GCET Admit Card: GCET is the state level entrance examination conducted every year by the DTE or Directorate of Technical Education to give admission to the candidates in the courses such as Medical, Engineering, and Architecture. Before appearing for the examination, candidates required to have Admit Card along with themselves. In the examination hall, the Admit Card is the most important thing that candidates should carry otherwise, the candidate will not be permitted to sit in the examination hall. You have to download the admit card online which goes through a simple process. The Admit Card will be released in June. This card comprises of info like name, address, contact number, and other related info:
After making preparations for the GCET examination, candidates desperately wait for the result. The results for GCET examination will be declared in August. The result can be accessed online mode on a fixed date. Just click the site and avail of the details of results so that you can further move for counseling and other sessions.