JGEEBILS 2023 Application Form, Syllabus, Exam Date, Eligibility, Pattern

JGEEBILS 2023JGEEBILS 2023: The National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) conducts Joint Graduate Entrance Exam in Biology/Interdisciplinary/Life Science (JGEEBILS) every year. It is a Shared entrance test for several institutions doing research in Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences. The motivation for this shared test is to reduce the difficulties that students faced due to multiple examinations. Each participating institution has its own admission process and eligibility criteria. In general, applicants must apply separately to each participating institution that they were interested in. It is advised to read all the instructions carefully before applying. All the details of JGEEBILS 2023 are available in this given article.

TIFR GS 2023

The admission procedure consists of a written test in one of the many centers spread across the nation which will be followed by the interview of shortlisted candidates. The admit card will be available online which needs to be printed for entering the examination hall. The schedule for TIFR GS 2023 is given in the table candidates can check below.

The National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) Conducts Joint Graduate Entrance Exam 2023 – a shared entrance examination for several institutions doing research in biology and interdisciplinary life sciences. The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research coordinates the examination. All participating institutions use the JGEEBILS score along with other inputs as part of their admission process.

Students need to apply separately to each participating institution. Each institution has its own process: please refer to the websites of participating institutions for details of their admissions process and degree requirements.

JGEEBILS 2023 Exam Date:

Events  Exam Dates
Application form available End of September
Final date for application form submission November 1st week
Released the Admit Card 1st week of December
JGEEBILS Exam Date 2023 December 2nd week
Result Announced 1st week of January

JGEEBILS 2023 Application Form:

  • Application for JGEEBILS – online applications at https://univ.tifr.res.in
  • JGEEBILS 2023 Applications must be submitted online to ncbs.res.in/admissions.html.Students from remote areas who do not have access to the internet may apply manually
  • They may send a request for an application form (without DD) along with a self-addressed stamped (Rs.20/-) envelope (size 25 cm x 17 cm) super-scribed “GS-2023” to the following address “Admission Section, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research GKVK, Bellary Road Bangalore-560065”
  • The completed application form should be sent along with DD and two passport size photographs (one pasted on the application and one stapled to it)
  • Please read the instructions carefully before you start filling up the online application form
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Eligibility Criteria:

  • For a Ph.D.: Masters in Basic Science or Bachelors in Applied Science. These include M.Sc. (Ag.), B.Tech ., B.E., B.V.Sc., B.Pharma, MBBS, MS, BDS, M.Pharma. Candidates will be short-listed for interview based on written test marks, CV and Scientific write up.
  • For 1 Ph.D./ M.Sc.: Bachelors in any Basic Science
  • For PhD. Program in TCIS: Sc. in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology

Application Fee (Non-refundable):

  • For Male Applicants – Rs.900/- for applications submitted online
  • For Female Applicants – Rs.300/- for applications submitted online as well as for applications sent manually by post (Please see the walk-ins section on this website)
  • Application Fee can be paid online by Net banking/Debit/Credit Card or through DD. After successful payment transaction, please login to your account on our website by using your reference code as your user id and checking the payment status of your application
  • Normally, online payments are received within 2 working days and an auto email is sent by the system acknowledging the payment. If your transaction has been successful and your account has been debited and you do not receive the acknowledgment email within 7 days and your payment status is not updated in your account, you may write to the email ids as given in the “Contact us” section
  • Demand Draft: DD should be drawn on State Bank of India in favour of the National Centre for Biological Science payable at Bangalore
  • Instructions for downloading/printing of hall tickets will be intimated by email only after receipt of application fee/approval of fee waiver
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TIFR JGEEBILS 2023 Admit Card

The admit card for TIFR JGEEBILS 2023 will be available to candidates for download from the official website. The candidates need to visit Student Login in wherein they need to provide their Username and Password in order to download their admit card. It is important to note that Admit Card is essential for entering the examination hall, therefore, it is mandatory to have a printout.

Exam Pattern:


  • Type of Questions: Objective type MCQ
  • Standard of the Questions: The questions will be based on the topics studied in the Undergraduate and Masters levels at an Indian University.
  • Marking Scheme: For every correct answer in Multiple-choice questions, 3 marks will be given. Whereas for the Numerical and Symbolic section, 5 marks will be given for the correct answer.
  • Negative Marking: There is a negative marking of 1 mark in MCQ section only.
  • Syllabus: Classical Mechanics; Mathematics relevant to Physics; Electricity and Magnetism; Quantum Mechanics; Heat, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics; General Physics; Modern Physics; Electronics and Experimental Physics.
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  • Type of Questions: Objective type MCQ
  • Number of Questions: 40
  • Duration of the exam: 3 hours
  • Marking Scheme: For each correct answer, 3 marks will be given.
  • Negative Marking: For every incorrect answer, 1 mark will be deducted.
  • Syllabus: The syllabus of the written exam is similar to the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree course standard syllabus followed in an Indian University. The candidates can prepare from topics such as:
  1. Physical Chemistry
  2. Organic Chemistry
  3. Inorganic Chemistry
  4. Analytical, electro and quantum chemistry
  5. Biophysics
  6. Thermodynamics
  7. Spectroscopy (NMR, fluorescence, IR, UV, and X-ray), logic and statistics and mathematical method.


  • Type of Questions: Objective type MCQ
  • Syllabus: The test will cover basics only in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.

Computer & Systems Sciences

The question paper will be divided into three parts. Part A will be common to both the streams, i.e, Computer Science and Systems Science. Part B will be oriented for the Computer Sciences, whereas, Part C will be oriented for the System Sciences.

  • Duration of the Exam: 3 hours
  • Type of Questions: MCQ
  • Negative Marking: There will be a negative marking of 1 mark for every incorrect answer.

Mathematics – The candidates who will be appearing for the admission to the various programs in Mathematics in TIFR, namely the Ph.D. and Integrated Ph.D. programs at TIFR, Mumbai and TIFR CAM, Bengaluru and Ph.D. at ICTS, Bengaluru, there has been a change in the exam pattern. The exam pattern is as follows:

  • Duration of the exam: 2 hours
  • Type of Questions: Objective type MCQ
  • There will be 25 true/false and 15 multiple-choice questions.

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