IIM 2024

IIM Rohtak IPM Aptitude Test 2024, Exam Date, Registration, Eligibility

IIM Rohtak IPM Aptitude Test 2024: IIM Rohtak IPM Aptitude Test 2024 is soon going to take place in the month of June. The application form will release in February month. Applicants can fill out the application form in online mode through the official website. Find the details such as IIM Rohtak IPM Aptitude Test 2024 application procedure, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, and other information through this article.

IIM Rohtak IPM Aptitude Test 2024-Highlights:

Get the overview of the IIM Rohtak IPM Aptitude Test below:

  • Name of the Examination: Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test (IPMAT)
  • Exam Conducting Authority: Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Rohtak
  • Registration Mode: Online
  • Exam Mode: Online
  • Type of Exam: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Exam Frequency: Once in a Year

IIM Rohtak IPM Aptitude Test 2024 Eligibility Criteria:

Find the eligibility criteria of the IIM Rohtak IPM Aptitude Test given below:

  • It is mandatory to fulfill the eligibility conditions before applying for the IPMAT entrance test. Check the crucial details below:
  • Applicants must have secured aggregate 60% marks in class X and XII or its equivalent from some recognized board.
  • However, applicants belonging to SC/ST and PwD (DA) categories will get 5% marks relaxation in total aggregate in class X and XII or its equivalent from a recognized board.
  • Candidates belonging to General Category must be 20 years old as on July 31, 2024, and for SC/ST category and should be at least 25 years as on July 31, 2025.

IPMAT Aptitude Test Schedule:

Events Exam Dates
Start to submit the application form To Be Announced
Last date to submit an application form To Be Announced
Correction window open To Be Announced
IPMAT Rohtak 2023 exam date To Be Announced
Admit Card To Be Announced
Result announced To Be Announced
Online Personal Interview admit card To Be Announced
Academic Session Start To Be Announced

IIM Rohtak IPM Aptitude Test 2024 Application Form:

Indian Institute of Management Rohtak will release the application in online mode in February month. First, fill the application form as soon it releases in the official website. Make sure to upload the documents and pay the application fee.  Applicants are suggested to refer to the following steps mentioned below:

  1. First, go to the official website of IIM Rohtak IPM Aptitude iimrohtak.ac.in
  2. After this, go to the Homepage of IIM Rohtak, click on the Admission Link Login
  3. Now, start filling the online application form by entering the basic details such as the applicant’s name, date of birth, category, email address nationality, contact number and other details.
  4. Once the application form is filled, applicants will receive the registration number and password on the mobile number and email ID
  5. You need the following documents to upload such as
  6. Latest passport-size colored photo (not more than 6 months old)
  7. Submit the application fee
  8. Make sure to take a print of the application form.

Application Fee:

Once the documents are uploaded, submit the application fee Rs 3890 which is a non-refundable amount.

Exam Centres:

While filling the application form of IIM Rohtak IPM selects the examination centre as per their choice. Check the list of the IPMAT examination centres mentioned below:

  • Ahmedabad
  • Bengaluru
  • Bhopal
  • Bhubaneswar
  • Chennai
  • Chandigarh
  • Dehradun
  • Ghaziabad
  • Guwahati
  • Gurugram
  • Hyderabad
  • Gwalior
  • Indore
  • Jaipur
  • Kozhikode
  • Kolkata
  • Lucknow
  • Mumbai
  • New Delhi
  • Nagpur
  • Noida
  • Patna
  • Raipur
  • Pune
  • Thiruvananthapuram
  • Ranchi
  • Visakhapatnam
  • Varanasi

Exam Pattern:

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Rohtak will commence the IPM Aptitude Test in the online mode. The exam pattern will be consisted of the different sections, number of questions, mode of examination, and time duration. Check the comprehensive details below:

  • Number of Sections: Three Sections such as Quantitative Ability (QA), Verbal Ability (QA), Short answer questions (SA)
  • Exam Duration: 2 hours
  • Time allotted to each section: 40 minutes
  • Mode of Examination: Online
  • Marking scheme: 4 marks will be allotted to every correct answer. However, 1 mark will be deducted on every incorrect answer.


Prepare the aptitude test by preparing from the syllabus mentioned below:

First Section: Quantitative Ability (QA):

  • Averages and percentage
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Calculation of simple and compound interest
  • Roots, indices
  • Number system
  • Linear and quadratic equations
  • Time, speed and distance
  • Partnerships
  • Algebraic formulae
  • Work related questions

Second Section: Verbal Ability (VA):

  • Noun pronoun errors
  • Analogies
  • Tenses
  • Subject verb agreements
  • Syllogisms
  • Parallelism
  • Roots and etymology
  • Idioms and phrases

Admit Card:

The Admit card for IPM Aptitude Test will release in online mode. Download the admit card from the official website. Once the admit card is downloaded take the print of the same. Make sure to carry the print of the admit card on the examination day. The details of the applicant consisted of applicant’s name, latest photograph, exam date and venue etc.


Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Rohtak will make an announcement of the result in online mode in July month. The result will release in the online mode probably in July. To check the result, applicants need IIM Rohtak login credentials. The result will be consisted of the final list of the shortlisted candidates. The question paper will be of 480 marks and general category applicants need to secure at least 250 marks. The final aptitude test result is based on the composite score.

Selection Process:

The selection procedure is a two step process. The first step includes appearing in the IPM Aptitude Test and on the basis of their overall performance in the Aptitude Test, applicants will be shortlisted for Online Personal Interview (PI). After the selection process, the exam conducting authority will release the final merit list. Check the weightage of the marks at various stages:

  • Aptitude Test-45%
  • Personal Interview-15%
  • Past Academics-40%

Cut Off:

In order to qualify the further selection process, the candidate will get admission in IIM Rohtak. Applicants are required to attain the minimum cut-off marks. The cut-off will release after the result announcement.

Cut Off Marks:

Here is the expected minimum cut off marks mentioned below:

  • General-365.11
  • EWS-300
  • NC-OBC: 300
  • SC: 228
  • ST: 228
  • PwD: 30

Top Colleges offering Management Courses:

Here is the list of top colleges offering management courses:

  • Great Lakes Chennai
  • Manipal University (MAHE)
  • Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
  • IPE Hyderabad
  • IFIM Business School
  • Great Lakes Gurgaon
  • ICFAI Dehradun
  • IMT Ghaziabad
  • UPES Dehradun
  • LPU Jalandhar
  • SRM University Chennai
  • GD Goenka University, Gurgaon
  • Chandigarh University
  • BML Munjal University, Gurgaon

Details for the Technical Queries for Admission:

  • IPM Office Phone Number: 01262-228539/ 7082001615
  • Email: ipmadmission@iimrohtak.ac.in,ipmoffice@iimrohtak.ac.in
  • General Queries: 01262-228539/ 7082001615
  • Email: ipmadmission@iimrohtak.ac.in
  • Address: Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, Management City, Southern Bypass, NH 10, Sunaria, Rohtak, 124010 (Haryana), India

FAQs: IIM Rohtak IPM Aptitude Test:

Question: How long will the IPMAT programme take place?

Answer: IPM is a five year programme consisting of 15 terms every year having three terms of three months each.

Question: What is the examination pattern of IPMAT?

Answer: The format of IPMAT is mentioned below:

  • Section QA (MCQs) will be consisted of 40questions for 40 Minutes
  • Section QA (SA) will be consisted of 20 questions for 40 Minutes
  • Section VA (MCQ) comprises of 40 questions for 40 Minutes

Question: What is the marking scheme of IPMAT?

Answer: candidate will get 4 marks for every correct answer and there will be a deduction of 1 mark for every incorrect answer.

Question: What is the selection procedure comprised of?

Answer: First applicant has to clear the written exam and shortlisted applicants will be called for a personal interview round.

Question: What are the eligibility conditions of IPMAT?

Answer: Applicants belonging to the General and NC-OBC categories must acquire  60% marks in classes X and XII and there will be a relaxation of 5% for reserved category applicants.

Question: What IPMAT takes place in the online mode?

Answer: IPMAT entrance test will be commenced in the online mode and not in the offline mode.

Question: Is it possible to acquire the results of IPMAT through the post?

Answer: IPMAT results will be announced in online mode on the official website of IIM Rohtak.


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