Jharkhand B.Ed Admission 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility

Jharkhand B.Ed AdmissionJharkhand B.Ed Admission 2023: Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) is an undergrad proficient degree which trains students for function as an educator or teacher in schools/universities/colleges. There are many rumored universities and establishments in India that offers B.Ed training in different fields. In Jharkhand state, B.Ed is considered as one of the most favored decisions among the students to seek after their profession in instructing. Competitors who need to turn into an instructor in any school and university situated at Jharkhand state are expected to hold a B.Ed degree alongside passing CTET, TET and REET Exams with good marks.

Jharkhand B.Ed Admission 2023 Application Form:

Check the significant data about the application procedure that is valuable for the candidate:

  • Application structure for B.Ed. Joined Entrance Competitive Examination 2023 is reachable in an online kind.
  • The structure is offered on the official site of the Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board.
  • Contenders right off the bat guarantee their readiness for the placement test before applying.
  • The moment the directions referenced in the handout are checked applicants need to start topping off the Application Form.
  • While recording the Application Form, candidates need to enter some vital subtleties in the Application Form for example close to home detail, instructive subtleties, course-related subtleties, contact and parent’s subtleties, and further subtleties.
  • Entrants additionally need to offer the examined pictures of photos and marks in the given size and configuration notice on the approved site of the college.
  • Applicants are advised to get a print of the Application Form when the Application Form is totally filled
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Jharkhand B.Ed 2023 Application Fee:

The details about the application fee are given below for the candidates:

The application procedure is completed successfully after the payment of the examination fee. The payment of examination fee could be completed by the use of Credit card/Debit Card/Net Banking utilizing the payment gateway.

Category Fee
General Category Rs. 1000/-
BC-I/BC-2 (of Jharkhand State) Rs. 750/-
SC/ST/Female Candidates (of Jharkhand State) Rs. 500/-

Jharkhand B.Ed 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Application Form Available March 2023
Deadline to submit the application form April 2023
Admit Card Available April 2023
Jharkhand B.Ed 2023 Exam Date May 2023
Result Date May 2023

Jharkhand B.Ed Eligibility Criteria:

The significant data about the qualification criteria is given beneath for the competitors:

  • Applicants with at least 50% marks either in a four-year certification or additionally in a graduate degree in Science/Social Science/Humanities/Commerce.
  • Bachelor’s in Engineering or Technology with a specialization in Science and Mathematics or some other capability tantamount with 55% imprints are qualified for B.Ed. Consolidated Entrance Competitive Examination.
  • No limit in the spending year to choose in B.Ed. course.
  • Applicants should pick just one subject (inside a subject gathering) which they more likely than not contemplated and joined in any event half in the passing degree.
  • bachelor’s qualification or Master’s Degree for no not in excess of 200 marks and out of which got in any event half in that subject.
  • The subject would henceforward be portrayed as the showing subject in the B.Ed. course.
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Exam Pattern:

  • Number of Questions: 100
  • Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions
  • Marking Scheme: Every question would be of 1 mark & 0.25 mark would be subtracted for each unfitting answer.
Subjects No of Questions
Language Proficiency 30 (15 questions for Hindi & 15 questions for English)
Teaching Aptitude 40
Reasoning Ability 30


  • Language Proficiency: Comprehension, rearranging sentences, selecting suitable words for the blanks, finding out errors in parts of the sentences, finding out equivalents meaning to the given phrases, finding out suitable words for the incomplete sentences, sequencing, grammar which includes synonyms, idioms, prepositions, tenses, articles.
  • Teaching Aptitude: Attitude towards education, children and teaching profession; interest in teaching; leadership qualities & group management; emotional & social adjustment; intrapersonal & interpersonal skills; and general awareness of contemporary issues pertaining to school education.
  • Reasoning Ability: Verbal non-verbal reasoning, missing numbers, number series, letter series, theme finding, jumbling, analogy, the odd one out, arranging the statements in a sequential form, statement and conclusion, syllogism, logical problems, establishing a relationship and numerical ability.

Admit Card:

  • The admit card or hall ticket would be made accessible in an online way by the official specialists. Aspirants are mentioned to go to the official site of the college so as to get the admit card.
  • The admit card would be given to get from the JCECEB Official site 4 days preceding the selection test. It is educated to download the Admit Card from the site.
  • Candidates likewise need to take a few duplicates of the admit card and keep it cautiously. It is a significant report that is brought during the test.
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  • Through online strategies, simply the results would be made workable for the contenders. Landing at the official site of the school, specialists would make a revelation of the results.
  • Contenders need to open the official site of the school with the move number and date of birth. They are required to use focal points to check the results.
  • It is proficient to download the result and get a copy of the identical. On the results, specialists would yield admission to the aspirants.

Jharkhand B.Ed Reservation:

  • The reservation to the held examinations would be given by virtue of the Reservation Policy of Government of Jharkhand. 85% of seats would be kept for the applicants of the schools of Jharkhand state.
  • The remainder of 15% would be made open for the proposed candidates. So as to understand the benefit of reservation, contenders need to give the necessary testaments.


The Jharkhand B.Ed Merit List has been distributed by the concerned office and it will be transferred on the site. The contenders who had applied for online training courses in the different universities and organizations over the Jharkhand state may check likewise their B.Ed Entrance Exam Merit List straightforwardly through the official website.

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