FCI Recruitment 2023: Food Corporation of India (FCI) is one of the highest public sectors undertaking to ensure the food security of the nation. It was established in the year 1965. The first district office of FCI was at Thanjavur. FCI is considered the organization of the central government of India for the chain supply of food grains for the country. FCI conducts Examinations for different posts under FCI Job Recruitment 2023. All those candidates who wish to get recruited for various posts in FCI can apply for the Application form. It is the Government body that conducts the exam for candidates to get government jobs. Before going to apply, candidates are advised to check the eligibility requirement for the designation. The details regarding the exam are mentioned below:
FCI Notification 2023:
- The official notification will release soon for FCI Recruitment 2023.
FCI Recruitment 2023: Highlights
Exam Name | FCI 2023 |
Exam Full Form | Food Corporation of India |
Level of Exam | National |
Application Form | Online Mode |
Mode of Exam | Online |
Notification | Released Soon |
Post Name | Assistant General Manager(General Administration, Technical, Accounts, Law) and Medical Officer |
Total Vacancies | 5900 (Expected) |
Website | www.fci.gov.in |
FCI Recruitment 2023 Exam Dates:
The important dates of releasing the application form, the last date to apply are given below. Candidates can check the tentative dates from here.
Events | Exam Dates |
FCI 2023 Notification Released | February 2023 |
FCI Online Apply Online | March 2023 |
Last Date to Apply Online for FCI Exam | March 2023 |
Closure for editing application details | March 2023 |
Last date for printing your application | April 2023 |
Admit Card Availability | July 2023 |
FCI 2023 Exam Dates | July 2023 |
Result Date | — |
Food Corporation of India Recruitment 2023 Application:
- Food Corporation of India (FCI) will release the FCI Official notification.
- The official notification for FCI Recruitment 2023 will release in February 2023.
- The Application Form will be released through Online Mode.
Application Fee:
- The application fee for candidates belonging to the reserved categories is not required.
- The application fee for candidates of the General, OBC & EWS categories is Rs.1000. and Nil for SC, ST, PWD, and Female candidates.
- Payment of the application fee can be done online mode.
How to Apply for FCI 2023 Apply Online?
Candidates after ensuring eligibility can apply for the application form. The form will be filled out online. Candidates need to follow the instructions given below to fill out the form correctly.
- Visit the official web page of FCI: www.fci.gov.in.
- On the Homepage, Click on the Current Recruitment.
- Then click on the Application Process.
- After that click on the “New Registration” button.
- Fill in all information carefully because any mistake in the form can lead to the cancellation of the form.
- Upload the scanned signature and photo before the last date.
- Recheck all mentioned details.
- make payment of the application fee online mode
- After that click on the “submit” button.
- Take a print of the application form for further use.
FCI Vacancy 2023:
Post Name | Total Vacancies (Tentative) |
Assistant General Manager(General Administration) | 30 |
Assistant General Manager(Technical) | 27 |
Assistant General Manager(Accounts) | 22 |
Assistant General Manager(Law) | 8 |
Medical Officer | 2 |
Total | 89 |
FCI 2023 Eligibility Criteria:
Assistant General Manager (General Administration):
- Post Graduate degree or equivalent from a recognized University/Institutes recognized by Central Govt. (or body authorized by it) with a minimum of 55% marks.
- OR Bachelors Degree in Law or 5 years Integrated Course in Law from a recognized University with minimum
55% marks.
Assistant General Manager (Technical):
- Candidates must have completed B.Sc. in Agriculture from a recognized University with a minimum of 55% marks. or B.Tech degree or B.E degree in Food Science from a recognized University/institution approved by the AICTE with a minimum of 55% marks.
- or B.Tech degree or B.E degree in Food Science & Technology or Food Technology or Food Processing Technology or Food Process Engineering or Food Processing or Food Preservation Technology from a recognized University/ an institution approved by the AICTE with a minimum of 55% marks. or B.Tech. degree or BE degree in Agricultural Engineering from a recognized University/institution approved by the AICTE with a minimum of 55% marks.
- Or B.Tech degree or B.E degree in Bio-Technology or Industrial Bio-Technology or Bio-Technology or Bio-Chemical Engineering or Agricultural Biotechnology from a recognized University/ an institution approved by the AICTE with a minimum of 55% marks.
Assistant General Manager (Accounts) –
- The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India;
- CA (Cost Accountants), CS (f Company Secretaries )
Assistant General Manager (Law):
- Candidates must have Full-time Degree in Law from a recognized University/Institute: and a Minimum of 5 years of experience as a practicing Lawyer.
Medical Officer:
- M.B.B.S. (Registered and completed the prescribed House Surgery) (either completed the Internship in 1962 or undergone Internment and a compulsory surgency for a period of one year. Rotary House Surgency for one year). 3 years experience in any organized Medical Institution, preferably in a labor organization
Age Limit:
Category | Age Limit |
Manager (Hindi) | 35 Years |
Manager | 28 Years |
Junior Engineer | 28 Years |
Typist (Hindi) | 25 Years |
Steno. Grade- II | 25 Years |
Watchmen | 25 Years |
FCI Salary:
Post Name | Scale of Pay (IDA Pattern) |
Medical Officer | 50,000- 1,60,000/ |
General Administration (AGM) | 60,000- 1,80,000/ |
Technical (AGM) | 60,000- 1,80,000/ |
Accounts (AGM) | 60,000- 1,80,000/ |
Law (AGM) | 60,000- 1,80,000/ |
FCI Recruitment 2023 Exam Pattern:
The selection process will be consisting of Online test and Interview.
- It Consists the Questions from General aptitude.
- There will be 180 questions of 180 marks and no negative marking.
- It Consists the Questions from General aptitude and Relevant technical discipline.
- General Aptitude consists of 120 MCQ and each carrying 0.5 marks.
- Relevant technical discipline consists of 60 MCQ each carrying 2 marks.
Post | Post Code | No. of Questions | Duration | Exam Pattern |
Assistant General Manager (General Administration) | A | 180 | 2 ½ Hours | General Aptitude consisting of - Reasoning, Data Analysis, Numerical
Ability – 45 Questions - General Awareness, Current Affairs –
45 Questions - Management and Ethics – 45 Questions
- Agriculture, Agriculture Economy and
Computer awareness – 45 Questions |
Assistant General Manager (Technical) | B | 180 | 2 ½ Hours | (1) General Aptitude consisting of - Reasoning, Data Analysis, Numerical
Ability – 30 Questions - General Awareness, Current Affairs –
30 Questions - Management and Ethics – 30 Questions
- Agriculture, Agriculture Economy,
Computer awareness – 30 Questions (2) Relevant Discipline – 60 Questions |
Assistant General Manager (Accounts) | C |
Assistant General Manager (Law) | D |
Medical Officer | E |
Assistant General Manager (Technical):
- Agriculture: Basic principles of Crop (Cereals & Pulses) production, Statistics of Indian Agriculture (Cereals & Pulses), Introductory Genetics, Crop Protection, Basics of Plant Pathology, Food & Agriculture Microbiology, Nutrition (Animal & Plant), Postharvest care of cereals& Pulses, Basic Principle of Preservation of Foodgrains, Agriculture Extension, Photosynthesis, and Respiration.
- Biotechnology: Microbes: Beneficial & Harmful, Genetic Engineering, Biotechnological Principles, Economic Biotechnology, Pathogens & Control, recent trends.
- Chemistry: Physical Chemistry: Structure of Atoms, Chemical Bonding, Radioactivity; Inorganic Chemistry: Periodic table, Basics Metals & Non-metals; Organic Chemistry: Basics of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, aldehydes and acids, Biochemistry (Carbohydrates, Proteins & fats).
- Entomology: Basic Entomology, Economic Entomology, Beneficial and harmful insects, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Storage Grain Insect pest, Vertebrate Pests, Classification of Insecticides and their Mode of Action.
- PFA Act, 1964, Food Safety and Standards Act,2006/Food Safety and Standards Regulations 2011, Right to Information Act,2005 and National Food Security Act, 2013.
Assistant General Manager (Accounts)
- Basic Accounting concept including preparation of books of accounts and Accounting Standards.
- Financial Management: Analysis of Financial statement; Budgeting & Budgetary control; Working Capital Management; Capital Budgeting & Ratio Analysis.
- Taxation: Income Tax including filing of the return, TDS, Advance Tax, etc; Goods& Services Tax.
- Auditing: Auditing Concepts and Methods; Internal & External Audit of Companies
- Commercial Laws: Contract Act; Companies Act; Sales of Goods Act; Negotiable Instrument Act; Consumer Protection Act; RTI Act.
- Basic of Computers: Operating System; Browsers; Email; Memory (Internal, External, portable); Chats; Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel); Networks.
Assistant General Manager (Law):
- Constitution of India (with emphasis on service law and writ jurisdiction of High Court & Supreme Court, Fundamental Rights)
- Procedural Law (Civil Procedural Code 1908, Indian Evidence Act 1872, and Limitation Act 1963)
- Indian Contract Act 1872 including Specific Relief Act 1963
- Commercial Law (Company Law 2013, Indian Partnership Act 1932, Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008, The Competition Act 2002)
- Labour Law ( Industrial Dispute Act 1947, Employees Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952, Contract Labor (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Payment of Gratuity Act 1972, Payment of Wages Act 1936, The Employees Compensation Act 1923, Industrial Employment ( Standing Orders) Act 1946)
- Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996
- National Food Security Act 2013
- The Food safety and standards Act 2006
- Prevention of Corruption Act 1988
- Information Technology Act 2000
- Right to Information Act 2005
- Goods and Services Tax 2017
Medical Officer:
- GENERAL MEDICINE: Cardiology, Respiratory diseases, Gastro‐intestinal, Genito‐Urinary, Neurology, Hematology, Endocrinology, Metabolic disorders, Infections/Communicable Diseases( Virus, Rickets, Bacterial, Spirochetal, Protozoan, Metazoan, Fungus), Nutrition/Growth, Diseases of the skin (Dermatology), Musculoskeletal System, Psychiatry, General, Emergency Medicine, Common Poisoning, Snakebite, Tropical Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Emphasis on medical procedures, Pathophysiological basis of diseases, Vaccines preventable diseases and Non-vaccines preventable diseases, Vitamin deficiency diseases, In psychiatry include – Depression, psychosis, anxiety, bipolar diseases, and Schizophrenia.
- PAEDIATRICS: Common childhood emergencies, Basic newborn care, Normal developmental milestones, Accidents and poisonings in children, Birth defects and counseling including autism, Immunization in children, Recognizing children with special needs and management, and National programmes related to child
health. - GENERAL SURGERY: Wounds, Infections, Tumours, Lymphatic, Blood vessels, Cysts/sinuses, Head and Neck, Breast, Alimentary tract (Esophagus, Stomach, Intestines, Anus, Developmental), Liver, Bile, Pancreas, Spleen, Peritoneum, Abdominal wall, Abdominal injuries, Urological Surgery, Neurosurgery, Otorhinolaryngology E.N.T., Thoracic surgery, Orthopaedic surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesiology, Traumatology, Diagnosis and management of common surgical ailments, Pre‐operative and post-operative care of surgical patients, Medico-legal and ethical issues of surgery, Wound healing, Fluid and electrolyte management in surgery,
Shock pathophysiology and management.
- OBSTETRICS: Ante‐natal conditions, Intra‐natal conditions, Post‐natal conditions, Management of normal labors or complicated labor.
- GYNAECOLOGY: Questions on applied anatomy, Questions on applied physiology of menstruation and fertilization, Questions on infections in the genital tract, Questions on neoplasma in the genital tract, Questions on
displacement of the uterus, Normal delivery and safe delivery practices, High-risk pregnancy, and management, Abortions, Intra-Uterine growth retardation, Medico-legal examination in obgy and Gynae
including Rape. - FAMILY PLANNING: Conventional contraceptives, U.D. and oral pills, Operative procedure, sterilization and organization of programs in the urban and rural surroundings, Medical Termination of Pregnancy.
- PREVENTIVE SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY MEDICINE: Social and Community Medicine, Concept of Health, Disease and Preventive Medicine, Health Administration and Planning, General Epidemiology, Demography and Health Statistics, Communicable Diseases, Environmental Health, Nutrition and Health, Non‐communicable diseases, Occupational Health, Genetics and Health, International Health, Medical Sociology, and Health Education, Maternal and Child Health, National Programmes, Management of common health problems, Ability to monitor national health programmes, Knowledge of maternal and child wellness, Ability to recognize, investigate, report, plan and manage community health problems including malnutrition and emergencies.
Admit card:
The FCI admit card will be released 10-15 days before the examination. The Candidates can download it from the official website of FCI. For downloading the Admit Card candidates will have to enter registration number and password/dob. Admit card will contain all the details regarding the exam center, exam date, roll number, etc. all the candidates must carry Admit Card to seek entry and also carry one ID and passport size photograph.
Steps to Download the FCI 2023 Admit Card:
- Visit the official website of FCI
- On the Home page click on the “Download Admit Card” link.
- Then enter the registration number, DOB, and enter the verification code.
- Press the “Download Admit Card” button.
- The screen will display the admit card.
- Download the admit card and take the printout of the same.
After the Exam, the result will be announced within 2 weeks. Candidates can check the result with help of login details.
Steps to Download the FCI Recruitment Exam Result:
- Visit the official website of FCI.
- Go to the result section and click on ‘result for FCI 2023’
- Enter the application number and Date of birth.
- Candidates have to look for their Name or Registration number from the merit list.
Interview and Document Verification:
Those who are shortlisted in the online test will appear for the next round i.e. Interview. The Interview carries 10% weightage. The document verification procedure will be completed during the time of the Interview. To collect Interview call Letter, visit the official website of FCI www.fci.gov.in. However, the combined final scores will be based on the total scores attained in Interview and Online exams. After successfully completing the online written test, there will be document verification for the candidates selected on the basis of merit. The number of candidates to appear for the documents verification is equal to three times to the number of advertised vacancies.
View Comments
Hi I am Suvarna. I have completed simple BA. can I get job in FCI.
Hi iam Prabhakaran.i completed Bsc hotel management and catering science. In which dept can I apply please reply
I am pursing final year B.Tech of electrical .By june i will completed my degree course.So i am elegible to write the exam for 2020-2021 ??
Is this real news?
I have completed in ph. D biotechnology. So I'm interested in FCI requirements in grade III. I'm eligible or not? I can eligible candidate. I need admit card. Please
I SANJAY KUMAR I COMPLET THE DIPLOMA IN PACKAGING TECH. So, we are eligible to write the exam?
We are studying now Final Year of B.Sc Agriculture. By june we will complete our Degree course. So, we are eligible to write the exam?
no,try next year
I have completed my Engineering specialized in Computer science ,can I apply for AG-3(Depot)?
We are studying now Final Year of B.Sc Agriculture. By june we will complete our Degree course. So, we are eligible to write the exam?
FCI apna exam kab conduct karata hai