Every year in the month of June the entrance examination for MSc Nursing is being conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences in the offline mode. The application form will be taken out from the official website ie www.cgvyapam.cgstate.gov.in. Candidates with their email id and primary information need to register themselves on online mode. No offline mode will be allowed to submit the application. If eligibility criteria do not match as per norms his/her application form will be rejected. Candidates need to follow the norms provided in the official website in order to fill the application form. After the end of this process, the application fee has to be paid and a transaction status will be offered. This will be the acknowledgment for confirmation of the application. By the use of debit cards or credit cards and net banking, the application fee can be paid. For any correction measure after submitting the application the candidate needs to incur Rs 20 as an online correction fee.
Candidates belonging to the general category need to pay Rs.200. Rs. 150 is the application fee for OBC candidates whereas reserved category applicants need to pay Rs.100. Payment of application fee will only be accepted by online mode using net banking, credit card, or debit card facilities.
Events | Exam Dates |
Available Registration forms | April 2023 |
End to submit the application forms | May 2023 |
Admit card | June 2023 |
CG M.Sc Nursing Entrance exam | June 2023 |
Results | June 2023 |
The applicant must be an Indian. The applicant needs to be a native of Chhattisgarh state. Candidates passing Higher Secondary from the renowned board and qualifying nursing courses from any well-known university are fit to apply for the CG MSc Nursing course. Any applicant with B.ScHons Nursing/B.Sc Nursing/ Post Basic B.Sc Nursing from a recognized university securing 55% marks is eligible to apply. SC or ST candidates will get a relaxation of 5% in qualifying marks in order to apply for the course. Post Basic B.Sc applicants must have one year of experience. Minimum age is recommended as 17 as on 31st December of the exam year to take admission in this course. No upper age limit is marked for this course. With a view to taking admission, candidates have to fill the application form before the scheduled date as specified by the authority.
On the official website, the syllabus of 12 subjects related to MSc Nursing is displayed. The candidate will move accordingly as below:
Some essential parts are highlighted:
The entrance will be conducted in two examination centres at Bilaspur and Raipur respectively.
The Admit Card can be collected through online before 10days of the examination by putting the registration no and password of the respective candidate. There is no system to send by post. One should keep one printed copy of the admit card for future reference. The candidate should also carry a blue and black point pen and two passport size photographs. Original Govt. Id Proof is mandatory for entering the hall.
As soon as the examination is over one answer key will be released by the authority in PDF format which will be found on the official website. From the answer, key candidates can verify their response sheets which candidates made during the examination and which is also available in the website, and for any doubts arises they can challenge the email id cgvyapam.dawaapatti@gmail.com.
The final result will be published on the official website “CGVyapam.cgstate.gov.in” by applying roll no of the appeared candidate. Candidate can take the printout of the same. No re-evaluation or recalculation process will be allowed. The result as declared by the board will be treated as final. The Chhattisgarh board will come to place the merit list of the candidates towards continuing other processes.