Jobs 2023

ISRO SAC Recruitment 2023, Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Selection Process

ISRO SAC Recruitment 2023: ISRO SAC is short for Indian Space Research Organization, Space Applications Centre. This reputed organisation released notifications for various posts, such as scientist, engineer, technical assistant, and technician B. The application form will be released shortly, and applicants can fill in the details in the form and submit it on time. Those who are interested in applying must obtain complete details, such as the ISRO SAC Recruitment 2023 application form, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, and other details, through this article.

ISRO SAC Recruitment 2023-Highlights:

Check the essential information about ISRO SAC Recruitment given below:

  • Board’s Name: Indian Space Research Organization, Space Applications Centre (SAC)
  • Name of the Post: Scientist, Engineer, Technical Assistant, and Technician B
  • Number of Vacancies: 50 and above

ISRO SAC Recruitment 2023 Application Form:

Here is the step-by-step process to apply for ISRO SAC recruitment:

  • After the notification is released, the application link will be released.
  • Visit the official website of SAC.
  • Find the application link available on the home page, or you may use the link given on this page.
  • After this, you need to download the notification.
  • Fill out the application form and attach the documents prescribed in the application form.
  • Check the details mentioned in the application form.
  • Submit the application form.

ISRO SAC Recruitment 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Date
Application Form Release Date To be announced
Last Date To Apply To be announced
Admit Card To be announced
Exam Date To be announced
Result To be announced

Salary for Technical Assistant: The salary of a Technical Assistant in SAC is Rs. 44900 – Rs. 142400 per month.

ISRO SAC Vacancy:

As per the vacancies offered for the post such as Scientist, Engineer, Technical Assistant, and Technician B in SAC recruitment.

Eligibility Criteria:

Check the eligibility criteria details for ISRO SAC given below:

ISRO Age Limit:

To apply for SAC recruitment, the candidate’s age should be between 18-35 years.

Educational Qualification:

  • Scientist/Engineer: Applicants must have completed ME or MTech or M.Sc or Ph.D. in the related subject. It is mandatory to have completed their graduation in 1st class.
  • Technical Assistant: The candidate must have completed a Diploma in the related field from some recognized University.
  • Technician: Applicant must have finished Class X with ITI course in the related trade.

Expected Salary:

Check the expected salary for the vacancy mentioned in the last SAC recruitment notification. Find the salary applicant is expected to attain in ISRO SAC.

  • Scientist, Engineer: Rs. 56100 – Rs. 117500
  • Technical Assistant: Rs. 44900 – Rs. 142400
  • Technician B: Rs. 21700 – Rs. 69100

Selection Procedure:

Applicants will be selected for ISRO SAC Recruitment based on performance in written tests, Interviews, and Document Verification.


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