technology), B. A. (Mass Communication and Journalism), B. Com. (Hons.), BA. (Hons. ) Statistics, BA. (Hons. ) English, BA. (Hons. ) Education, BA. (Hons. ) Home Science, BA. (Hons. ) Economics, BA. (Hons. ) Hindi, BA. (Hons. ) Social Work, BA. (Hons. ) Fine Arts, BA. (Hons. ) Physical Education
  • Post Graduate Level: M. Sc. Home Science. (Food and Nutrition), M. Sc. (Geology), M. A.( Home Science), M. A. (Drawing and Painting), M. A. (English), M. Sc. Home Science. (Human Development and Family Studies), M. A. (Mass Communication and Journalism), M. A. (Education), MA./M. Sc. (Mathematics), MA. (Hindi), M. Com. (Finance)

Exam Centres:

Bundelkhand University commences offline entrance tests at various centres such as Jhansi, Patna, Sagar, Lucknow, Chhatarpur, Allahabad, Ghaziabad and Gwalior. It is important for applicants to choose the exam centres of Bundelkhand University in 2022 while filling the application form.

Admit Card:

The admit card/hall ticket will release in the month of September via online mode. Applicants are required to download the admit card from the official website by using login credentials. The admit card is also to the candidates via post before the entrance exam.

Steps to download Admit Card:

  1. Go to the official link
  2. Click on the “Admit Card” tab
  3. Enter high school roll number and date of birth/registration number in the space provided
  4. Click on ‘Download admit card’ after filling the details
  5. Take multiple printouts of the admit card for further references.

Exam Pattern:

The entrance examination will be commenced in the month of September. Candidates are required to complete the entrance exam in the duration of 20 minutes. Extra 5 minutes will be given to fill up the entries and to go through the paper once. Fill the OMR sheet carefully. Candidates can select as many as five courses as per the eligibility and qualification. The question paper is divided into two sections – Section A and Section B for 50 questions each. Paper will be comprised of multiple-choice questions.

Exam Result:

The result will be announced in the month of October in the form of merit for Under Graduate and Post Graduate based programmes in the affiliated colleges. Go to the official website to check the merit list and marks acquired in the University. Another merit list will be released for those who will obtain direct admission in Bundelkhand University.

Steps to Download Bundelkhand University Result:

  1. Go to the official link
  2. Click on the “Examination” tab and choose the result option.
  3. Candidates will be redirected to the new page.
  4. Click on “View result”
  5. Enter the roll number and the course
  6. The result will appear on the screen.


There will be a release of the counseling schedule through the official website. There will be two counseling rounds round first and round second. Those who have successfully performed in the examination will appear for the online document verification process. Candidates will produce the desired documents to the scrutinization authority. In case of any failure in the production of the documents, the claim for admission will be canceled. A candidate who fails to be present for counselling on the date scheduled by the university will forfeit his/her claim for admission.

Bundelkhand University Counseling Fee 2022: Check the counseling fee below:

  • General/ OBC: Rs.1000
  • SC/ ST: Rs.500

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