Gujarat B.Sc Nursing Admission 2022 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus

Gujarat B.Sc Nursing Admission 2022 is done based on a result/merit list. Contingent upon the applicants’ exhibition in the last passing test (Class 12 tests or same), the choice cycle is completed. Gujarat University Admission Committee (GUAC), Ahmedabad is liable for the admission cycle of the B.Sc Nursing course.

GUAC discharges the significant dates and other important data for B.Sc Nursing admission in Gujarat. In this article, we will furnish you with all the information directs related to Gujarat B.Sc Nursing Admission 2022 including qualification, significant dates, application, and determination measure so you would enough is able to time to be completely arranged.

Gujarat B.Sc Nursing Admission 2022 Application Form:

Gujarat B.Sc Nursing application measure is accessible both on the web and offline. Look at the on the web and offline application measure for the B.Sc Nursing course in detail underneath:

Online Mode:-

  1. The directions for finishing the regular application form are portrayed beneath:-
  2. The candidate should enroll on the Institute’s true site by giving their own data, for example, name, versatile number, and email Id.
  3. Candidates are encouraged to give their right email address in the application form, as the admission office will utilize it for the correspondence cycle.
  4. Competitors are additionally needed to transfer the examined picture of the report mentioned in the application form when rounding out the application form
  5. Competitors are additionally needed to submit supporting archives in the checked arrangement while finishing the application form, for example, evidence of ID, signature, photos, and so on
  6. In the wake of finishing the application form, the competitors need to tap on the submit button. The site will lead the candidate to an online installment entry where he/she will have the option to utilize net banking, check card, or Visa to pay the application expenses.
  7. Candidates are told to take a printout of the appropriately filled application form for likely future reference.
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Offline Mode:-

The candidate should download the application form from the authority site of the school/college. In the wake of downloading the B.Sc Nursing application form from the authority site candidate should take a printout of the application form and fill in all the vital fields with pertinent data, for example, name, portable number, email address, marks got, and so forth After the application form has been finished, the candidate should send the filled application form to the foundation/college Admissions Office.

Application Fee:

The huge relevant information identified with the application charge is referred to beneath for the applicants:

  • Installment of utilization charge is a significant piece of the application cycle thus candidates are told to pay the application expense before the due date.
  • Specifics of the application charge will be talked about on the authority site of the college by the authority experts for the candidates.
  • It is educated that the candidates visit the authority site of the college to get data about the application charge.
  • Candidates need to get a duplicate of the installment approval receipt which will be created by the framework.

Gujarat B.Sc Nursing 2022 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Online registration start August 2022
Provisional merit list To Be Announced
Final Merit List and College Allotment for Round-3 To Be Announced
Payment of Admission Fee To Be Announced
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Eligibility Criteria:

The initial phase in the admission cycle is the qualification. Competitors looking for admission to the B.Sc. Nursing course in Gujarat can check the qualification standards here:

  • Candidates ought to have handled in class twelfth assessment or it’s comparable with English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology from any perceived Board with least 45% marks for General Category
  • For the candidates having a place the saved classification ought to have made sure about at least 40% marks.
  • The base age for admission is 17 years prior to 31st December.
  • Applicants who have taken a passing test in any Higher Secondary Education in Gujarat or it’s identical chose by ACPC (Admission Committee for Professional course) named by Gujarat state government are qualified to apply for admission in B.Sc Nursing program in Gujarat
  • There is no standard cut-off score or any extracurricular achievement expected to apply
  • An applicant whose guardians are of Gujarat starting point and who serves from Gujarat in Central Government or some other State can likewise apply
  • A competitor looking for admission to the held seat should create a Certificate of Inclusion at the hour of admission.

Exam Pattern:

For the accurate details of the exam pattern for the Gujrat B.Sc. nursing exam, you can visit the official website. Especially in order to fetch details for your particular round of counseling!


The syllabus is too detailed and contains certain specific and relevant details in each stream of specialization therefore it is recommended to visit the official website.

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Admit Card:

As soon as you submit your application either via offline mode or via online mode, you can easily derive your admit card from there. Another option is you can also visit the official website.


  • The result/merit rundown will be declared thinking about the courses. Underneath we have referenced the insights about the result/merit list.
  • Subsequent to getting all the application structures from the hopefuls before the due date, authorities will get in progress to make a result/merit rundown of the wannabes. The result/merit rundown will contain the names of the assigned candidates.
  • Candidates who discovered their names in the result/merit list are told to submit required papers to the college for the affirmation system and pay the confirmation expense.
  • The authorities will concoct the admission to the candidates because of the result/merit list.
  • Managers will give the result/merit list on the authority site of the college for all the applicants. Hopefuls are expected to experience the approved site of the college to experience the result/merit list.
  • Candidates are lauded to download the result/merit list from the authority site of the college.

Answer Key:

The answer key will be available on the official website and the candidates, after having the result can easily derive it from there in order to cross-check your result.

Cut Off:

As mentioned above in the criteria for eligibility, you must have scored at least 45% marks and for more specific details, you can feel free to visit the official website.

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