Exam Dates | Application Form | Eligibility | Exam Pattern | Admit Card |
HTET 2022 is an entrance test organized by the Government of Haryana State. The notification will soon be published officially so that those who are interested to become part of this competitive examination may come up and join the test. This is purely a State Level Examination commences every year for those who wanted to build their career in teaching. Before one apply for this competitive examination, check out crucial details below such as Haryana TET 2022-23 Application Form, Exam Dates, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Eligibility Criteria, Admit card, Result, etc:
HTET 2022 is Commenced on Three Different Levels Which are AS Follows:
- Level 1 is for those candidates who wanted to join as a Primary Teacher from class I to V.
- Level 2 is for those candidates who wanted to join as Trained Graduate Teacher from classes VI to X
- Level 3 is for those candidates who wanted to join as Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) from classes XI& XII
HTET 2022 Notification:
- HTET 2022 Not released now the notification.
HTET Exam Date 2022:
Events | Exam Dates |
Available of Online Application | October |
HTET 2022 Last Date to submit Online Application Form | October |
Online correction of application form | October |
HTET Last Date Application fee Deposition | October |
Admit card Issue Date | November |
HTET 2022 Exam Date – Level 1st PRT (Primary Teacher) | November |
HTET Exam Date 2022 – (Level 2nd TGT Exam) | November |
HTET Level 3rd PGT Exam | January |
Answer Key | January |
Candidates Biometric Verification | March |
Candidates who failed Biometric, Apply for Re-Biometric Verification | March |
HTET 2022 Result | March |
Final Answer key published | March |
Candidates (10 & 16 Candidates) Pending Result | March |
Candidates Result in Pending | April |
HTET Application Form:
Find below steps which are related to HTET 2022 Online Application:
- The application forms are available from the official website and from the website of Board of School Education Haryana
- Candidates are required to apply via online mode. Make sure to visit the main website and get the application form in order to apply for the exam.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Those who are Applying for PRT must qualify D.ED Exam or JBT Exam.
- If you are applying for TGT or Trained Graduate Teacher Level then ensure that you must have completed Graduation and B.ED according to relevant Subject.
- While applying for PGT or Post Graduate Teacher Level, ensure that you must have completed Post Graduation and B.ED as per relevant Subject.
HTET Form 2022 Application Fee:
While applying for HTET 2022, candidates need to submit the application fees as well. The fee cost varies from one category to another. Given below are the details:
- Those who belong to General/UR Category must pay Rs 600/-
- Reserve category candidates must pay Rs 300/-
- Other candidates and other states candidates need to make payment of Rs 600/-
Age Limit: The minimum age limit is 18 and the maximum age limit is 38.
Selection Process:
Candidate required to secure at least 60% marks only then he/she is eligible for HTET 2022 examination
The Process to Apply for HTET 2022:
- First of all visit the main official website
- Then choose the option name Online Application form filling.
- Fill all the important details along with mandatory details asked by the exam authority
- Upload the Scanned Photos and signature
- As soon as the uploading process gets over, check the details and if you find that details are apt then click the Submit button.
- Once the application is filled, candidates are suggested to take the Hard Copy of the application form for further reference.
HTET Syllabus 2022:
Syllabus for Level-1 Teacher for Classes I-V Primary Teacher follows below:
Questions are based entirely on topics mentioned for classes 1st to 5th. However, the level can be reached to the second stage as well.
Syllabus for Level-2 Teacher for Classes VI-VIII Elementary Stage follows below:
The questions in the question paper based on the topics of the HTET Syllabus 2022 of Board of School Education Haryana for classes from VI-VIII but the difficulty level may move up to the senior secondary stage
Syllabus for Level-3 Teacher for Classes IX-XII Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) follows below:
The questions in the test based on the topics of the syllabus of Board of School Education Haryana for classes IX -XII however the level of difficulty can be raised up to Post Graduation level.
Exam Pattern:
The examination is based on a pen and paper mode.
The questions will be Multiple Choice Questions. One mark each awarded for every correct answer. There will be no negative marking.
- Level 1- Primary Teacher for classes 1st to 5th
- Exam time duration will be two and a half hours
- There will be one paper consisting of Multiple Choice Questions. For every correct answer, one will receive one mark. Choose one correct option from four options.
- Child Development and Pedagogy 30 questions for 30 Marks
- Languages (Hindi 15 MCQs and English 15 MCQs), 30 questions for 30 Marks
- General Studies (Quantitative Aptitude 10 MCQs, Reasoning Ability 10 MCQs and Haryana G.K and Awareness 10 MCQs), 30 questions for 30 Marks
- Mathematics, 30 questions for 30 Marks
- Environment Studies, 30 questions for 30 Marks
- Level 2- Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) from VI-VIII:
- Exam time duration will be two and a half hours
- There will be one paper consisting of Multiple Choice Questions. For every correct answer, one will receive one mark. Choose one correct option from four different options.
- Child Development and Pedagogy, 30 questions for 30 marks
- Languages (Hindi 150 MCS and English 15 MCQs), 30 questions for 30 marks
- General Studies (Quantitative Aptitude 10 questions, Reasoning Ability 10 questions, and Haryana G.K and Awareness, 10 questions), 30 questions for 30 marks
- Subject Specified as opted, 60 questions for 60 Marks
- Level 3, Post Graduate Teacher (PGT):
Exam time duration will be two and a half hours. There will be one paper consisting of Multiple Choice Questions. For every correct answer, one will receive one mark. Choose one correct option from four different options.
- Child Development and Pedagogy, 30 questions for 30 marks
- Languages (Hindi 150 MCS and English 15 MCQs), 30 questions for 30 marks
- General Studies (Quantitative Aptitude, 10 questions, Reasoning Ability 10 questions, and Haryana G.K and Awareness 10 questions),30 questions for 30 marks
- Subject Specified as opted, 60 questions for 60 Marks
Marks needed for the Qualifying exam:
- For all categories except SC, Differently abled or Physically Challenged of other States, it is 60% or 90 Marks
- For SC, Differently abled or Physically Challenged by Haryana Domicile, it is 55% or 82 Marks
- For SC, Differently abled or Physically Challenged by other States, it is 60% or 90 Marks
Admit Card Details:
Admit card can be downloaded from the main website. Take a print out of the card to carry along with at the examination centre on exam day. This card has consisted of all the personal information. You must carry along with you otherwise you will not be permitted to appear in the entrance test.
Answer key:
The answer key will be published soon after the exam gets over. Download the answer key from the main official portal. One gets the estimation of the way question paper is handled.
Tell me date of exam htet
Please check admit card detail 20December 2019 is wrong printed .
You are requested to finalise the exam dates on 13th and 14th Jan in place of 5th and 6th since large no of schools remain closed for WINTER BREAK AND.
school close hoga tbhi to htet exam conduct hoga