Notification | Exam Date | Application Form | Eligibility | Selection Process |
Exam Name | ISRO Exam 2023 |
Organization’s Name | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) – Space Applications Centre (SAC) |
Exam Conducting Body | ISRO Centralized Recruitment Board (ICRB Exam 2023) |
Post Name | Administrative Officer, Accounts Officer, Purchase & Stores Officer |
Total Vacancies | To be announced |
Application Mode | Online |
Exam Mode | Online |
Location | Across India |
Category | Government Jobs |
Official Site | |
Find below the ISRO Exam Date 2023 details. Candidates also get the details about the Application form available date, End to submit the application form, Fees submit date, etc:
Events | Exam Date |
ISRO Advertisement Release Date | April 2023 |
Registration Started | April 2023 |
The deadline to submit the application form | April 2023 |
Application Fee Submit the Last date | April 2023 |
ISRO Exam Date 2023 | June 2023 |
Result Announced | July 2023 |
You can apply online for ICRB Exam 2023 by using the official website. Given below are the steps to apply:
SAC will release the 24 vacancies (Tentative) for the 2023 recruitment. In the below table last year’s vacancies are shown.
Name of the post | vacancy (Tentative) |
Vacancies in ISRO Centres/ Units | |
Administrative Officer | 04 |
Accounts Officer | 04 |
Purchase & Stores Officer | 09 |
Vacancies in Autonomous Body under Dept of Space | |
Administrative Officer | 02 |
Accounts Officer | 02 |
Purchase & Stores Officer | 03 |
Total | 24 Posts |
Those who are interested to apply for the ISRO Recruitment 2023 examination are required to check the eligibility criteria mentioned below:
Administrative Officer | Accounts Officer | Purchase and Stores Officer |
MBA + 1-year experience in a supervisory capacity OR Post Graduate + 3 years experience (1 year in supervisory capacity) OR Graduate with 5 years experience (2 years in supervisory capacity). Experience should be in the areas of Administration. | ACA/FCA or AICWA/FICWA or MBA + 1-year experience in a supervisory capacity OR M.Com. + 3 years experience (1 year in supervisory capacity) OR B.Com./BBA/BBM with 5 years experience (2 years in supervisory capacity). Experience should be in the areas of Finance and Accounts/Cost Accounting. | MBA in Marketing or Materials Management + 1-year experience in a supervisory capacity OR Graduate + Post-Graduate Diploma in Materials Management [or any other subject relating to Purchase & Stores activity] with 3 years experience [1 year in a supervisory capacity in the relevant field]. OR Post Graduate with 3 years experience [1 year in a supervisory capacity in the relevant field]. OR Graduate with 5 years experience [2 years in a supervisory capacity in the relevant field]. Experience should be in the areas of Purchase & Stores. |
Graduation/Post Graduation (other than MBA/ACA/FCA/FICWA/AICWA/PG Diploma in Materials Management) should be in First Class with a minimum of 60% marks or a CGPA of 6.3 on a scale of 10. |
The Selected candidates will be appointed as Officers in Level 10 of Pay Matrix and will be paid minimum basic pay of Rs.56,100/- p.m
The ICRB Exam 2023 Admit Card will be sent only by e-mail. candidates have to download it by entering an Email ID & Password. The Admit Card will contain the details about the Exam.
The written test will be conducted at twelve venues:
Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, New Delhi, and Thiruvananthapuram.
ISRO 2023 Result will be declared on the official website, The result will be released in the form of a Merit List.
View Comments
Is there any opportunity for bsc- microbiology students??
I am qualified gate 2021 exam with AIR 26 there is any vacancy of mathematics for 2021
I did nt find any notification regarding engineer recruitment 2021 in isro.government. in as well as sac.government. in
sir where is the link to apply for isro 2021 exam(Scientist Engineer)
Can you provide Application form link please
Sir can I kno, w do Architecture student is eligible or not because there is no syllabus given for Archirecture graduate.
Is there any opportunity for MSc-Chemisfry students in ISRO?
What is the syllabus for electrical?
Has the Isro recruitment(2021) for architect started?
If yes can you pls.provide the link
Hi my year of birth is 1989 .Am I eligible to write a exam