CSIR UGC NET Syllabus: It is quite essential for seeking the comprehensive details of the CSIR UGC NET examination especially for those who are eager to appear in the examination. The exam commences every year for choosing the appropriate candidates for Junior Research Fellowship. The exam takes place in so many parts of the country. There are some compulsory details that one needs to acquire like the syllabus. The CSIR NET syllabus will be divided into 3 parts in the question paper i.e. Part A, Part B, Part C. In this article, Candidates can find the subject-wise CSIR NET Syllabus with topics and sub-topics below.
CSIR NET 2021 Syllabus divided into two parts i.e, Part A & Part B. Candidates can check the syllabus online mode from the official Website.
Logical Reasoning: Similarities and Differences, Visual Ability, Number Series, Graphical Analysis, Blood Relationships, Data Analysis, Arrangements, Analytical Reasoning, Statements, Syllogisms, Data Sufficiency, Analogies, Non-verbal Reasoning, Directions, Alphabet Series, Coding-Decoding, Symbols and Notations & Classification
Numerical Ability: Number System, Percentage, Average, Time & Work, Algebra, Simple & Compound Interest, Area, Time & Speed, Profit & Loss, HCF, LCM Problems, Bar Graph, Pictorial Graph, Pie Chart, Simplifications, Ratio & Proportion & Permutation & Combination.
Chemical Science
Earth Sciences
Earth Science is a part of Paper-1 and it consists of two sections as Section-B and section-C. The CSIR NET 2021 Syllabus of both sections is given below.
Earth Science: Part-B
Earth Sciences: Part-C
All the topics mentioned below are part of Geology under the Earth Sciences.
Life Sciences
Physical Sciences
Mathematical Sciences