University 2023

JNKVV Admission 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Pattern

JNKVV Admission 2023JNKVV Admission 2023JNKVV Admission 2023: JNKVV or Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya is a public university in Jabalpur, India. The name also knows the university of Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University. As the name suggests, the institution specializes in the field of agriculture. Established in 1964, JNKVV got recognition by UGC (University Grants Commission) and ICAR (India Council of Agricultural Research).  JNKVV diversifies in two faculties- ‘Faculty of Agriculture’ and ‘Faculty of Agricultural Engineering’ which are then subdivided into various other faculties. JNKVV is the most prominent multi-campus university in Jabalpur, inaugurated by Smt. Indira Gandhi (the then union minister for information and broadcasting).

JNKVV 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Releases of Advertisement April 2023
Registration Dates start April 2023
End to submit the Application form May 2023
Admit Card Released Date June 2023
JNKVV 2023 Exam Date June 2023
Result August 2023

JNKVV Admission 2023 Application Form:

 The Joint Online Entrance Exams for JNKVV and RVSKVV are held every year for students to enroll to PG and doctoral programmes, and for UG admissions, students have to sit for the Pre-Agriculture test. If anyone is willing to get admission in the university, he or she may lie in the exam. Some important things to consider here are listed below-

  • For the UG admissions, students have to sit for Pre-Agriculture Test or PAT. It is an MP state level entrance examination conducted by VYAPAM.
  • Then the candidates who are selected through ICAR are admitted to the university.

For PG Admissions:

  • First, the candidates have to qualify for the online counselling. The qualified candidates are considered for allocation of the subject and he will be enrolled in any of the two universities according to the merit gained.
  • The merit list is based on the results of the joint online entrance exams, and then the candidates get admission to various degree programs.
  • Without qualifying the entrance exam, no student can be enrolled in the university based on direct nominations.
  • In the counselling process, students of JNKVV are given priority than other students.
  • The online exam has question paper with MCQ type questions from all the four major subjects. Students get four choices for every item.

Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University Application Fee:

 The exam is based on an online mode, and the Admission Form will be on the online way too. Some other things to notice here are listed below-

  • The details cannot be changed after the form is submitted.
  • At the time of form filling, you don’t have to upload a soft copy of qualification and reservation details and documents.
  • But on the counselling day, you have to keep the results with you.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • There is no limitation on the nationality of applying students. He/she can or cannot be an Indian citizen.
  • Should have passed class 12th from a well-certified institution with the relevant subject (minimum 45% marks required).
  • Students who have completed their graduation can apply for the PG programs.

Before getting admission in the university, the candidate must know these things-

  • 27% seats are reserved for OBC category.
  • 15% of seats are reserved for scheduled castes.
  • 5% seats are reserved for scheduled tribes, and
  • 3% seats are reserved for persons with disabilities or PWD categories.

Exam Pattern:

  • The exam features only one question paper for each of the major subjects.
  • In the exam, you get MCQ type questions with a maximum of four choices.
  • The question paper features up to 100 questions.
  • No negative marking is assigned for wrong answers.
  • Students can select up to three centres for online examinations.
  • Minimum qualifying marks in the exam are 40% for OBC and unreserved categories and a minimum of 30% for reserved categories.

Admit Card:

Students can download the admit card form the JNKVV portal. All they need is to register their e-mail id and get a password allotted by the university to them. After that, they can download or print the admit card. If they want to log in again to the portal and see they accept cards online, students have to enter their email and the allotted password.


As soon as the checking completes, the university starts building their final list of qualified students. To check the results, students can go to the JNKVV portal and check their results out. For that purpose, they will need necessary details like roll no, DOB, etc.

Answer Key:

The Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University Answer Key for the exam is available on the online portal a few days after the review has been commenced. Students can check the answer keys from some other websites too.


The cut-off depends on various courses and categories to which students belong. It is hard to guess the cut-off for the upcoming year as they keep on fluctuating. But students can check the records of previous cut-offs and get an idea of upcoming ones.


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