Indian Air Force Recruitment 2022: The Indian Air Force is the air arm of the Indian Armed Forces. To work in Indian Air Force is a moment of pride and honor. Every year thousands of people apply to get recruited in IAF to serve the country. It offers an immense of jobs at IAF but the candidate has to go through the recruitment process. The complete information about the Indian Air Force Recruitment 2022 Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Dates, and the process to apply are all well-described here.
Indian Air Force Recruitment 2022 Notification:
- 5th July 2022: Indian Air Force has released the Application Form for the Recruitment of Agniveer Vayu under Agnipath Scheme 2022. Click here to apply.
- 22nd June 2022: Indian Air Force has released the Application Form for the Recruitment of Various Group C Posts.
Indian Air Force Recruitment 2022: Highlights
Exam Name | Indian Air Force Recruitment 2022 |
Post Name | Various Group C |
No. of Vacancy | 15 |
Application Mode | Offline Line |
Category | Government Jobs |
Official Website | |
Indian Air Force Airman 2022 Exam Dates:
Events | Exam Date |
Online Application Start | 18th June 2022 |
End for Registration | 17th July 2022 |
Exam Date | To be announced |
Result | To be announced |
Indian Air Force 2022 Process to Apply:
Eligible candidates can apply to any of the above Air Force stations of their choice subject to the vacancies and qualifications. Application as per format given under (typed in English/Hindi), duly supported with the following documents is to reach the concerned Air Force Station through ordinary post.
- All documents in support of Education Qualification, Age, Technical Qualification, Physically Handicapped, Experience Certificate & Caste Certificate (issued by the competent civil authorities in case of SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD/ESM candidates), etc to be accompanied with the application should be self-attested.
- In case of appointment of OBC candidates against their reserved quota, their caste should be listed under the Central List of OBCs as candidates belonging to castes listed under the Central list only are eligible for appointment to Central Services. The latest rules about creamy layers in OBCs are to be followed.
A candidate seeking reservation as OBC is required to submit along with the application a certificate to the effect that he/she does not belong to any of the creamy layers. - In the case of the ex-serviceman’s self-attested photocopy of the discharge, the book is to be submitted along with the application.
- Application form duly typed in English /Hindi with recent photograph (passport size) duly self-attested. Any other supporting document (self-attested), Self-addressed envelope with stamp (s) Rs. 10/- pasted. The address should be typed in English / Hindi. A separate application for each post should be forwarded. Applicants
to mention clearly on the envelope “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ——– AND CATEGORY——– AGAINST ADVERTISEMENT NO. 04/2022/DR” - Two passport-size photographs (same as Fixed on the Application Form).
Postal Address | Post Name | Total |
Commandant Command Hospital AF, Agram Post, Bengaluru- 560007 | Ayah/ Ward Sahayika | 2 |
Cook (OG) | 1 | |
House Keeping Staff | 1 | |
Air Officer Commanding, AF Station,
Jalahalli, West Bengaluru – 560015 |
Cook (OG) | 1 |
Air Officer Commanding, AF Station, Yelahanka, Bengaluru- 560063 | Cook (OG) | 2 |
Commanding Officer Training Command (U), AF JC Nagar-Post, Hebbal, Bengaluru- 560006 | Cook (OG) | 1 |
Civilian Mechanical Transport Driver (OG) | 1 | |
Air Officer Commanding, AF Station, Tambaram, Chennai – 600046 | Cook (OG) | 3 |
Civilian Mechanical Transport Driver (OG) | 1 | |
House Keeping Staff | 1 | |
Air Officer Commanding, AF Station, Hakimpet, Secunderabad – 500014 | Cook (OG) | 1 |
Indian Air Force Recruitment 2022 Eligibility Criteria:
Age Limit:
- For all posts 18-25 years (The crucial date for determining the age limit is the last date of receipt of application). Age Relaxation is 3 years for OBC, 5 years for SC/ ST, and 10 years for PwBD categories.
Education Qualification:
Ayah / Ward Sahayika:
- Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University.
- One year of experience as Ayah in Hospitals or Nursing Homes from an Organization or Institute.
Cook (Ordinary Grade):
- Matriculation from a recognized board with a certificate or diploma in catering; 1-year experience in the trade.
House Keeping Staff (HKS):
- Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University.
Civilian Mechanical Transport Driver (Ordinary Grade):
- Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University.
- Must be holding a valid Civil Driving License for light and heavy vehicles.
- Must possess professional skills in driving and knowledge of motor mechanisms.
- Minimum two years experience in driving motor vehicles.
Selection Procedure:
The selection process in Indian Air Force consisted of the following phases:
- All applications will be scrutinized in terms of age limits, minimum qualifications, documents, and certificates.
- Thereafter, eligible candidates will be issued call letters for a written test.
- The eligible candidates will be required to appear for a written test.
- The written test will be based on minimum education qualifications.
- Syllabus for written exam: General Intelligence & Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, General English, General Awareness, Trade / Post related questions.
- The question cum answer paper will be in English and Hindi.
- The requisite number of candidates will be shortlisted (may be restricted to 10 times of several vacancies) and called for skill/physical/practical tests wherever applicable.
- Further 100% weightage will be given for the written test.
- The Practical / Physical / Skill Test will be of qualifying nature only and marks awarded therein will not be added to total marks while preparing the merit list.
- Shortlisted candidates are to bring original certificates, and copies of the annexure attached with the application.
Air Force Agniveer Recruitment 2022:
Department Name | Indian Air Force Recruitment 2022 |
Category | Air Force Agnipath Scheme / Yojana |
Post Name | Agniveer Vayu |
Vacancies | 3500 |
Advt No. | Intake 01/2022 |
Salary | Rs. 30000/- |
Application Form Release Date | 24th June 2022 |
Last Date To Apply | 5th July 2022 |
Notification | Click here |
Application Form | Click here |
Job Location | All India |
Mode of Apply | Online |
Official Website | |
Science Subjects :
- Candidates should have passed Intermediate / 10+2/ Equivalent examination with Mathematics, Physics, and English from an Education Board listed as COBSE member with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English. OR
- Passed 3 years Diploma Course in Engineering (Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics/ Automobile/ Computer Science / Instrumentation Technology / Information Technology) from a Government recognized Polytechnic institute with 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in diploma course (or in Intermediate / Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Diploma Course). OR
- Passed Two years of Vocational Course with non-vocational subject viz. Physics and Maths from State Education Boards / Councils which are listed in COBSE with 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in the vocational course (or in Intermediate / Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Vocational Course)
Other Than Science Subjects :
- Passed Intermediate / 10+2 / Equivalent Examination in any subject approved by Central / State Education Boards listed as a COBSE member with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English. OR
- Passed two years vocational course from Education Boards listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in the vocational course or Intermediate / Matriculation if English is not a subject in Vocational Course.
Selection Process:
Phase 1: Online Test :
- The online test will be objective type and questions will be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for English paper.
- Online tests for candidates opting for both Science subjects and other than Science subjects shall be conducted in one sitting, on the same system.
- Candidates are to bring one blue / black pen and original AADHAR card along with them for Phase-I – I testing.
- Details of the test are as follows: –
- Science Subjects: Total duration of the online test shall be 60 minutes and shall comprise English, Physics, and Mathematics as per the 10+2 CBSE syllabus.
- Other Than Science Subjects: Total duration of the online test shall be 45 minutes and shall comprise English as per the 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA).
- Science Subjects & Other Than Science Subjects: Total duration of the online test shall be 85 minutes and shall comprise English, Physics, and Mathematics as per the 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA).
- Marking pattern for online test:-
- One mark for every correct answer.
- Nil (0) marks for an attempted question.
- 0.25 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
Phase 2 Selection:
Soon after the declaration of the result of the Phase-I (Online) Test, a cut-off will be applied based on the marks scored by the candidates in the Phase I Test and SHORTLISTED candidates will be sent a New admit card on their registered e-mail IDs for phase – II test at a designated ASC.
- Candidates have to report on the stipulated date and time for Phase II at the designated ASC along with the following documents:-
- Colour printout of admits card for Phase-II.
- Colour printout of duly filled application form downloaded on completion of online registration.
- HB pencil, eraser, sharpener, glue stick, stapler, and black/blue ballpoint pen for writing.
- Eight copies of unattested passport size color photograph (which was used for the online application registration).
- Original and four self-attested photocopies of matriculation passing certificate (required for verification of candidate’s name, father’s name, and his date of birth).
- Original and four self-attested photocopies of matriculation marks sheet (only applicable for three years diploma course holders when English is not a subject in diploma course).
- Original and four self-attested photocopies of Intermediate / 10+2 / equivalent examination passing certificate and marks sheet. OR
- Original and four self-attested photocopies of three years diploma course passing certificate and marks sheets of all semesters. OR
- Original and four self-attested photocopies of two years vocational course passing certificates and all marks sheets including a non-vocational course with subjects English, Physics, and Mathematics.
- Certificate for SOAFP (Son of Air Force Personnel), including a certificate for sons of serving / retired/deceased Air Force civilian employees.
- Original Phase-I admit card used during Phase-I test bearing Air Force seal and invigilator’s signature.
- Original and four self-attested photocopies of NCC ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ certificate (if applicable).