Tattoos are high in trend in the current scenario. Wherever you go, you will find people with tattoos on their body. Tattoos in the government can be applied under certain restrictions. Still many have this question ‘Does Government Jobs Allow Tattoos?’
Does Government Jobs Allow Tattoos:
Let’s Find Out: Indian Air, Indian Navy, Indian Cost Guard and Other Defence Services:
According to the guidelines for tattoos, candidates in Indian Air, Indian Navy, Coast Guard, and defense services with any kind of tattoos on the body excluding the inner face of forearms, from inside the elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/back side of hand are barred from the recruitment in Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard & Police department.
Candidates from tribal communities/from tribal areas, as declared by the Government of India SC Orders/Act/Lists, are permitted to have permanent body tattoos on any part of the body, as per the existing customs and traditions of the said tribe.
Only a small and safe tattoo which is not prejudicial to good order and military discipline is permitted for example religious symbols or names of near and dear ones, etc. In regard to the position of the tattoo on a body part, check the criteria for non-permissible tattoos on any other body part mentioned above, go through below:
- A tattoo with offensive content or indecent figures
- Tattoos with indecent, sexist or racist
Tattoo Policy for UPSC and SSC:
The tattoo policy mentioned above follows for UPSC and SSC. No restrictions are imposed on having a tattoo on any body part and no candidate will be declared unfit due to a tattoo.
Which Government Jobs Do Not Allow Tattoos?
To have a tattoo or not have is one’s personal choice. However, when we enter into government jobs, the candidate is restricted to have it, sometimes partially or impartially. Let us find out which government jobs do not allow Tattoos:
Which Government Jobs do not allow Tattoos? Here is the list of Government Jobs where tattoos are not allowed:
- Healthcare Professionals
- Police Officers and Law Enforcement
- Law Firms
- Administrative Assistants and Receptionists
- Financial Institutions and Banks
- Teachers
- Hotels/Resorts
- Government
The Armed Forces: Many veterans’ sports apply one tattoo or full sleeve representing their service or patriotism. Technically speaking, tattoos go against the Uniform Code of Military Justice and thus restricted. Army believes that permanent tattoos are harmful for health, as they carry diseases.
Are Tattoos Allowed for Railway Jobs?:
Tattoos are high in trend and everyone likes to wear it on different parts of the body. Similar to tattoos, piercing is also high in trend; however, tattoos are more fashionable. In government sector, especially in Railways, employees wear tattoo but to the extent it is not offensive and should not be in violent images. It is important to notice, that tattoos on the hands and face are acceptable or on neck and throat is also accepted. It may also mean that employees to cover their tattoos if employees are in client-facing roles.
Are Tattoos Allowed for Civil Services:
Many of us dream to seek to join Civil Services. It is a moment of pride for many to acquire a reputed job in through the Civil Services examination. To have a tattoo or not to have in Civil Services is complicated because somebody who wants to get inked is concerned.
If a candidate has reached to the Interview stage, it is normal to scrutinize him/her closely. A tattoo can frame two things – panels passing the judgment and your interview. And, you cannot control the judgment of the panel.
Indians have picked up the tattoo culture from the West but unlike Americans, hygiene and medically secured tattoo studios are not available. So, this is one of the reasons Civil Services do not give approval to tattoos. However, some of the Civil Services get inked after their selection or get inked to the body parts that are not visible. So, it can be considered that UPSC does not call it an offense.
Why Tattoos are Not Allowed in Government Jobs in India:
Many times, people are scared of having tattoos before joining a Government job. Their concern is natural as these people are not aware that whether Government jobs or jobs in the public sector allow tattoos on body. However, if the tattoo is concealed by the clothes you wear is also acceptable.
It is also true that your body is not scanned to find tattoos when you are finding a job in the public sector. Only permanent identification marks such as mole marks etc are concerned. But that is also outdated because of Aadhaar Card and biometrics.
Government departments set rules for Tattoos depending on case to case and nature of the job and how tattoo affects one’s performance. Like in the military, you cannot have a tattoo on forehead as it will look odd during the drills.
Is Tattoo Removal Risky?:
Is Tattoo Removal Risky? Fashion comes and go, and brings so many things for us. Tattoos are high in trend. Young to old everybody wants to get inked. If you look around you, more than 25% of people have at least one tattoo. However, not all of them are satisfied with their decision. More than 20% of people regret having tattoos on their bodies.
Now to get rid of permanent ink (tattoo), you must be looking for some alternative. And the best solution is its removal. Is Tattoo Removal Risky? This question is natural to ask. Here’s the good news for you, laser tattoo removal techniques can fulfill your dream of getting rid of the tattoo. The laser technique is effective in diminishing the appearance of your unwanted tattoo with little side effect. By now, you must be satisfied that the tattoo removal task is not risky.
What is the Process?
The laser removing tattoos technique removes the tattoo by breaking the pigment colors with a light beam. Black color tattoo pigment will absorb the laser wavelength and make it easy to treat. Therefore, the type of laser is selected to remove the other colors based on the pigment color. It is important to know that tattoos are never removed completely, scar is left over after the removal process.
- To remove the tattoos, contact the consultant who can go through your tattoo and suggest you the ways of its removal. There are a number of treatments available for removing the tattoo depending on the age, size, and color. The complexion of your skin and how deep the tattoo pigment goes, decide the removal technique.
- You are advised to wear a pair of protective eye shields.
- The professionals will test the reaction on your skin and give you the most effective treatment
- The technician uses laser techniques that give intense light through the top layer of the skin
- Smaller tattoos get removed by pulses of intense light via top layer of the skin absorbed by the tattoo pigment.
- Smaller tattoos need fewer pulses as compared to larger pulses which need more pulses to remove. In either case, to get rid of tattoos, the person has to gop through several treatments.
- With every visit to the expert, your tattoo will become lighter.
Laser Tattoo is not a comfortable process, but a person does not need anesthesia. On the contrary, depending on the location of your tattoo, you need to apply a topical anesthesia cream beforehand. As soon as the process gets over, use an ice pack to soothe the treated area and apply an antibiotic cream or ointment and bandage for protection.
How Painful Is Tattoo Removal:
How Painful Is Tattoo Removal? Tattoo removal is the process of removing permanent ink from your skin. If you have a tattoo on any part of the body, that you don’t want any longer, you must look for an effective tattoo removal technique. A dermatologist can help with this but scars are likely to be left on the specific area. How painful is tattoo removal? This question depends on various levels of pain and discomfort. According to some people removal of the tattoo gives a feeling the same as getting a tattoo. It gives the feeling of the rubber band snapped against the skin and the skin may become sore after the process.
Some processes are painful and due to this reason, surgeons give general anesthesia or a dermatologist applies topical or injects a local anesthetic to your skin.
Conditions for Tattoo Removal:
You can opt for tattoo removal on the following conditions:
- Good in health
- Person do not smoke
- Have realistic expectations for the process.
- Aware of the risks and side effects of the treatment
Why do People Remove Tattoos Even it is Painful?
People remove tattoos in the specific conditions:
- You do not like your tattoo anymore.
- Your job doesn’t allow you to have a tattoo visible
- Your tattoo reminds of someone or something that has a negative impact on your life.
How Can I Remove Tattoo From My Skin
How Can I Remove Tattoo From My Skin: You have a beautiful tattoo design on your skin unfortunately, you do not want it anymore. Now, you are looking for the answer to the query How Can I Remove Tattoo From My Skin. If you are thinking that tattoo removal is impossible then you are wrong because now, there is a solution for removing the tattoos from the body.
Is Tattoo Removal Process Workable?
Yes, tattoo removal is possible and there are several ways to approach:
- Laser removal
- Surgical excision
- Dermabrasion
Tattoo removal process works, but some tattoos are tough to remove. Older tattoos and stick-and-poke tattoos are easy to remove as compared to the newer tattoos. Some colors are easy to remove than others. This includes colors like black, brown, dark blue, and green.
However, large-sized tattoo removal process is time-occupying and costly as compared to less colorful, smaller, and lighter ones. Due to risk of the side effects, it is not easy to remove tattoos if you have the following:
- Darker Skin
- Skin condition like eczema
- Health condition affecting the skin such as herpes
Still, you can remove the tattoo even if you are facing any of the above mentioned condition. It is that you just need to take a little time to find the best removal solution for you.
Different Types of Tattoo Removal Methods:
When planning for tattoo removal, consider the below mentioned factors:
- Cost incurred on removing tattoos
- Risk of Scar
- Effectiveness
- Time Taken
Laser Removal:
Most experts think that removing tattoo is a successful and cost-effective way out. Most often, lasers do not remove the tattoo. Instead, they lighten or fade it so it is noticeable.
These days, most tattoos are removed with Q-switched laser, which sends the energy in one strong pulse. This pulse of energy easily heats up the ink to dissolve it. Laser treatment may take several weeks or even more to remove the tattoo. Older or complex tattoos will require fewer sessions, while newer or more complex tattoos require even more. If you are person with darker skin, you may consider Q-switched laser treatment, which can change the color of dark skin than the traditional Q-switched lasers.
It takes around 7 to 10 sessions to remove the tattoo with the laser treatment. You need to wait for two months between the sessions for fruitful results.
By following each session, you need to follow the instructions given by the professionals. This includes applying antibacterial ointment for several days. The ointment will heal your skin and decrease the risk of infection. Change the wound dressing each time by applying the ointment.
After two weeks:
- Keep the treated area dry and clean
- Make sure not to wear tight clothes
- Do not expose the treated area to the sunlight
- Do not pick blisters that form
Surgical Removal:
Surgical removal also known as excision tattoo removal, consisted of cutting off the tattooed skin and stitching the remaining skin back together. It is an invasive method of tattoo removal and a guaranteed way to get rid of tattoo completely. It is less costly than laser removal, but it leaves a scar. Resultantly, it is done on smaller tattoos.
This process is done in a plastic surgery office. You will be given a local anesthetic before the surgery starts. The surgeon applies the sharp, object called a scalpel to cut away the tattooed skin. Then, stitch the remaining skin back together. The process takes around two hours, depending on the size of the tattoo.
The healing process takes few weeks. During this time, you want to apply the recommended ointment for several days to heal your skin and avoid the skin infection.
Best Tattoo Removal Laser Doctors in India:
Best Tattoo Removal Laser Doctors in India: It is recommended to use the best Q-Switch laser for tattoo removal which is an effective solution with minimal risk of scar and lesser pain. The cost of laser tattoo removal depends on size but it is not a budget-breaking deal. Besides this, there are other options available such as Dermabrasion, salabrasion, Excision and Removal Creams as they must be painful and take time to heal. If you are looking for the best tattoo removal laser doctors in India then several options are available
Methods to Remove tattoo:
- Non-Surgical Methods
- Surgical Methods
- New Laser Protocols
Non-Surgical Method:
The advanced technologies have created the process of tattoo removal which is less painful. Though several methods are available these days but laser method is the most successful method. Skin doctors in India are highly qualified and experts in tattoo removal techniques. The wave length goes through the skin and breaks the tattoo ink under depth and allows it to dissolve by the body.
Permanent Tattoo Removal: Non-Surgical Methods:
Non-Surgical Methods: Laser is the safest and low-risk method of tattoo removal. These methods are little expensive, bloodless & highly effective in removing the larger, stronger, and complex tattoos. This technique breaks the pigment of colors with the targeted-intensity light beam that removes the tattoo without leaving any scar behind.
Dermabrasion: This is one of the options for removing the tattoo that removes the top layers of skin using the abrasion method to lighten the original tattoo. It is an aggressive type and has its own boundaries. It may remove the skin and result into bleeding, scarring, and infections as the skin will be open after the abrasion gets over.
Dermabrasion is not meant for removing large tattoos or tattoos with solid or complex colors such as black ink with red one as the stronger color would stand out. The treatment is consisted of multiple sessions. To try this method, look for a highly skilled specialists in India as if it is not done properly, the tattoo would become impossible to fix.
Permanent Tattoo Removal: Surgical Methods:
Excision: It is a surgical method of removing a tattoo where the skin with the tattoo is cut making an ellipse around the tattoo or removing the ink below the epidermis layer while the remaining area is sewn. The entire procedure takes an hour and requires 2-3 sessions for removing the large tattoos. Small tattoos can be covered one time only.
Skin Grafting: Skin grating is a quicker way to remove the tattoo. This method is useful for removing large sized and old tattoos.
Q SWITCH: Q-Switch is the most effective and efficient way to remove the tattoo of any color. The technique consisted of 3 types of Q-switch lasers – Nd: YAG, Alexandrite, and Ruby. Q-Switch Laser treatment is highly effective when a correct Q-Switch type is used depending on how huge the ink particles are.
R20: R20 is a different kind of method used for removing tattoo – a kind of laser proficient at removing ink. This is an innovative method and more than just a method to pass over the tattoo removal treatments, various passes spaced 20 minutes apart are executed during the patient’s visit to break the ink for more sizeable ink evacuation between sessions using R20. This method is faster and more comfortable with R0 protocol.
Best Tattoo Removal Laser Doctors in India:
After going through all the methods mentioned above, if you have preferred seeking laser doctors then India is full of talented and efficient doctors. Here are some points to be kept in mind to remove the tattoos through laser removing technique:
- A talented doctor with good experience
- Efficient doctor with high talent
- Cost-Effective treatment
- Choose an established doctor
- Go through the client reviews before finalizing the doctor
Tattoo Removal Cost in India:
Tattoo Removal Cost in India: To get a tattoo is a big decision and one’s choice. And once you get it, you will have it forever. That is the reason choosing tattoo’s design and locations are important. It is also thinking why the future employees and career options while making the decision. Unfortunately, many people regret later because of a change in interest or different reactions from friends and family. If you want to remove the tattoo and wanted to know the tattoo removal cost in India then this article will help you further.
Cost of Tattoo Removal in top Cities of India:
- Delhi: Minimum cost $110 and maximum 547
- Ahmedabad: Minimum cost $92 and maximum $457
- Pune: Minimum cost $104 and maximum cost $517
- Chennai: Minimum cost $99 and maximum cost $492
- Bangalore: Minimum cost $108 and maximum $537
- Mumbai: Minimum cost $114 and maximum $567
- Hyderabad: Minimum cost $96 and maximum cost $477
- Kolkata: Minimum cost $88 and maximum cost $437
Factors Keeping in Mind to Remove Tattoo:
Tattoo removal is the cosmetic process to remove an undesirable tattoo. The tattoo has its merits and demerits both. The cost of removing tattoo depends on various factors consisted of tattoo removal methods. The average cost of removing tattoos in India starts from INR 8055. The cost of removing tattoo depends on several factors such as:
- Clinic
- Doctor’s charges
- The size of tattoo
- Type of tattoo
- Tattoo removal technique
- Number of treatments needed
- Skin Type
Cost Incurred in Tattoo Removal:
- Laser Tattoo: The average laser tattoo removal cost in India is Rs. 15000-Rs. 30000.
- Surgical tattoo removal: It consists of Rs. 25,000-Rs. 1, 00,000
- Dermabrasion: It costs around Rs. 5000-Rs. 10,000