TET 2024

Delhi TET 2024 Application Form, Syllabus, Exam Date, Eligibility, Pattern

Delhi TET 2024 is represented as Delhi Teacher Eligibility Test. This is a common examination held for all eligible B.Ed qualified aspirants who desire to get a teaching job at primary levels and higher primary levels. In this respect, a notification will come in light shortly by the Department of School Education, Delhi. The governing body of all schools under the guidance of the Delhi Government authorizes this examination. The desired candidate should go through the norms framed by NCTE for appearing in this state-level examination. This article will focus on every detail related to Exam pattern, eligibility criteria, Admit Card, Syllabus, Result, etc. The basic points are highlighted below.

Delhi TET 2024 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Online Application Form starts to submit January
End to Submit the Application form February
Last date to pay a fee Update Soon
Delhi TET 2024 Exam Date March
Result Date April
Counselling Date April

Delhi TET 2024 Application Form:

From the official website of the DTET candidate should download the application form as well as all information and brochure for the upcoming Delhi Teacher Eligibility Test 2024. Everyone must carefully read the eligibility, reservation category, etc before filling and sending the application through online mode. Attention should be given at the time of providing e-mail id of the person concerned because on the basis of this mail id the registration id and password will be supplied. Personal information with educational qualification, scan image of the photograph and signature in JPG format, and also applying fees as per notification should be uploaded through online mode. After completion of the entire procedure, two copies need to be generated one for self-use and the other will be required to submit to the District Education Officer.

The application form will be filled up with the following information:

  • Candidate Name
  • Father Name
  • Mother Name
  • Aadhar No
  • Date of Birth
  • Mobile no
  • Email Id
  • Qualifying exam roll number

Eligibility Criteria:

  • An Indian citizen and a resident of Delhi can only apply for Delhi TET.
  • Candidate has to complete Senior Secondary or Intermediate or similar examination with a score of 50% marks as a minimum percentage.
  • Having passed or appeared in two years diploma examination in elementary education or
  • Four years Bachelor of elementary education (B.EL.Ed)/passed or appeared or
  • Possessing a two-year diploma in special education
  • The final year appeared student can also apply
  • State Govt. has relaxed the requirement of minimum percentage for reserved category applicants as per rules.
  • In case of higher Primary Section (Class vi-viii), applicants can apply if they have cleared or appeared for the four years B.Aor B.A.Ed/B.Sc.Ed/ or B.Sc.Ed with 50%.
  • Candidate at the time of registration for Delhi TET needs to qualify for the B.Ed Degree.


The aspirant will need to proceed with the laid down syllabus for the examination.

Paper I consists of Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, Language II, Environmental Science, and Mathematics.

For Paper II relates to topics-Child Development &Pedagogy, Mathematics & Science, Language I, Language II, Science, Social Studies.

Delhi TET Exam Pattern:

Total marks for Paper I will be 150. 30 MCQ type questions will be there from each of the five topics. For Paper II there will be five topics as well. The first three topics will have 30 MCQ type questions and there will 60 questions from the remaining two topics. One correct answer to be marked among four alternative questions and carrying one mark for each. The provision for negative marking is not counted. A specified structure is made by the examining body which will be strictly followed as appended below:

  • Paper I: This is specified for the applicant desiring to teach from class I to class v
  • Paper II: This is also designed for aspirants willing to teach students from class VI to class VIII
  • Paper I &II: Candidates desiring to be a teacher for class I to class VIII have to appear in the paper I &paper II both.
  • Paper III: exclusively for secondary school teacher appointment and treated as category III conducted by State.

Admit Card:

The most important document that the applicant needs to carry along to the exam centre is Admit Card/Hall Ticket. Check some important points related to admit card below:

  • Go to the official website and download the Admit card
  • The link for the admit card can be downloaded from the official website around 15 days prior to the date of the exam.
  • This E-Card will provide all the personal details of the candidate and information about the examination
  • Take a photocopy of hall ticket for further reference.

Answer Key:

 There is a provision to check DTET examination performance from the answer key. This can be executed through an online method after a short period of the examination.


The aforesaid result will be announced at least two months after the examination. Candidates will be notified of the rank card and status of qualified and unqualified positions through the official website. There would be a comment box where any candidate can drop their opinion if any question arises. Moreover, if anyone gets more marks than the cutoff score then he will be offered for the position of teacher at Delhi Primary School.


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