University 2024

KAU Admission 2024 Application Form, Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam Date, Pattern

KAU Admission 2022: KAU is an agriculture university that offers courses in farming, agriculture, and ranger service. From 2011, the college Is divided into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS), and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). The University has six schools (three Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-activity Banking, and Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations, and 16 Research and Extension Units under the resources of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry.

KAU Admission 2022 Application Form:

Application Form and Prospectus for Kerala Agricultural University Admission 2022 to numerous UG/PG/ PhD Courses can be downloaded from the KAU official website The candidate must enroll on the site by entering some essential subtleties. After effective enrolment, they will be allowed passage and complete the application form. Fill the required fields reasonably and properly.  Submit the appropriately filled online application. Applicants must submit the form before the due date in order to finalize the application process.

Application Fees:

Candidates are needed to pay the application fees in order to complete the form. Without the application fees, the form will be considered incomplete and it will be automatically rejected.

Kerala Agricultural University 2022 Exam Date:

Event Dates
Admission notification to be released February 2022
Deadline for the submission of online application May 2022
Deadline for receiving of hard copy April 2022
Shortlisted candidates for GD & PI April 2022
Date of GD & PI April 2022
Final selection list would be announced April 2022
Date for conducting counseling and admission May 2022
Classes will commence from May 2022

Eligibility Criteria:

The Eligibility Criteria varies from one course to another. Check the eligibility conditions mentioned below:

  • B.Sc-M.Sc (Integrated) and B.Sc. (Hons) Courses: Candidate must have completed Class XII with at least 50% aggregate percentage. Applicant must have cleared the assessment with subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, and Biology or Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Biotechnology and the two levels will also be considered. Applicants must have done Mathematics as a subject in Class 12th if interested in applying for Climate Change Adaptation Course.
  • M.Sc.(C&B): The minimum qualification is B.Sc. (Hons) C&B degree from any university or KAU.
  • B.Tech. (Food Engineering): Applicant must be possessed with a degree of graduation in agriculture processing and food engineering.
  • M.Sc.(Agriculture/Horticulture) – Candidate must have completed graduation in the subject from some recognised University.
  • M.Sc.(Forestry): Applicant must be a graduate in Forestry, agriculture, horticulture, or equivalent degree from some recognised University with an aggregate percentage settled by the University
  • M.Sc.(Agriculture Statistics): Applicant must have completed graduation in Mathematics or Statics from some recognised University to acquire a degree in agriculture.

Exam Pattern:

For MBA Course: Admission will be grounded on the imprints in the KMAT, CAT or CMAT resulting to Group Discussion and Personal Interview to be directed by KAU. The general candidate must have the obligatory Academic Performance in the passing degree assessment.

For B.Sc-M.Sc (5 Year) Integrated and B.Sc. (Hons) courses: The determination of applicants will be founded on an Entrance Exam led by KAU. The inquiries will be the target type and dependent on the +2 schedules. The focuses of the selection test will be chosen by the University in accordance with the competitors. Distribution to the course will be through the rank rundown gave by the University.

For Diploma in Agriculture and Organic Science: According to scores got in Biology, Physics and Chemistry in +2 or reporter assessment. For saved seats, according to marks in VHSE (Agri) course. On the off chance that there is a draw, complete imprints/stamps in Biology/age of the competitor, and so forth in the falling request of priority will be thoroughly considered.

For PG Programmes: Considering the Master’s certificate program there will be a selection test of two hours’ length. The inquiries will be available in the goal of numerous decision answer type. There will be available a typical selection test for each program as recorded beneath:

  • M.Sc.(Ag.)/M Sc. (Hort.): One placement test of 2 h. length with inquiries from B.Sc. (Ag.) schedule of KAU.
  • M.Sc. Home Science (F S&N): Entrance assessment with inquiries from B Sc. Home Science syllabus.
  • M.Sc. (Ag. Detail.): Entrance assessment with inquiries from B Sc. (Science/Statistics) syllabus.
  • M.Sc.(Forestry): Entrance assessment with inquiries from B Sc. (Ranger service) prospectus of KAU.
  • M.Sc.(C&B): Entrance assessment with inquiries from B Sc. (C&B) prospectus of KAU.
  • M.Tech. (Ag. Engg.): Entrance assessment with inquiries from B Tech. (Ag. Engg) schedule of KAU.

Kerala Agricultural University Syllabus:

The syllabus of the entrance exam will be made available to students by the authority through online mode. Students can check the website for notices about the syllabus.

Admit Card:

Kerala Agricultural University Admit Card can be downloaded from the site. Notice concerning the download of admit card will be out on the official site. Candidates will be required to carry admit card and personal ID evidence at the assessment corridor. Candidates are prescribed to protect the admit card till the confirmation procedure.


The university will publisher result online on their official web page. Students can check the result using the login credentials. Once the result is out, the cut-off will be decided and the students scoring marks more than cut-off will get admission to the university.

Answer Key:

An answer key is a document containing answer to all the questions asked in the examination. Students can check the official website for any notice regarding the answer key. By using the answer key students can calculate their marks before the announcement of official results.

Cut off:

The University decides the cut off each year according to several parameters like the number of students passing the exam, vacant seats and so on.


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