Exam Name | CA CPT 2022 |
Full Form | Chartered Accountant Common Proficiency Test |
Exam Level | National Level |
Conducting Body | Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) |
Applciation Mode | Online |
Exam Mode | Offline, i.e., Pen and Paper Based Test |
Official Website | www.icai.org |
Events | Exam Date |
Online Application form Start | 21st February 2022 |
End to submit the online registration form | 13th March 2022 |
Print out the application form | 13th March 2022 |
CA CPT 2023 Exam Date | Gropu-l: 15,18,20 and 22 May 2022 Group-ll: 24,26,28 and 30 May 2022 |
Result | To be announced |
The application form for CA CPT 2022 will be available via online mode from February 2022. At first, the candidates need to go to the official website of ICAI to get the application form. By furnishing details like name, date of birth, sex, parents name, address, nationality, category, academic qualification, the candidate has to fill up the form. They also need to send a recent passport size photograph as well. Through ICICI Bank candidates need to process their application fees. Candidates have to take a printed copy of the application form to get enclosed with certain other essential documents which they need to send to ICAI. The essential documents comprise of the Demand Draft of the Application Fees, a certificate of qualifying class 10th examination, nationality and certificate of the category a student belongs to.
The fee for application will be different for candidates applying from India or outside. Candidates can pay their online application fees through a Master or Visa card. DR or CR card is also acceptable.
CA CPT 2022 Application Form: Click here
Candidates applying for CA CPT 2022 must qualify class 12th examination or equivalent from any reputed academic board. Graduate and Postgraduate commerce candidates with at least 55% marks can enroll for the entrance test. 60% in aggregate in Graduation or Post-graduation is desirable for candidates from any other stream. Open University candidates with UG or PG degrees are not permissible for the test. There is no such age limit for candidates willing to apply for CA CPT 2022.
The syllabus for the Exam is as follows:
The Admit Card for CA CPT 2022 will be released within 14 days before the examination commences. Only the registered candidates will receive the admit cards via online mode. In order to download the admit card candidates need to provide their Login ID and password on the official website. Admit card is the most essential document which the candidate has to carry in the examination hall along with them. It includes different details like candidates’ names, examination time & venue, date of birth, name of the examination and so on.
Candidates need to check the answer key provided by ICAI on their official website. Various other coaching centers will also release the answer key. The answer key will have all the answers to the questions asked in the CA CPT Exam. The candidates will thus get a chance to cross-examine their answers and can also estimate their score in the exam. Before the results are announced the candidates need to pay an amount in order to verify the answer script.
The results for CA CPT will be announced via online mode. Candidates can acquire their results in the month of July from the official website of ICAI. For checking the result aspirants need to go to their account registered earlier and can get their scorecard too from there. Candidates can access their results via e-mail from ICAI provided they have to mention it while filling up the application form.
The aspirant can also get their CA CPT 2020 Result through SMS. For that candidates need to follow a proper procedure as mentioned below. Candidates have to type CPT space roll number to avail this facility. They need to send this message to 58888. In order to check the result through the official website, an applicant needs to type their CPT 2022 with their roll number and can check the total as well as segment-wise segregation of marks.
Candidates need to get 50% marks in the Exam to qualify for the Chartered Accountancy Programme of ICAI. For Fundamentals of Accounting, the qualifying mark is 30% out of 60 and for Mercantile Laws candidates have to score 30% out of 40. For General Economics and Quantitative Aptitude, a score of 30% out of 50from each is desirable.
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