PG Exam

KVPY 2022 Application Form, Eligibility, Exam Dates, Pattern, Syllabus

KVPY Registration 2022: KVPY is the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana examination commenced by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. This is a national level scholarship program till the Pre-Ph.D level. The candidates are chosen according to the aptitude test as well as the interview which is commenced by IISc. Those who are interested to become the part of the examination need to go through the details mentioned below, KVPY 2022 Application Form, Exam Dates, Exam Notifications Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Exam Center, Admit Card, Result, etc:

KVPY 2022 Exam Dates:

Events Exam Dates (Tentative)
The release date of Application form July
Close to submit an application form August
Admit card Availability October
Exam Date November
Answer key Releasing date November
Written Test Result Declaration December
Interview Date announced February

KVPY Registration 2022:

Candidates can find below the KVPY Registration 2022 procedure so before KVPY 2022 Registration candidates read below steps:

  • Initially starts with the registration for KVPY 2022
  • Start collecting the application form from the third week of July.
  • Fill the application form correctly and submit the application form by the month of August
  • Fill in all the crucial details including personal, academic, etc. Upload the scanned image along with other documents. Select the examination centre.
  • Pay the application fee while submitting the application fee.
  • Take a print out of the application form for further help.

Application Fee:

  • General category candidates will pay the number of Rs 1000/- as application fee and SC, ST, and PwD category candidates need to pay Rs 500/-
  • There are two different modes to pay the application form online and offline. If you use online mode for paying the fee then use facilities like credit card/debit card/ internet banking. If you are using offline mode then use e-Challan.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • Those who are appearing in the 11th class or have passed 10th class with subjects like Science and Mathematics can apply for the examination. Candidates must have attained at least 75% marks and it is 65% for those belonging to SC, ST, and PWD candidates in the qualifying exam.

Stream SX: Those who are appearing in 10+2 exam with Science stream from the recognized board can also apply. Candidate must be obtained at least 75% marks in class 10th and 65% for reserved category candidates with subjects like Mathematics, Chemistry, and Biology. However, the percentage is 60% for General category aspirants and 50% for those belonging to SC, ST, and PwD category in subjects like Mathematics and Science in class 12th.

Stream SB: Those who have appeared in the first year of an undergraduate program in Basic Sciences like Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as well as Biology leading to B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. Candidate must have secured at least 60% marks in subjects like mathematics and science if belonging to the General category. On the contrary, it is 50% for those belonging to SC/ST/PWD in class 12th. If the candidate is pursuing the first year in graduation in B.Sc./B.S./B.Math./B.Stat./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. then the candidate must have secured at least 60% marks and 50% for those belonging to SC/ST/PWD category.

Exam Pattern:

  • The exam is commenced in online mode only.
  • The KVPY 2022 will take place in two different languages such as Hindi and English.
  • The question paper consisted of Multiple Choice Questions
  • It is important to attempt all the questions in-stream SA. There is a provision for an option to attempt any of the three sections in PART I and any two sections in PART II when it is Stream SB/SX.
  • The exam duration is 3 hours.
  • The question paper comprises of 100 marks.
  • Stream A consisted of subjects like Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. All these four subjects comprise of 5 questions each.
  • Stream SB/SX comprises of subjects such as Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics.

KVPY 2022 Syllabus:

There is no specific KVPY Syllabus 2022 for the aptitude test. It is purely based on the understanding and analytical ability of the aspirant. Candidates can go through the syllabus of up to X/XII/1st year of B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S. according to the stream chosen. There will be a mock test as well for familiarizing the candidates with the written test pattern.

KVPY Exam Center:

The examination centre comprises of many cities of India. Some of them includes Agarthala, Aurangabad, Belagavi, Bengaluru, Calicut, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Delhi, Durgapur, Eranakulam, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Guwahati, Huballi, Indore, Jaipur, Jammu, Kanpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Madurai, Mohali, Mumbai, Noida, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Rajkot, Salem, Siliguri, Trivandrum, Vadodara, Varanasi.

Admit Card:

The admit card needs to be downloaded from the main website by entering the application number. It is available via online mode only.

KVPY Result:

The result will be declared a few days after the KVPY 2022 examination gets over. Those who are selected will be called for the interview round. There will be a separate list for each stream for SA, SX and SB. Before results are announced, the exam authority will release the answer key. Candidates will be able to collect the thorough idea of the scores via the answer key. Check the answer key according to the stream.

Cut off:

  • The cut off marks will be published after written exams are over. Cut off marks of all the streams will be provided from 100.
  • SA stream cut off for General category comprises of 45 marks in general category, SC and ST 35 marks, and PwD 35 marks.
  • SB stream cut off for the General category comprises of 43 marks in general category, 33 for SC and ST, and 33 for PwD category.
  • SX stream cut off for the General category comprises 53 marks in general category, 43 for SC and ST, and 43 for the PwD category.

Selection Process:

The entire selection process is based on written test and after that appears for the interview round. There will be the release of an interview call letter for every chosen candidate. Once the interview round gets over, the candidates who are shortlisted will be seen uploaded on the website. Entirely based on the performance in the aptitude test, the shortlisted aspirants will be given the call for the interview which is the last stage of the whole procedure.


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