Karnataka DCET 2022 Application Form, Exam Date, Syllabus, Eligibility

Karnataka DCET 2022: Karnataka conducts several competitive examinations every year and one of them is Karnataka DCET Karnataka Diploma Common Entrance Test. This state-level entrance exam is commenced once a year by the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA). The test aims at selecting the applicants for admission to Undergraduate Engineering programs and Architecture programs at several institutions of Karnataka. Check below the comprehensive details about the same:

Karnataka DCET 2022 Eligibility Criteria:

Those who have applied for Karnataka DCET 2022 are recommended to first check the eligibility criteria given below:

B.E (Day/Evening):

  • To apply for B.E, the candidate must have acquired at least 45% in all the subjects.
  • An aggregate of 40% in the final year subjects is the minimum marks eligible for r OBC/SC/ST candidates of Karnataka
  • Applicants must have 2 years of work experience in a well-known government/private organization


  • If you are applying for B.Arch, you must have attained at least 40% in the NATA examination commenced by the Council of Architecture (CoA)
  • Applicant must have scored a minimum 50% aggregate in all subjects of the final year diploma examination (or equivalent)
  • Candidates must have acquired at least 45% in the final year subjects for OBC/SC/ST candidates of Karnataka
  • Those who are in their final year diploma exam and expecting results may also apply for the exam.

Karnataka DCET 2022 Exam Date:

Online Application Form Available May 2022
Deadline to submit of Online Application Form June 2022
Admit Card July 2022
Karnataka DCET 2022 Exam Date July 2022
Declaration Date of Result Aug 2022

Karnataka DCET 2022 Application Form:

The registration process for Karnataka DCET 2022 will begin via online mode on the fixed date and time. Make sure to check all the important details about application process below:

The application process is a two-phased process and both of them are well explained below:

  • Phase 1: Phase 1 comprises filling out the application form. In this phase, applicants will fill the application form with all the crucial details. During this phase, applicants are advised to make the required alterations.
  • Phase 2: In the second phase, applicants will submit the application fee. This phase will lead to application submission and students cannot make any alterations later.
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Steps to fill Application Form:

  1. First, go to the official website.
  2. On the homepage, select DCET 2022.
  3. If you are a new register, click on the new registration link or else sign in with your application ID and password.
  4. Fill in all the required details to register on the portal. After getting done with the successful registration, applicants will receive the application number and password to log in to their registered mail ID or contact number.
  5. Fill all the details and click on proceed button.
  6. Upload the recent passport size photograph, scanned signature, parent’s signature and left-hand thumb impression in the prescribed format.
  7. Check all the details that you have filled in carefully because later you cannot make any sort of editing in the form.
  8. Submit the application fee.
  9. Keep the print of the fully-filled application form for further reference.

Application Fee:

Fill in the application fee because without submitting the application fee, application forms are not accepted. The application fee varies from one category to another. Here are the details:

  • General category: Rs 650/-
  • SC/ ST/ OBC/ Others: Rs 500/-

Submit the application fee via e-challan mode. Download the e-challan by selecting the preferred bank and submit the amount.

Exam Pattern:

The exam pattern of Karnataka DCET 2022 is extremely helpful for applicants appearing for the examination. Get the detailed information below:

  • The exam will be commenced in a single session.
  • Maximum marks will be 180
  • The candidate needs to complete the paper in 3 hours time duration
  • The candidate will also get extra 25 minutes to fill in personal details in the question booklet as well as in the answer sheet.
  • The Paper will consist of Multiple Choice Questions.
  • The candidate will get 1 mark for every correct answer and there shall be no negative marking.

Admit Card:

Download the admit card/hall ticket for Karnataka DCET 2022 from the official website of the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA). To avail the admit card, enter the application number and date of birth details. Make sure to check all the details mentioned in the admit card before downloading. In case of any discrepancy, contact the officials and rectify the problem.

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Steps to Download Admit Card/Hall Ticket:

  1. Go to the official website and click on the download link of the Karnataka DCET 2022 admit card/hall ticket
  2. The candidate will then enter the credentials in the space provided
  3. Click on the “Submit” button
  4. The admit card/hall ticket will be displayed on the screen
  5. Check all the details carefully.
  6. Download and save the DCET hall ticket

Details Mentioned on the Karnataka DCET Admit Card/Hall Ticket 2022:

  • Candidate’s name
  • Roll number
  • Address of the test centre
  • Session timing
  • Date of the exam
  • Application number
  • Candidate’s Photograph
  • Candidates’ signature
  • Subjects selected by the candidates

Documents Needed to carry along with Hall Ticket/Admit Card:

Carry the given below documents along with the admit card:

  • Aadhar card
  • PAN card
  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Voter ID card
  • Any other government-issued identity card having the candidate’s photograph

Cut Off & Result:

The examination result can be accessed using the official website. Make sure to use the Roll number to check the exam result. Here are the steps to download exam results:

  1. Go to the official website
  2. Go to the Homepage and click the link for Karnataka DCET Result 2022.
  3. Now, enter the application number, date of birth, and password
  4. Click on submit button.
  5. The result will appear on the screen

Answer Key:

Answer key will be released by the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) from the official website. With the help of Karnataka DCET Answer Key 2022, applicants can calculate their expected scores and in case of any discrepancy, the candidates can challenge the provisional answer key. The answer key will be released few days after the exams gets over:

Steps to Download Karnataka DCET Answer Key 2022:

  1. Go to the official website.
  2. Go to the homepage and click on the link for Karnataka DCET Answer Key 2022.
  3. The Answer Key will be there in PDF format
  4. Download the answer key and calculate the scores.

Merit List:

The exam conducting authority will prepare the merit list based on the marks attained by the candidates in the entrance test. Based on the scores obtained, the candidates will be given the merit position. The Merit List 2022 will be released after the result declaration. Those who have names on the merit list will be further called for counseling process.

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Option Entry Modification Process:

Option Entry is an important part of counseling for Round 1. This is an important process that falls under counseling process. The result of the seat allotment will be proceeding further based on the options filled by applicants and the merit list. Karnataka Examination Authority will give the chance to make changes after the mock allotment.

Steps to Fill Option Entry Form: Here are the steps to fill Option Entry Form:

  1. Go to the official website and enter the CET number to login.
  2. Click on the relevant option entry link and you will find the list of courses. Choose any course.
  3. After choosing the course, the list of colleges providing the specific course will appear on screen.
  4. Give priority to the colleges and put them in sequential order.
  5. To choose the different course, click on College Type and add the priority numbers
  6. Click ‘View Selected Option’ to check the entered options before making the final submission.

Seat Allotment:

Check the information about the seat allotment process of Karnataka DCET 2022 below: After the DCET 2022 seat allotment, the candidates will be given four choices to choose:

  • Choice 1: Via this option, those who have been given seats will submit the admission fee. Those who have been allocated a seat and looking forward to the better allotment in Round 2 can select the option.
  • Then, in such a case, the seat allotted in Round 1 will lead to cancellation.
  • Choice 2: If a candidate gets a better allotment in Round 2, they can easily cancel the seat allotted in Round 1. Candidates selecting Choice 2 will submit the seat acceptance fee.
  • Choice 3: If the applicant is not satisfied with seat allotment in Round 1, then participate in Round 2. Applicants selecting this option will then not have any right on seats allocated in Round 1.
  • Choice 4: Those who want to surrender seats and don’t want to participate further can withdraw from all rounds of counseling.

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