CGPSC Recruitment 2022: CGPSC stands for Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission. It is the re-organization of Madhya Pradesh, the State of Chattisgarh that came into being on 1st November 2000. Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission was established under the provision of Act 315 of the Constitution of India in the year 2001. The aim of the commission is to carry out crucial functions like commencing exams for appointing candidates to various posts. The new appointments will help to advise the state government on matters related to state civil service, eligibility, transfer and promotion of civil servants, matters related to monetary benefits, and compensation to the civil servant by the state Government. CGPSC Recruitment 2022 is the best opportunity for many looking forward to serving the government with great pride and valour.
Posts Via CGPSC Recruitment 2022:
- State Civil Service (Dy. Collector)
- State Police Service (DSP)
- State Finance Service Officer
- Commercial Tax Officer
- Superintendent, District Jail
- Assistant Registrar, Cooperatives
- Labour Officer
- District Women & Child Development Officer
- Assistant Director
- CG Subordinate Account Service Officer
- Child Development Project Officer
- Subordinate Civil Service (Naib Tehsildar)
- Assistant Superintendent (Land Records)
- Excise SI
- Deputy Registrar
- Commercial Tax Inspector
- Cooperative Tax Inspector
- Assistant Jail Superintendent
Eligibility Criteria:
CGPSC Recruitment 2022 Eligibility Criteria find below. Candidates can check all details which related for CGPSC 2022 Eligibility:
- The candidate must be a citizen of India.
- Candidate must have acquired a minimum age of 21 years at least and the maximum age should be 30 years as on1st January of the year of the issue of the advertisement.
- Those who are domicile/permanent residents of the State of Chhattisgarh may also apply and their age should not exceed 35 years.
- There will be 5 years of age relaxation to the candidate domiciled in Chhattisgarh belonging to a caste or tribe, a scheduled caste or scheduled tribe, or OBC by the Government of Chhattisgarh.
- There will be of 3 years if the candidate is a bonafide repatriate of Indian origin from:-
- Burma migrated to India in or after 1st June 1963
- Srilanka migrated to India in or after 1st November 1964
- If the candidate is a bonafide displaced person from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and migrated to India during the period between 1st January 1964 and 25th March 1971.
- There will be an age relaxation of 8 years, if candidate repatriate or displaced person, belongs to scheduled caste, scheduled tribe or OBC a
- There will be an age relaxation of 5 years if the candidate is a widow on her first appointment.
- Age relaxation of 2 years of applicant holds a Green Card in his/ her name under the Family Welfare Programme.
- Age relaxation of 5 years, if the entrant is a forward partner of a prize-winning couple under the Intercaste Marriage Scheme sponsored by the Tribal, Harijan, and Backward Class Welfare Department as per GAD Memo No. C-1085-3-1, dated 3-9-1985;
- Age relaxation of 5 years, if the candidate is a sports person honored with the Shaheed Rajeev Pandey Award or Gundadhur Samman or Maharaja Pravin Chandra Bhanjdev Samman or Rashtriya Yuva awarded as per GAD Memo No- F19-2/2005/1-3 Raipur dated 01-12-2006.
- Age relaxation of 3 years, if the candidate belongs to Defence Services personnel, disabled in operations during the war with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as an outcome thereof.
- Age relaxation of 8 years if the candidate filing under a category of a scheduled caste or scheduled tribe or OBC
- Candidate must be possessed with the degree of any of the Universities integrated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or some other Educational Institution established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act. 1956 or possess an equivalent qualification.
- Those who have appeared in the examination and waiting for the result may apply for Prelims.
- Those who possess the professional and technical qualifications recognized by the State Government equal to the professional and technical degree will be considered eligible for admission to the examination.
CGPSC Recruitment 2022 Application Form:
Candidate’s Registration:
- First of all, the candidate will register themselves and for this click on the direct link or visit the official website, i.e.,
- Click the option indicating ‘Online Application’
- Then a new page will open
- Click on State Service Exam 2022 (SSE 2019)
- Choose the option ‘Candidate Registration’ and click on it.
- Fill all the required details in the Candidate Registration Form
- Once all important details are filled, click on ‘Submit’
- This will help in your registration and you will receive your Registration ID and Password on your mobile number and E-Mail Id
- Candidates must keep safely their Registration ID and Password and keep it safely for further use.
Upload Photograph and Signature:
- Upload the scanned version of the latest passport size colour photograph and signature.
- It is important to know that the photograph and signature’s size should not be more than 100 KB and should be uploaded in JPG format.
Application fee Payment:
- Make a payment of the application fee via online mode using Credit/ Debit Card/ Internet Banking.
- Application fee payment is non-refundable in nature.
- Take a print of the fee receipt and application form.
- Make a payment of Rs. 400 as application fee and reserved category applicants will pay Rs. 300 as application fee.
Exam Pattern:
GCPSC Recruitment 2022 comprises of three stages:
- Preliminary Exam
- Main Exam
- Personality Test
Preliminary Exam is an Objective Type paper with the following mentioned papers:
Paper I General Studies and Paper-II Aptitude Test for 200 marks each.
Main Exam Conventional Type with the following mentioned papers:
- Paper I Language
- Paper II Essay
- Paper III History, Constitution and Public Administration
- Paper IV Science, Technology, and Environment
- Paper V Economics & Geography
- Paper VI Mathematics & Logical Ability
- Paper VII Philosophy & Sociology
Note: All the papers consisted of 200 marks each Interview/ Personality Test holds for 150 marks
CGPSC 2022 Syllabus:
Prelims syllabus includes the following:
General Studies:
- History of India and Indian National Movement.
- Physical, Social & Economic Geography of India.
- Constitution of India & Polity.
- Indian Economy.
- General Science & Technology.
- Indian Philosophy, Art, Literature & Culture.
- Current Affairs & Sports.
- Environment
General Knowledge of Chhattisgarh:
- History of Chhattisgarh, & Contribution of Chhattisgarh in the Freedom Movement.
- Geography, Climate, Physical status, Census, Archeological, and Tourist Centres of Chhattisgarh.
- Literature, Music, Dance, Art and Culture, Idioms and Proverbs, Puzzle/Riddle, Singing of Chhattisgarh.
- Tribes, Special Traditions, Teej, and Festivals of Chhattisgarh.
- Economy, Forest, and Agriculture of Chhattisgarh.
- Administrative Structure, Local Government, and Panchayati raj of Chhattisgarh.
- Industry in Chhattisgarh, Energy, Water, and Mineral Resource of Chhattisgarh.
- Current Affairs of Chhattisgarh.
Aptitude Test:
- Interpersonal skills including communication skills.
- Logical reasoning and analytical ability.
- Decision-making and problem-solving.
- General mental ability.
- Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc. till Class X level, Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc till Class X level.
- Knowledge of Hindi Language till Class X
- Knowledge of Chhattisgarhi Language.
Main Exam Syllabus:
- Part- 01: General Hindi
- Part- 02: General Sanskrit
- Part-03: General English: Comprehension, Precise Writing, Rearrangement and Correction of Sentences, Synonyms, Antonyms, Filling the Blanks, Correction of Spellings, Vocabulary and usage, Idioms and Phrases, Tenses, Prepositions, Active Voice and Passive Voice, Parts of Speech, Translation- English to Hindi, Letter writing.
- Part – 04: Chhattisgarhi Language Question
Paper-III for History, Constitution and Public Administration:
- Part – 01: History of India.
- Part – 02: Indian National Movement.
- Part – 03: History of Chhattisgarh and Contribution of Chhattisgarh National Movement.
- Part – 04: Constitution of India.
- Part – 05: Public Administration.
Paper-IV for Science, Technology, & Environment:
- Part – 01: Chemistry.
- Part – 02: Physics.
- Part – 03: Biology.
- Part – 04: Technology.
- Part – 05: Environment.
Paper-V for Economics & Geography:
- Part – 01: Indian Economics.
- Part – 02: Planning in India.
- Part – 03: Geography of Chhattisgarh.
- Part – 04: Economics of Chhattisgarh.
- Part – 05: Agriculture, Forest, Industry and Natural Resource of Chhattisgarh.
Paper-VI for Mathematics and Reasoning Ability:
- Part – 01: Rational numbers.
- Part – 02: Coordinate Geometry.
- Part – 03: Computer.
- Part – 04: Data Analysis.
- Part – 05: Logical Reasoning.
Paper-VII for Philosophy and Sociology:
- Part – 01: Indian Philosophy and Yoga.
- Part – 02: Sociology.
- Part – 03: Tribes of Chhattisgarh.
- Part – 04: Art of Chhattisgarh.
- Part – 05: Culture of Chhattisgarh.
Admit Card:
First, go to the official website of CGPSC at – Then click on the link that says “View/Print Online Admit Card of CGPSC. Use Login Credentials such as Username and Password to login You will be able to see the admit card on screen. Take a print of the admit card. Admit card will be consisted of the following information:
- Candidate’s name
- Registration Number
- Photograph and Signature
- Candidate’s father’s Name
- Date and Time of Examination
- Exam Centre Address
- Exam date/time/venue
Important to Note: In case you feel that information printed on the admit card, immediately contact the authorities at the following address:
Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission
Shankar Nagar Road, Bhagat Singh Square, Raipur (Chhattisgarh), Pin – 492001
Phone Number: 0771 2331204
Remember the following points about Admit Card:
Candidates will carry the admit card along with a valid Photo ID Proof (original and photocopy) to the examination hall along with the CGPSC Call Letter. The ID proof such as Aadhar card, driving license, PAN Card, Voter ID Card, Passport, the employee ID card can be carried along with hall ticket.
Exam Result:
The result for CGPSC Recruitment 2022 will be released on the fixed date. Candidates need to download the official website to check the examination result.
Sir mera date of birth 09.11.1986 ka mai Chhattisgarh ka niwasi hu (obc categiri) to kya mai cgpsc ke liye form bhar sakta hu kya