IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern & Syllabus: IBPS Clerk is conducted by IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection). Every year IBPS conducts a common written exam or CWE for the clerical cadre posts in the participating organizations. All public sector banks use CWE as a base to fill the vacancies for this post. IBPS will release IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern and Syllabus along with its official notification. Candidates can check the updated IBPS Clerk syllabus & exam pattern in this post below.
IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern consists of two stages i.e, The Prelims and the Mains. The detailed information about the Exam Pattern is given below section.
Prelims Exam Pattern:
S.No. | Name of Tests(Objective | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
1 | English Language | 30 | 30 | 20 minutes |
2 | Numerical Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
3 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 100 | 1 Hour |
Mains Exam Pattern:
S.No. | Name of Tests(Objective | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
1 | Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude | 50 | 60 | 45 minutes |
2 | English Language | 40 | 40 | 35 minutes |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | 45 minutes |
4 | General/ Financial Awareness | 50 | 50 | 35 minutes |
Total | 190 | 200 | 160 minutes |
The Syllabus for the Prelims and Mains Exam is the same for Numerical Ability / Quantitative Aptitude and English Language. In addition to these two, the other subjects are General / Financial Awareness and Reasoning & Computer Knowledge. General Awareness is based on Banking Sector awareness.
Ratio and proportion, Averages, Time and Work, Speed, Distance and time, Mixture and allegation Stocks and shares, Percentages, Partnership, Clocks, Volume and Surface Area, Bar & Graphs, Line charts, Tables | Height and Distances, Logarithms, Permutation and combinations, Simple and compound interest, Equations, Probability, Trigonometry, Profit, Loss and Discount, Mensuration, Elements of Algebra, Data Interpretation, Pie charts |
Vocabulary | Grammar | Reading Comprehension |
Homonyms, Antonyms, Synonyms, Word Formation, Spelling | Spotting Errors, Phrases, and idioms, Direct and Indirect speech, Active/ Passive voice | Theme Detection, Passage completion, Topic rearrangement of passage, Deriving Conclusion. |
Verbal Reasoning | Non-Verbal Reasoning |
Analogy, Classification, Word formation, Statement and conclusions Syllogism, Statement and assumptions, Statement and arguments, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Passage and conclusions, Alphabet test, Series Test, Number, Ranking and time sequence, Direction sense Test, Decision-making test, Figure series, Input/output, Assertion, and reasoning, Sitting Arrangement | Series test, Odd figure Out, Analogy, Miscellaneous Test |
Basics of Hardware and software, Windows operating system basics, Internet terms and services, Basic Functionalities of MS-Office( MS-word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint) | History of computers, Networking and communication, Database basics, Basics of Hacking, Security Tools, and Viruses |
Current affairs related to national and international issues of the last 6 months, Overview of Indian Financial System, History of the Indian banking system, Recent credit, and monetary policies | Introduction to National financial institutions like RBI, SEBI, IRDA, FSDC, etc and of International organizations like IMF, World Bank, ADB, UN, etc, Abbreviations and Economic terminologies, Banking Terms, Important Government Schemes on capital & money market. |