HTET 2024 stands for Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test 2024. It is a state-level examination that will take place for selecting the eligible candidates for the post of teacher. This examination will commence every year for recruiting the teachers. The HTET was conducted for the TGT, PRT, PGT teacher’s posts in the Haryana State. Here are exam-related details which will help you ahead. Candidates can check all detail below mentions such as Application Form, Syllabus, Exam Dates, Exam Pattern, Eligibility Criteria, Admit card, Result, etc:
HTET 2024 Application Form:
To apply for Haryana TET 2024, follow the below-mentioned steps:
- First, open the official website
- Then click on notifications and go through it.
- Fill the application form with all the details asked for.
- After this, upload the photograph and scanned documents.
- After this make payment of the application fee
- Then submit the application form
- Ensure to take the printout of the application form
Eligibility Criteria:
- The minimum age of the candidate should be 18 years and a maximum of 38 years.
- Candidate must have done D.ED exam or JBT examination
- Candidate those who have applied for TGT (Trained graduate teacher) must have done graduation and B.ED in the relevant subject can also apply for the examination.
- Those who have applied for PGT (post-graduation teacher) must have completed post-graduation and B.ED in some relevant subject
Application Fee:
- Candidates can make payment of the application fee via modes such as Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking, etc.
- Those who belong to the General/UR category need to make payment of 600/-
- Those who belong to the reserved category need to make payment of 300/-
- However, other applicants and other state applicants need to make payment of 600/-
Exam Pattern & Syllabus:
The examination will be commenced at three levels.
- Level 1 (primary teacher)
- Level 2 (trained graduate teacher)
- Level 3 (postgraduate teacher)
Exam Pattern & Syllabus for Level 1:
- There will be the commencement of only one paper.
- There will be objective-type questions in the question paper.
- Exam duration will be for 2 hours and 30 minutes
- There will be provision for 1 mark for every correct answer and there will be no negative marking.
- The syllabus for the test is entirely based on the prescribed topic of the syllabus from class 1-5.
- For Pedagogy & Child Development, there will be 30 MCQs for 30 Marks
- Languages (English 15 MCQs & Hindi 150 MCS), there will be 30 MCQs for 30 Marks
- General Studies (Reasoning Ability 10 MCQs, Quantitative Aptitude 10 MCQs, and Haryana G.K and Awareness 10 MCQs) – 30 MCQs – 30 Marks
- Subject Specified as opted will have 60 MCQs for 60 Marks
Exam Pattern & Syllabus Level 2:
- There will be one paper for this level also.
- Exam Time will be two and a half hour
- The question paper consisted of multiple-choice questions.
- There will be proviso of one mark for every correct answer.
- The questions in the question paper will appear from the syllabus of the topic of the school of a board of education Haryana for classes VI to VIII.
- Pedagogy and Child Development consisted of 30 questions for 30 marks each.
- Languages: (English will have 15 MCQs and Hindi will have 150 MCS), 30 questions will be for 30 marks
- General Studies: (10 questions for Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability 10 questions, and Haryana G.K and Awareness, 10 questions), 30 questions for 30 marks
Exam Pattern & Syllabus Level 3:
- This level will also have one paper.
- Exam Time will be two and a half hour
- The question paper consisted of multiple-choice questions.
- There will be a proviso of one mark for every correct answer.
- The questions in the question paper will appear from the syllabus of the topic of the school of a board of education Haryana for class IX-XII
- Pedagogy & Child Development: 30 questions for 30 marks each.
- Languages: (English 15 MCQs & Hindi 150 MCS), 30 questions for 30 marks
- General Studies: (10 questions for Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability 10 questions, and Haryana G.K and Awareness 10 questions), 30 questions for 30 marks
Admit Card:
- Seek the admit card from the official website through the official site.
- This crucial card will be released a few days prior examination date.
- Make sure to read the guidelines prior you download the admit card.
- Use the application number and password along with a date of birth to apply for the admit card.
- It is important to carry this card to the examination hall.
- Make sure for carrying your ID proof at the examination hall.
Haryana TET Result:
- Seek the exam result from the official website after a month of the exam commencement.
- Go to the official website of UPSC to seek the exam result.
- Enter your registration ID and password to check the result.
- You can also check the marks attained through the result.
Answer key:
The exam conducting authority will release the Haryana TET 2023 answer key. You can avail them through the official websites after a few days of the examination. Download the answer keys so that you can check your answers for the exam.