PG Exam

DU SOL Admission 2022 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Syllabus & Admit Card

DU SOL Admission 2022DU SOL Admission 2022DU SOL Admission 2022: Delhi University School of Open Learning will release the application form for DU SOL Admission. Aspirants who are keen to enroll themselves in Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses can apply latest by the month of July 2022. There are details like eligibility criteria, admission process, application form info, and lots more that candidate who is applying should know. Given below is the comprehensive information, read carefully:

Overview of Under Graduate Courses:

Particulars for UG Programme:

  • Name of the admission process: Delhi University SOL UG admissions
  • Year of establishment: 1962
  • Exam Category: Undergraduate
  • Level of Exam: University
  • Mode of education: Distance education
  • Programmes Proffered: BA, BA(Hons), B.Com(Hons), B.Com
  • Mode of application: Online
  • Selection Mode: Merit list/direct

Overview of Post Graduate Courses:

Particulars for PG Programme:

  • Name of the admission process: Delhi University SOL UG admissions
  • Year of establishment: 1962
  • Exam Category: Postgraduate
  • Level of Exam: University
  • Mode of education: Distance education
  • Programmes Proffered: MA, M.Com
  • Mode of application: Online
  • Selection mode: Entrance based and merit list/direct

DU SOL Exam Date 2022:

Event UG Programmes PG Programmes
Start date of online registration 4th week of July 2022 July 2022
Online Registration last date August 2022 July 2022
Application with late fee of Rs 200 August 2022 To be announced later
Admit card issue To be announced later August 2022
SOL Exam Date 2022 To be announced later To be announced later
Results To be announced later To be announced later

DU SOL Admission 2022 Eligibility Criteria:

  • There will be no minimum age group to apply for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the DU SOL 2022.
  • For admission in BA and B.Com programmes, candidates must have qualifying marks in the Class 12 examination.
  • For admission in MA and M.Com programmes, candidates must have a relevant bachelor’s degree.

SOL Admission 2022 Application Fee:

The University of Delhi Provisioned with distance education via the School of Open Learning for the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes for various courses. Candidates can select any of the courses mentioned below and fetch info about the fee for each course also.

Undergraduate Level Programmes:

  • To apply for BA (programme), category A (students residing in India) will pay Rs 3430, Category B (students residing abroad) will pay Rs 3230, category C (Indian Nationals residing abroad) will pay Rs 10730, and Category D (PWD) students, will make payment of Rs 65. The subjects included in this programme are Hindi, Political Science, Sanskrit, History, Economics, Urdu, Education, English, Mathematics, Nutrition and Health Education, Tamil, Punjabi.
  • To apply for B.Com, category A (students residing in India) will pay Rs 3530, Category B (students residing abroad) will pay Rs 3330, category C (Indian Nationals residing abroad) will pay Rs 10830, and Category D (PWD) students, will make payment of Rs 65. The subject will be commerce.
  • To apply for B.Com (Hons) Commerce, category A (students residing in India) will pay Rs 3830, Category B (students residing abroad) will pay Rs 3630, category C (Indian Nationals residing abroad) will pay Rs 11130, and Category D (PWD) students, will make payment of Rs 65.
  • For BA (Hons), (Subject English), category A (students residing in India) will pay Rs 3530, Category B (students residing abroad) will pay Rs 3330, category C (Indian Nationals residing abroad) will pay Rs 10830, and Category D (PWD) students, will make payment of Rs 65.
  • For BA Programme, (Subject Political Science) category A (students residing in India) will pay Rs 3630, Category B (students residing abroad) will pay Rs 3430, category C (Indian Nationals residing abroad) will pay Rs 10930, and Category D (PWD) students, will make payment of Rs 65.

Post Graduate Level Program:

  • For MA (Sanskrit): category A (students residing in India) will pay Rs 4990, Category B (students residing abroad) will pay Rs 4990, category C (Indian Nationals residing abroad) will pay Rs 13490, and Category D (PWD) students, will make payment of Rs 75.
  • For MA (History): category A (students residing in India) will pay Rs 4990, Category B (students residing abroad) will pay Rs 4990, category C (Indian Nationals residing abroad) will pay Rs 13490, and Category D (PWD) students, will make payment of Rs 75.
  • For MA (History): category A (students residing in India) will pay Rs 4990, Category B (students residing abroad) will pay Rs 4990, category C (Indian Nationals residing abroad) will pay Rs 13490, and Category D (PWD) students, will make payment of Rs 75.
  • For MA (Political Science): category A (students residing in India) will pay Rs 4990, Category B (students residing abroad) will pay Rs 4990, category C (Indian Nationals residing abroad) will pay Rs 13490, and Category D (PWD) students, will make payment of Rs 75.
  • To apply for MA in Hindi: category A (students residing in India) will pay Rs 4990, Category B (students residing abroad) will pay Rs 4990, category C (Indian Nationals residing abroad) will pay Rs 13490, and Category D (PWD) students, will make payment of Rs 75.
  • To apply for M.Com (Commerce): for category A (students residing in India) will pay Rs 5140, Category B (students residing abroad) will pay Rs 4640, category C (Indian Nationals residing abroad) will pay Rs 13460, and Category D (PWD) students, will make payment of Rs 75.

DU SOL 2022 Application Form:

The application form to apply will be released on the official website. The form will be released in the month of June. Fill all the details mentioned in the SOL DU Admission 2022 Application form carefully. Attach the relevant photograph, and other documents asked for in the application form.

Documents Need to be Submitted During the Time of DU SOL Admission 2022:

  • Filled application form
  • Original mark sheets and pass/provisional certificates
  • Reserved category certificate for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates.
  • Migration certificate
  • Disability certificate (if any)
  • Original Income Certificate (if applying for the concession of the fee.)

DU SOL Admission 2022:

Direct SOL DU Admission 2022 is possible if there is a vacancy of seats for different courses. The university will release the notification for seeking direct admission to those who clear their entrance examinations in the respective department.

Candidate Login:

Go for online registration and after that, they will be provided with the username and password. Make use of this username and password the candidate can easily log in, apply for the desired courses, check results, download the admit card, assignments and it also helps in recovering passwords.

Seats Reservation 2022:

  • 5% seats scheduled for Scheduled Tribe (of each course)
  • 15% seats scheduled for Scheduled Tribe (of each course)
  • 5% seats scheduled for Sports/ECA Persons (of each course)
  • 27% seats scheduled for OBC (of each course)
  • 05% seats scheduled for Foreign Nationals (of each course)
  • 5% seats scheduled for Persons with Disabilities (of each course)
  • 5% seats scheduled for Widows/Children of the eligible Armed Forces Personnel (CW) (of each course)

DU SOL Admission 2022 Admit Card:

There will be the release of the Admit Card on the official website. This card holds information like roll number, exam center, etc. This important card will be released a week or two weeks prior to the exam date. Make sure to carry this card at the exam center. If there are some issues related to admit card then contact the office of the School of Open Learning, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, and South Study Centre, South Moti Bagh, New Delhi. Carry an attested copy of the photograph and the duly filled application form.

Process to Download DU SOL Admit Card 2022:

  1. Go to the official website to download the admit card for the examination.
  2. Enter an email address, roll number, registration number, birth date, and password.
  3. Fill all the details asked.
  4. The admit card will be seen on screen and after that candidates will download it.

Merit or Direct Admission:

50% of the total seats will be filled by the candidates of the University of Delhi through direct admission based on the merit list. This mode is unavailable to candidates from other Universities.

DU SOL Admission 2022 Entrance Test:

  • The rest of the 50% seats are filled by an entrance test, interview, or group discussion (if any).
  • Reservation or concession will be applied separately in both the modes (Entrance and Direct) as per the rules given by the University of Delhi. Every department will release the merit lists in both modes.

DU SOL Merit list 2022:

There will be the release of a merit list for Undergraduate and postgraduate on the official website of SOL DU notified by the University. Candidates will login using login credentials via username and password and enter their roll number/ registration number/ date of birth for checking out the merit list or results online.


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