CG Pre B.Ed 2024 is an examination conducted by Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board. This state-level examination is CG Pre B.Ed. 2024 for several B.Ed. courses. Those who are interested in applying for the examination ensure for collecting all the crucial information for overcoming all the complications. Given below is the complete information which is as follows:
CG Pre B.Ed Notification 2024:
- The Notification has not been released yet. Candidates can check the details on the official website.
CG Pre B.Ed 2024 Exam Date:
Events | Exam Date |
Application Form Available from | April 2024 |
Last date to submit the Application Form | May 2024 |
Admit Card | June 2024 |
CG B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024 | July 2024 |
Answer Key Released | July 2024 |
Announcement of Result | August 2024 |
CG Pre B.Ed 2024 Application Form:
Collect CG B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024 Application Form, and ensure for using the official website Fill the application form with details such as mobile number, email address, name, date of birth, etc. Once the form is filled, make the payment of the application form. Make a payment of the application form via challan from SBI bank.
Steps To Fill CG Pre B.Ed 2024 Application Form:
- Visit the official website Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board, i.e.,
- Then click on the link CG Pre B.Ed Application Form link.
- Enter all the details asked to mention in the application form.
- After that scan and upload all the mentioned documents like Photograph(40KB and 50 KB), signature(40KB and 50 KB) & Left-hand Thumb(40KB and 50 KB) in jpeg format.
- Then enter the ‘exam city preference’ in addition to the center code.
- After completion once check all the details.
- Click on ‘Confirm and Continue.’
- Then the candidate will be redirected to the ‘Application Verification’ window.
- Then click on the Pay button.
- After the successful completion, take a print out of it.
CG Pre B.Ed 2024 Application Fee:
- The CG Pre B.Ed application fee can be submitted by both online and offline mode.
- The candidates who want to pay online can choose from payment gateways like ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, SBI Bank.
- For offline payment, one must opt for bank challan through any SBI Branch.
Category | Application Fee |
SC, ST | 100 |
General | 200 |
OBC | 150 |
CG Pre B.Ed 2024 Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidate must be citizens of India only.
- The Candidate must have completed 20 years of age to apply for the exam.
- Candidate must have attained minimum qualifying marks in Graduation or Post Graduation mentioned in NCTE notification are applicable to apply for an entrance test. Those who belong to SC and ST category will be given 5% marks relaxation.
CG B.Ed 2024 Exam Pattern:
- The examination will commence in the offline mode.
- There will be 100 multiple choice questions (MCQ).
- The duration to complete CG Pre B.Ed 2020 exam will be 2 hours.
- For every correct answer, a candidate will be provided with one mark.
- The candidate will be awarded out of 100 marks.
- On the other hand, there will be no negative marking at all.
Distribution of section & Marks:
Sections | No. of Questions | Marks |
General Awareness | 20 | 20 |
Educational Interest | 30 | 30 |
General Mental Eligibility | 30 | 30 |
General English | 10 | 10 |
General Hindi | 10 | 10 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Candidate can collect the syllabus of CG Pre B.Ed 2024 from the official website. The topics coming in the syllabus include General Mental Ability, Educational Interest, General Awareness, General Hindi, and General English.
Topics Appearing in General Awareness:
General Science, Sport, Basic Education, Five-year plan, History, Geography, Polity, and Economics
Topics Appearing in General Mental Ability:
Arithmetic Number Series, Letter and Symbol Series, Alphabet Test, Question-related to a dictionary, Vien Diagram, Sitting Arrangement, Non-verbal series, Analogies, Figures/Verbal Classification, Coding and Decoding, Logical Deduction, and Blood Relation
Educational Interest:
Child-Centered & Progressive Education, Development Teacher Education India, Experiments Related to School & New Findings Activities, Methods & Theories, Reports & Tests, Responsibility Towards Societies, Teaching Ability, Responsibility / Duties of Teacher Inclusive Education, Learning & Pedagogy, and Aptitude & Development of Student
General Hindi:
रचना, विराम चिन्ह, भाषाई कौशलो का अध्यापन, वर्ण विचार, शब्द विचार, शब्द रचना, अर्थ के आधार पर शब्दों के भेद, पद, वाक्य परिचय,
General English:
Grammar, Sentence, Synonyms, Vocabulary, Tense Antonyms, Narration, Prepositions, Prefixes, Voice Spellings, Derivations, Nouns Suffixes, Reading, Modals, Verb Structures, and Writing
Instructions to be Followed for Filling OMR sheet:
- Candidates are required to use a black or blue pen to mark the answers. Pencils are not allowed only black pens need to be used.
- Make sure to write roll number, name, father’s name, exam center code, exam center name, and signature on the given answer sheet by an examiner.
- Every question has four options and the candidate has to find one correct answer from all four options. Circle the one which you think is appropriate.
- Bubble the circle completely and after that, you cannot delete it.
- If the candidate is unsure about the answer and does not want to mark then leave the bubble without darkening.
- In case, you have selected more than one option, then that answer will be considered incorrect and you will be awarded zero marks.
CG B.Ed Admit Card 2024:
CG Pre B.Ed 2024 Admit Card will be issued and provided through the official website. Details mentioned in the admit card includes name, examination center, date and time of the exam, time duration, etc. Please take the printout of the admit card as you need to show your admit card at an exam venue.
Results of CG Pre B.Ed 2024 will be announced through the official website. You need to check the official website to fetch the scores gained in their examination. Enter your roll number on the official website and seek the details of the results. Later, there will be a final counseling process for qualified applicants.
Steps to check CG Pre-B.Ed. Result:
- Visit the official website
- Enter the login details.
- Click on ‘Submit’
- The resulting window will open on your screen.
- Download and take a few copies of its prints for future reference.
CG Pre-B.Ed. 2024 Cut off:
There will be the release of the Cut off marks of CG Pre B.Ed 2024 so that candidates have a fair idea of the minimum marks to be achieved in the Exam. The cut off marks will help in determining the candidate’s eligibility for counseling process.
CG Pre-B.Ed. 2024 Counselling
The counseling will be conducted in July 2024. The counseling will be held in three rounds. Only qualified candidates are invited for the Counselling.
Candidates should follow the below steps for registration of counseling:
- Visit the official web portal.
- Fill the counseling registration form.
- Enter your choices related to the colleges you want to attain for counseling.
- Lock your choices.
- Take a print out of the counseling registration form.
The following steps post the form filling involves:
- Downloading of provisional allotment letter
- Reporting at the allotted college
- Payment of counseling fee
- Verification of documents
Hii .
It’s Deepa Rai here i got 49.43% in graduation. So I wanted to know that am i eligible for the b.ed entrances?
May age 19yrs I am
My age 28 yrs am i eligible for entrance for b.ed