Kurukshetra University B.Ed Distance Education 2022 Admission, Application Form, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus

Kurukshetra University B.Ed Admission 2022Kurukshetra University B.Ed Admission 2022Kurukshetra University B.Ed Admission 2022: KUK or Kurukshetra University invites application for the B.Ed examination. The main of this exam is to bring out the competent minds for practicing teaching so that effective teaching, as well as the learning process, can be started at the stage of secondary. You can find all the details about KUK B.Ed Distance Education Admission 2022, Application Form, Eligibility & Criteria, etc.

Kurukshetra University B.Ed 2022 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Application Form Available 4th Week of March
KUK B.Ed Admission 2022 Last Date 3rd week of April
Last date for application submission with late fee of Rs. 500/- To be Notified
Admit Card Available One week before the exam
Kurukshetra University B.Ed 2022 Exam Date Mid of May
KUK B.Ed Result 2022 Announced End of May

KUK B.Ed 2022 Eligibility Criteria:

Those who are applying for Kurukshetra University B.Ed Admission 2022 Entrance Test offered 2 years course via distance mode which includes the following details:

Candidate must have acquired a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree from some recognized University. The aggregate 50% marks and 45% for those who belong to  ST, SC, Blind, Physically and Visually  Handicapped. In addition to this, the condition of 50% marks not applicable to those who appoint as the teachers prior to the commencement of NCTE or National Council for Teachers (Regulations Norms and Procedure), Second Amendment  Regulations, 2010. This amendment published in the Gazette of India on 26 July 2010).

Those who are in 2 years in the service of the teacher with teaching experience in any of the recognized schools, government schools, private schools, educational institutions, in Haryana state on or prior 31st May 2013.

The teaching experience certificate will get accepted on the prescribing B.Ed performance provided at the Appendix- I within the prospectus. If the candidate has worked in more than one institution with or without any break then make sure for providing Xerox of the teaching experience certificate for each of the institutions

Kurukshetra University B.Ed Admission 2022 – SECOND YEAR:

Candidates who have passed the B.Ed. Part-I exam of KUK university can get join Part II classes

Students of Kurukshetra University B.Ed Second-year course will have 2 years of the duration enrollment with Directorate for session 2013-14 and need to have appeared in the exam that  takes place in the month of May and June 2014 but failed to clear half of the papers of B.Ed course

Part I exam may provisionally be permitted to join B.Ed. On the contrary, Part-II of the course can be joined by paying the additional fee of Rs. 500/- per deficient paper to the University while taking admission to clear the remaining of the papers of B.Ed.

The process of admission further carried out based on the merit in the qualifying exam and according to the reservation policy of the Government of Haryana

Make sure for paying the admission fee via Directorate soon after the merit list is declared and admission is finalized

Kurukshetra University B.Ed Distance Education 2022 Application Form:

Part I: The Haryana B.Ed Admission 2022 is made based on the merit in the qualifying exam and according to the reservation policy mentioned in the prospectus.

Part II: Candidates need to fill the new admission form, exam form, as well as computer form in the general prospectus of the Directorate of Distance Education during the beginning of session say in the month of July or August

In order to acquire Admission Form/Computer Form, Exam Form/Admit Card and last but not the least Computer Data Form fixed towards the end of the Prospectus, which needs to duly fill and sent to the Director on the given address with the following mentioned documents:

  • Attested copy of the proof of the teaching experience according to the proforma (Appendix-I); and
  • Attested copy of reservation proof
  • Attested copy of the qualifying examination

Course Duration of The KUK B.Ed 2022:

The duration for the KUK B.Ed 2022 the examination will be two years which is the minimum period of time and the maximum period for the course completion will be for 4 years.

KUK B.Ed Syllabus 2022:

Malayalam, English, Information Technology, Mathematics, Natural Science, Sanskrit, Commerce, Hindi, Physical Science, Social Science, Arabic.

According to the Directorate, there are over five study centers eligible for delivering the studies for B.Ed prograame by NCTE. Selected candidates can join any one of them. The list is as follows:

  1. Directorate of Distance Education, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
  2. SNS College of Education for Women, Yamuna Nagar.
  3. University College of Education, K.U. Kurukshetra.
  4. SL DAV College of Education, Ambala City.
  5. Dr. Ganesh Dass DAV College of Education for Women, Karnal.

Kurukshetra University B.Ed Admission 2022 Seats Reservation:

The Total number of seats and reservations from Kurukshetra University B.Ed Admission 2022 course are as follows:

  • Total number of seats-500
  • For General Category- 30% i.e.150
  • For Reserved Categories- 70%  e.350

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