PG Exam

CCS University Admission 2022 Application Form, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Exam Pattern

CCS University Admission 2022: CCS (Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut) is a public university located in Meerut Uttar Pradesh. The University was established in 1965. All the candidates should ensure their eligibility before getting to the application process. The admission process will consider many parameters, such as weightage to different categories, reservation of seats. If a candidate wants to enroll for more than one course, then he/she have to fill the separate application process and pay the separate CCS University Admission 2022-23 Application Fee as applicable. 

CCS University Admission 2022 Notification:

  • There is no official notification has been released for the CCSU Entrance exam 2022.

CCS University 2022 Exam Date (Tentative):

Candidates can find below exam details of Chaudhary Charan Singh University 2022. There are not updated information whenever we received any Official update regarding exam dates, We will soon update. For more information, you can also check the official Website of  Chaudhary Charan Singh University.

For CCSU Exam

The Release date of the application form 3rd week of April 2022
Last date to submit the application form 3rd week of May 2022
Examination date will be release 1st week of June 2022

For PG Courses

The release date application form 2nd week of June 2022
Last date to submit the application form 1st week of August 2022
Examination date will be release 1st week of June 2022

CCS University 2022 Admission Process:

  • Candidates need to submit the application form correct way and fill the all details very carefully.
  • Also check the Chaudhary Charan Singh University official website. The website is –
  • After that, you will find the Button Apply Now Click this link.
  • Fill the form and before submit check all details.
  • After submitting form make online payment for an application fee.
  • Keep the copy for an application form.
  • Merit list will be published according to the candidate’s score.
  • Qualifying candidates must carry all the document while admission.

Chaudhary Charan Singh University Admissions 2022:

The seat reservations for SC. ST & OBC applicants are 21%, 2% & 27% respectively. On the other hand, 3%, 2% & 1% seats will be reserved for physically handicapped, Dependent of freedom fighter & Dependent of Ex-servicemen applicants within each one of SC/ST, OB & general categories. The reservation policies drive as per the government rules and regulations. All the applicants who are claiming the reservation quota mentioned above, have to attach all the relevant documents for their category in a specified Performa attached with the application form. 

Chaudhary Charan Singh University 2022 Eligibility Criteria:

Those applicants want to enroll in the courses must fulfill the below-mentioned Chaudhary Charan Singh University 2022 Eligibility Criteria as per the university rule:

  • Phil. Programme: Candidates with a Post-Graduation degree with a minimum of 55% marks obtained in the required subject and must have completed Graduation and HSC with a minimum of 50% to 55% marks obtained.
  • A., M.Sc.: Graduation and HSC with a bracket of 50% to 55% mark obtained.
  • Sc. in Agriculture: 04 years of Bachelor degree.
  • Ed.: B.Ed. with a minimum of 50% marks in theory and practical or B.Ed. with 55% marks (50% theory and 50% practical)

Exam Pattern:

  • All the applicants will get the award by 1 mark for each correct answer.
  • There is a provision of negative marking as well and there will be a penalty of ¼ marks for each wrong answer. So each candidate should attempt the question for which they are sure about.
  • The weightage will be added as prescribed in the subheading “Weightage” and the deductions will be taken into consideration @ 2% per year of gap up to the maximum of 8% for applicants who got admission through entrance exam.
  • In case, if two candidates will score the same marks in the entrance exam. The merit will decide based on higher marks in the qualifying exam. In some cases, merit will decide based on the seniority in age. It is the discretion of the institute how they deal with the case.

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  • एक दम बेकार निर्णय लिया गया है इस विश्‍वविद्‍यालय का हाल पहले ही बहुत बुरा है। छात्रो की परसेंटेज पहले ही यहाँ पर कम आती है। काॕपियो की सही ढंग से जाँच नही होती न ही पढाई होती है ऐसे निर्णय से छात्रो का भविष्‍य खराब हो रहा है। यह कोई काॅम्‍पिटिशन नही है इसलिए यहाँ पर निगेटिव मारकिंग की आवश्‍यकता नही है अतः ऐसे निर्णय लिया करे जिससे छात्रो का भविष्‍य बने न कि ऐसे जिनसे छात्रो का भविष्‍य बिगडे।

  • I want a simple table of realeased date of forms of Ccs university for BA program and admission date

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