UPSC CISF AC 2024: To get onto the post of Assistant Commandants in Central Industrial Security Forces (CISF), the Candidate needs to go through the recruitment test which will be commenced by UPSC was known as UPSC CISF AC (EXE) LDCE 2024. The Application Form will be available online at UPSC’s official website. The Eligible candidates must fill the Application Form before the Last Date. Before you do anything else, read the details mentioned below:
UPSC CISF AC (EXE) 2024 Notification:
- UPSC has not released the notification for CISF AC (EXE) LDCE 2024.
UPSC CISF AC Exam Date 2024:
Events | Exam Date |
Date of Notification Released | December |
Deadline to fill the Application form | December |
Admit Card Released | — |
UPSC CISF AC Exam Date | March |
Result Date announced | |
Interview for CISF AC 2024 | |
CISF AC 2024 Application Form:
The CISF AC 2024 Application Form will be released at the official website of UPSC and candidates are required to fill the application form. The candidate needs to fill personal details such as the father’s name, address, date of birth, and so on. In addition to personal info, qualification details like the year of the qualifying exam mark obtained, etc are also required to be filled correctly. Once all the details are filled, the scanned copies of the photograph, signature and other documents also need to be uploaded in the form. Lastly, submit the application form and application fee together.
CISF Exam 2024 Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidate must have completed 4 years of regular service as of January 01, 2024, in the rank of Sub Inspector (GD)/ Inspector (GD) which includes the period of basic training and should have provided a clean record of the service till the appointment is offered.
- Candidate must be holding NCC ‘B’ or ‘C’ Certificate which needs to be the desirable qualification.
- Candidate’s age need not be more than 35 years as on August 1, 2024.
- Candidate must have completed graduation from some recognized institute or university.
- The candidate is required to clear the examination in three attempts.
Exam Pattern:
Below Given is The UPSC CISF AC (EXE) Exam Pattern 2024:
- Number of papers to be conducted: 2
- Objective type paper will be for paper 1 and descriptive type for paper 2
- The exam duration for paper 1 will be 150 minutes and 180 minutes for paper 2.
- The mode of papers will be Hindi and English both.
- Total marks for paper 1 will be 300 and 100 marks for paper 2.
- Paper 1 will be comprised of 150 questions, inclusive of 75 marks each for General Ability and Intelligence and Professional Skill.
- Paper 2 comprises of 100 marks for Essay, Précis Writing & Comprehension.
Exam Pattern for Paper 1:
Part | Subject | Number of Questions | Marks |
A | General Ability and Intelligence | 75 | 150 |
B | Professional Skill | 75 | 150 |
CISF AC Syllabus:
Paper 1 includes General Ability and Intelligence & Professional Skill
Part A: General Ability and Intelligence
- General Mental Ability: Quantitative Aptitude including Numerical Ability and Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning
- General Science: Scientific Temper, General Awareness, Information Technology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science, Comprehension and Appreciation of Scientific Phenomena of Everyday Observation
- Current Events of National and International Importance: Music, Arts, Literature, Sports, Awareness of Current Events of National and International Importance in the areas of Culture, Governance, Societal and Developmental Issues, Industry, Business, Globalization and Interplay Among Nations
- General Awareness: Indian and World Geography, Basic Knowledge of History of India, Indian Polity and Economy
Part B: Professional Skill
This test will be created to test the professional skills of the aspirants about the administrative and operational requirements of the Central Industrial Security Force and will cover the following areas:
Computer Skills and Awareness:
- Industrial Security
- Industrial Safety and fire fighting
- Disaster Management
- Aviation Security
- Crime and Intelligence-Espionage, Sabotage, Subversion
- Perimeter Security
- Security of vital installations-DAE, Metro Rail, Space
- Use of Technical Gadgets-Alarm, detection, intrusion, Access control, fire safety
- Bomb disposal
- VIP Security
- Internal Security and Election duties
- PC (Search, Seizure and unlawful assembly)
- IPC (Theft, mischief, breach of trust, corruption, etc)
- Evidence Act (Search, seizure & collection of evidence)
- Labour Laws (Industrial Disputes Act, Workmen Compensation Act, EPF Act.)
- Other Criminal Offences.
- Human Rights
Computer Skills and Awareness:
- Computer Security
- Basic computer operations
- Basic hardware and software
Service Rules and HR matters:
- CCA Rules
- CISF Act and Rules
- HR functions related to CISF
Paper-II comprises of Precis Writing, Essay, and Comprehension
This paper aims to test the ability of the candidates to come up with ideas on the topic provided given for the essay. They need to arrange in the proper order, concise, and lucid way. Grammatically, the language should be correct and error-free spellings should also be there. Candidate should know to have the ability to understand the passage for precise writing and comprehension, summarize the passage and give a reply to the questions asked.
Admit Card:
- Fetch the Admit Card from the official website.
- It will be available for the candidates almost a week before the exam date.
- Download the admit card and make sure to take its print out so that it would ease to carry it at the exam center on the exam day.
- The entry of the candidate will be restricted in case, the candidate fails to show this card at the exam center.
Exam Result:
The examination result will be released in April. Those who clear the written examination then needs to go for Physical Standards/ Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests commenced by CISF. After this, the candidate will move for the final interview round, and those who clear all three rounds can see the result on the official website.