ICMR JRF 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Syllabus, Cut Off

ICMR JRF 2023: Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for Junior Research Fellowship program is conducted by the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research. The date of the session 2023 has been released. This examination is held for admission to the Ph.D. and Research Program in PGIMER. The entrance examination takes place in the month of September. The mode of the examination is online. The last date of online submission of the application is 31st July. Candidates are advised to visit the official website i.e. www.icmr.nic.in & www.pgimer.edu.in for the latest notification. In this article, you will get to know about the important dates, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, exam result, etc.

ICMR JRF 2023 Application Form:

Application form released on 1st week of July. The last date of form submission is 31st July.  The application form can be filled online through the official website. The application form correction date will be announced soon. Step to follow during form filling:

  • Go to the official page and do complete registration with name and contact details.
  • After this, you will get the registration number and password.
  • Go to the application form link and start filling it. Fill in the personals information details like Name, DOB, Gender, email id, category, marital status, nationality, complete address, qualifying examination details, etc.
  • Fill qualification details, test centers, upload image and signature, and upload certificates required.
  • Now pay the application fees by using online payment gateways.
  • After payment review your details and submit it.
  • You can take the application form print it out with you for future references.

Application Fee:

Application fees will be paid online by using Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking etc. it is non-refundable in any case. Category wise fee structure for the examination is as follows:

  1. General Category/ OBC/ EWS – 1500/-
  2. SC/ST – 1200/-
  3. PWD – NIL
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Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants must have to check eligibility criteria before applying for the examination.  As per the ICMR guideline, only eligible candidates can fill the application form. Candidates must be citizens of India.

Education qualification:

  1. Candidates must have passed postgraduate in M.Sc./M.A./Relevant stream with a minimum of 55% marks from recognized University or Institution.
  2. For reserved category candidates (SC/ST) must have a minimum of 50% marks from recognized universities or institutions.
  3. Appearing candidates or whose result is awaited also can apply. Final-year students are also eligible to apply for the examination.

Age limitation:

  1. For general category candidates, the maximum age limit is 28 years as of 30 September 2023.
  2. For the OBC category candidates will get 3 years of age relaxation.
  3. For SC/ST category candidates will get 5 years of age relaxation.
  4. PWD Candidates also get an age relaxation of 5 years.

ICMR JRF 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Application form available April
Deadline to submit the application form May
Fee submit the last date May
ICMR JRF 2023 Exam date July
Result July

Exam Pattern:

The exam paper will be divided into 2 sections. The first part is further divided into three sections and it consists of 50 marks, in this section all questions are compulsory to attempt i.e. (i) scientific phenomenon in everyday life, (ii) general knowledge in sciences, and (iii) common statistics. The second part is further divided into two parts and it consists of 100 marks, you will only be able to attempt 75 questions that are system generated i.e. (i) Life Sciences, (ii) Social Sciences. As per the marking scheme one mark will be awarded for the correct answer and 0.25 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer. The total number of questions that have to be attempted is 125. Check the following pattern mentioned below:

  1. Examination mode – Online (Computer Based Test)
  2. Examination duration – 2 hours
  3. Paper language – English
  4. Total no. questions – 150
  5. Total Marks – 250
  6. Type of questions – Multiple Choice
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Exam Syllabus:

General Aptitude:

In this section, the question asked would be from general awareness related with the
1) Scientific phenomenon in everyday life:-  Rain, Wind, Snow, Tsunami, Soil Erosion, Hurricane, Drought, Ozone layer Depletion, Greenhouse effect, flood, Tides, Volcano, Tornado, Soil eruption, Earthquakes.

2) General Knowledge:- Measurement, Nuclear Science, Synthetic Material, Technology, Development, etc.

3) Statistic:- Probability, Data Analysis, Data Interpretation, Hypothesis tests, Confidence intervals, Linear Regression, Correlation, Experiments, and Sampling.

Life sciences: Human Nutrition, Human Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Botany, Zoology, Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology, Biophysics, Immunology, bio-informatics, Pharmacologist, Biophysics, Veterinary,

Social Sciences: Topics covered in home Sciences, Statistics, Psychology, health economics, Anthropology, Social work, Public Health, Sociology.

Admit Card:

Admit card will be released online. One can check and download it from the official link provided on the website. The admit card was released in the month of September. Candidates must have carry admit card at the time of the examination centre. Candidates must have to keep Admit Card with them till the admission process has been completed. It has details like Name, Roll number, Test centre address, exam timings, and examination instructions. You will also have to bring original identity proof along with Admit Card.

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Examination Centers:

  • Delhi
  • Bengaluru
  • Varanasi
  • Hyderabad
  • Srinagar
  • Chennai
  • Chandigarh
  • Guwahati
  • Bhubaneswar
  • Kolkata
  • Bhopal
  • Mumbai
  • Jodhpur
  • Patna
  • Pune
  • Thiruvananthapuram
  • Gujrat
  • Noida
  • Lucknow
  • Dehradun
  • Ahemdabad

ICMR JRF Result:

ICMR JRF results will be released online and candidates can check their qualifying status by using Roll number and password. You can also download it for future use at the time of counseling. Those candidates who score minimum marks according to the examination criteria will qualify for the examination. In order to pass the examination, you will have to secure minimum marks at least. The qualifying marks of the examination are as:

  1. For the general category, candidates must have secured a minimum 55% marks to qualify for the exam.
  2. For SC/ST/PWD category candidates must have secure minimum 50% marks to qualify the exam.

Answer Key:

The answer key of the exam is released after the three days of the examination. it will be released online on the official website. You can check and download it by using the Roll number and password. Candidates can calculate their scores and tally with the answer key. If candidates found any discrepancy in the answer key then they can inform the authority via e-mail within 2 days. Authority will verify and after resolving it they upload a correct answer key again.


After a month of the examination, counseling will be started. You will get a selection on the basis of marks you scored in the examination. After the counseling and selection process, a selection committee will call candidates for the interview.

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