JEMAT Exam Pattern & Syllabus: JEMAT or Joint Entrance Management Aptitude Test is a University level exam which is commenced by the WBUT or the West Bengal University of Technology to facilitate admission to the applicants in courses like Post Graduate management courses which are offered by many management institutes. The exam will be commenced in June but before applying for the examination, some of the important info should reach you like the pattern of the examination. The relevant part like exam pattern is known to the candidates before applying which is as follows:
Application Form: Click here |
Distribution of questions & marks:
Subject | No. of Questions | Marks |
English | 20 questions | 40 marks |
Mathematics | 20 questions | 40 marks |
Logical Reasoning | 20 questions | 20 marks |
Total | 50 questions | 100 marks |
JEMAT Syllabus includes three topics – English, Mathematics, and Logical Reasoning:
Mathematics Section:
Number System | Percentage | Simple Interest |
Time and Work | Ratio and Proportion | Compound Interest |
Probability | Linear Equations | Profit and Loss |
LCM and HCF | Surds and Indices | Geometry |
Trigonometry | Permutation and Combination | Mensuration |
Set Theory | Quadratic Equations | – |
Logical Reasoning Section:
Bar Graphs | Venn Diagram | Tables |
Pie Charts | Line Charts | Columns and Graphs |
English Section:
Antonyms | Fill in the Blanks | Summary Question |
Synonyms | Analogies and Reverse Analogies | Facts/Inferences/Judgements |
Grammar | Word Meaning | Reading Comprehension |
Sentence Correction | Verbal Reasoning | Jumbled Paragraphs |