Polytechnic 2023

Kerala Polytechnic 2023 Application Form, Exam Dates, Syllabus, Pattern, Admit Card & Result

Kerala Polytechnic 2023Kerala Polytechnic 2023Kerala Polytechnic 2023: Department of Technical Education, Kerala is responsible for conducting Kerala Polytechnic 2023 Admission process. Admission in several governments or private polytechnic institutions is proffered after the person aspirant successfully over with the competitive exam. All details related to the examination are mentioned here. Find below Kerala Polytechnic Admission 2023 Application form, Syllabus, Exam Dates, Exam Pattern, Eligibility, Admit Card, Result, etc:

Kerala Polytechnic 2023 Application Form details:

  • The Kerala Polytechnic Application form will start available from the month of May.
  • Submission of the application form will be done online.
  • It is important to submit a self-attested copy of documents such as Nativity certificate, Caste certificate, Domicile certificate, Income certificate, Medical fitness certificate, mark sheet of SSLC/THSLC or other equivalent exams.
  • The candidate is required to submit a single application form for multiple districts.
  • Those who are seeking admission to the management seats in self-financing programmes need to submit separate applications to the respective institutes in the format prescribed by the institution.
  • A separate admission form needs to be submitted by remitting fee in every case for the given below categories:
  • Application for regular seats in Government Aided Programmes/ Government Government Seats in Self Financing Programmes, Special Batch of Hearing Impaired (HI)
  • Application for management seats need to be submitted under Aided Programmes t at respective polytechnics
  • An application under NCC Quota
  • An application under Sports Quota

Application Fee Details:

  • Cost of the application fee will be Rs 150/- and Rs 75/- for Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe candidates.
  • The amount needs to be remitted at the polytechnic college during the time of submission of the printout of the application processed online, along with the relevant documents.

Kerala Polytechnic 2023 Exam Dates:

Events Exam Dates
Start to submit Online Application Form June
Deadline to submit online application form: June
End to submit the Registration form at polytechnic colleges: June
Provisional rank list Release date: June
Closing date for appeal & submission of revised options- June
Final rank list & selection list Release date: June
Admission date: July
Final counseling & admission (direct) at nodal polytechnic college- July
Classes of 1st-semester start date: July
Date of 2nd counseling & admission: July
Admissions Closing date: July

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidate should be of Indian nationality.
  • Candidate applying should be a native of Kerala.
  • It is required that one should pass the qualifying examination from the Kerala institution.
  • Candidate must qualify in subjects like English, Mathematics & Science.
  • Candidate needs to pass SSLC/THSLC or some equivalent examination from Kerala state or some other equivalent examination.
  • The parents of the candidate should be a permanent employee in the state.
  • Those who have completed their education from CBSC/ ICSE board they must secure marks in Science for calculating grade in place of Physics as well as Chemistry.
  • Those who have applied or given the improvement exam need not apply for the examination.

Kerala Polytechnic Syllabus:

It is important that the candidate should be aware of the syllabus before applying. The candidate needs to make preparation for the examination. Questions will be asked from subjects such as Chemistry, Statistics, Mathematics, General Knowledge, General English, Physics, and Fundamentals of Computer Awareness.

Admit Card:

Kerala Polytechnic  2023 Admit card can be attained via online mode. Download the admit card from the official website. Take the printout of Admit Card and keep it safe. You will not be permitted to appear in the exam without admit card.

Exam Result:

Those who are selected for counseling will be declared through marks. After every round of seat allotment, the result will be announced. Check the names in the rank list from the official website.

Rank List:

The exam conducting authority will release the provisional rank list in the month of June. It is possible for candidates to challenge the provisional list released by officials. The final list will publish in the first week of July 2023 after going through all the complaints received. The merit list will be created based on the grades achieved in SSLC/ THSLC or some other equivalent examination. In such scenarios, the candidate will pass the qualifying examination under the old system, the marks will be turned in points will help in preparing the rank list.

Counseling Details:

Those who have applied for Kerala admission are required to download the rank card from the official website. Authority will create the rank list which is wholly based on class 10th for every district. Candidates can check the rank by making use of the application number. It is all based on the rank list that candidates will be called for counseling. The counseling will get over in three phases. The candidate will submit original documents for verification during the time of admission.

Kerala Polytechnic Admission Procedure:

  • The candidate is required o register via online mode in the month of May. Candidates will receive registration numbers so that, it is easy to check the status of an application. The rank list will also be allotted on the website.
  • Register online and fill up all the details in the application form signed by parents along with the fee amount of Government or aided private college. The selection list will be created based on the marks acquired, choice filling and reservation criteria.
  • The candidate is required to attain at least 25 options of various colleges along with the course. Candidates will be able to check the rank list through the official website. There will be trial allotment which will be published with the rank list. Candidates can download the allotment letter through the website.

About Seats Reservation:

  • Persons with disabilities provided with 3% reservation
  • THSLC holders with 10% reservation
  • ITI/KGCE certificate holders will be given 5% reservation
  • VHSE candidates will be given 2% reservation
  • Schedule caste will be provided with 8% reservation
  • Schedule tribe will be given 2% reservation

Documents Needed at the Time of Admission:

  • SSLC/THSLC or some equivalent exam certificate
  • Mark sheet of the qualifying examination with one photocopy
  • ITI/VHSE/KGCE mark list/certificate
  • Study certificate of class IX and X
  • Community certificate
  • Income certificate (if needed)
  • Special reservation claimed certificate
  • Medical fitness certificate

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