JEMAT Counselling: The West Bengal University of Technology commences Joint Entrance Management Aptitude Test or JEMAT examination. The JEMAT Counselling Information provided here so that candidates won’t face any sort of issues further. The selected candidates are required for appearing in the JEMAT Counselling to get admission into the management institutes in the state of West Bengal. The Candidates will be chosen for admission on the given below basis:
- A score of any of the CAT/MAT/XAT/CMAT or JEMAT Phase-2
- Or from one of the National level test
- Or only from the State level test
In order to become part of the counseling, candidates required to qualify for the JEMAT cut off then only they will be invited for the Group Discussion and also for the Personal Interview. During the counseling, candidates needed to carry the required documents along with them for submission and verification. Just in case, if the candidate failed to bring the required documents then the candidature will lead to cancellation.