Engineering 2023

Karnataka DCET 2023 Application Form, Exam Date, Eligibility, Syllabus

Karnataka DCET 2023: Karnataka  Diploma  Common Entrance test (KDCET) is conducted by the Karnataka Education Authority (KEA). This is state level entrance examination that is conducted every year. It provides admission for the various Diploma Courses in Engineering and Architecture. You can get an official notification on the official authority of the KEA that is They release official notification in March month. Candidates suggested going through the full article to get the information about the important dates, application form, admit card, syllabus, etc.

Karnataka DCET 2023 Application Form:

The online application form filling process will be beginning in the month of May and it continues till the last date of June month. Candidates can fill the application form through the official website of KIA. There has to follow steps has to be followed during form fulfillment:

  • Go to the registration link given on the official website get register with Full name and contact number.
  • Now you will get the registration number and password then go to the official page in the application form link tap on it and start filling up.
  • Fill in your personal information correctly.
  • Upload your recent photograph and signature in the required format.
  • Click to the declaration button and submit it.
  • Then on the next step, you will have to pay application fees.
  • After payment review your credentials and submit the final details.

Application Fee:

Application fee can be paid only by making Challan made by the bank. A list of the bank is given in the payment segment. Candidates are suggested to pay the application fee before the last day of the fee payment. Application fees is non-refundable in any case. Category wise fee is:

  • General Category- Rs. 650/-
  • OBC/SC/ST Category- Rs. 500-/

Eligibility Criteria:

Before filling the application form you should meet all eligibility criteria of the examination.

Educational Qualification-

  • For the B.Tech Architect program candidates must have a minimum of 40% marks in NATA and candidates must have passed the diploma exam with 50% marks (for the general category) or 45% marks (SC/ST/OBC) category from recognize universities.
  • For BE courses candidates must have possessed a Diploma with 45% (general category) marks and 40% (SC/ST/OBC) from recognize universities.
  • Candidates also have a minimum of 2 years of relevant experience from government or private companies/industry/firms.
  • For the reserved category, all candidates must have all certificates before applying.

Exam Pattern

  • Mode of Examination- offline mode (pen and paper-based)
  • Mode of language- English and Hindi
  • Total Questions- 180
  • Question Distribution- Applied Mathematics (40marks), Applied Science (40marks), Engineering (all courses) 100marks
  • Time Duration- 3 hours
  • Total Marks- 180
  • Question Type- Multiple Choice
  • Marking Scheme- 1 mark will be awarded for the correct answer and no negative marking for the incorrect answer.

Exam Syllabus:

  • Applied Mathematics: Algebra, Co- Geometry, Geometry, Application of Differentiation, Linear Algebra, Trigonometry, Differential Equations, Differentiation, Integral Calculus, Introduction to Calculus, Definite Integrals, etc.
  • Applied Science: Wave motion, Heat and properties of gases, Modern Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Mechanics, Properties of Solids, Properties of Liquids, and Modern Physics, etc.
  • Engineering (Computer science/Information Science):  Digital and Fundamental Communication, Computer Networks and Security, Programming with C, Database Management System, Database Management System, Operating System, Data structure using C, OOPs with JAVA, Design and Analysis of Algorithms etc.
  • Engineering (Electronics and Communication): C- Programming, Semiconductor Device, MATLAB, Analog of communication, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Analog and Electronics, Industrial Automation, Measurement and Instruments, Advance Communication, Verilog, Microcontroller, ARM Controller, Application of Electronics, Digital Communication, Embedded System, Data Communication and Networking.

Karnataka DCET 2023 Exam Date:

Online Application Form Available May 2023
Deadline to submit of Online Application Form June 2023
Admit Card July 2023
Karnataka DCET 2023 Exam Date July 2023
Declaration Date of Result Aug 2023

Admit Card:

The admit card for the examination will be released before a month of the examination you will get a soft copy of the hall ticket through online on the website. By using the applicant number and date of birth as a password you can download. Candidates also have to carry valid identity proof like (Aadhar card, Pan Card, Voter id, Passport) along with the admit card with them. It has the following details:

Candidates Name, Photograph, Signature, Roll Number, Exam Date and Time, Examination Centre and address, General Instruction for examination.

Examination Centre of KDCET: Shimoga, Bangalore, Mysore, Bellary, Dharwad, Davangere, Mangalore, Tumkur, Bijapur, Belgaum, Gulbarga


The result of the examination will declare after the entrance test. It will be displayed on the online official website. A merit list will be prepared after the evaluation of the answer sheets. To get admission and attend the counseling one should have to secure minimum marks in the entrance test. Candidates can check their status online. Take the printout of the result for future references.

Answer Key:

  • Once a result has been displayed the answer key of the question paper is also displayed by officials after one week of the examination.
  • Candidates can check and download the answer key by using login credentials.
  • If there is any objection then it can be resolve by the authority and the fresh answer key will be displayed again on the same portal.

Cutoff Mark:

Cutoff marks will be decided on the basis of the total highest mark got in the examination. A merit list will be prepared on the basis of total cutoff marks. Candidates are suggested to try to achieve the highest mark in the examination so that they will get easy admission to the university.


Selected candidates call for the counseling process conducted by the official authority. Selected candidates can check their counseling schedule at the official website and also it will be done after the month of the exams. The seat you will get on the basis of performance in the examination. There are two to three rounds of the counseling take place. After the counseling you will have to submit the required documents to the university and it will be verified by the officials and then you will have to pay admission fees and get admission. At the time of admission, you will have to bring all the original documents with you. Following documents, you will have to carry at the time of counseling

Documents required for the Counseling procedure

  • All original qualification Documents and its printout of mark sheets and certificates which is self-attested.
  • Valid photo identity proof along with the 5 passport size photograph.
  • KDCET application form
  • KDCET admit card and result
  • Original challan of the application fees.

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