MBA 2023

MAH CET 2023 Application Form, Syllabus, Exam Date, Eligibility, Pattern

MAH CET 2023 commences by the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra. This examination offers a job at the state level and all the jobs are prestigious. In order to enroll candidates for different courses such as MBA and MMS courses, the first requirement is to apply before it’s too late. The article given below provides you complete information about the examination in a detailed manner. Here is all the exam related information:

MAH CET 2023 Application Form:

  • The application form will be released in the third week of January 2023 via online mode. Candidates can register themselves and follow the entire application procedure as directed in the instruction box.
  • To register, click the link ‘New Registration’ and fill in all the basic details and courses for into which the candidate wants to apply.
  • During filling of the application form, candidates will re-login by using the user ID and password and after that submit personal and educational-related details.
  • Fill all the details carefully and correctly to avoid inconvenience later.
  • Ensure to upload a photograph and scanned signature in the required format mentioned in the application form and submit the application form before the last date.
  • Check all the details prior to making the final submission as no alterations can be made later.
  • Lastly, Candidates are suggested to take print of their application form and fee receipt for future reference.

MAH CET 2023 Application Fee:

  • For Maharashtra and Outside Maharashtra / J&K Migrant, the cost of the application fee will be Rs.1000
  • For Reserved candidates such as ST/SC/ NT(B)/ NT(C)/ VJ/DT- NT(A)/ NT(D)/ OBC/ SBC / PwD the fee will be Rs. 800.
  • Candidate can make payment of the application fee via several modes such as online and offline both. Candidates can make payment via modes such as debit/credit card or net banking.
  • You can also make payment offline payment via challan printed from the website and will make submission of challan collect on the website.

MAH CET 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Online Application Form Submit 4th week of January
Deadline to filling the application form: 3rd week of February
MAH CET Admit Card 4th week of February
MAH CET Exam Date 2023 March 2nd week
MBA CET 2023 Results declaration: 3rd week of March
Counselling Process: June

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidate must be a citizen of India belonging to (NRI, OCI, PIO)
  • Candidate must possess the degree of graduation in any discipline.
  • Those who are in the final year of graduation can also apply for the examination.
  • Candidate must have attained at least 50% marks and 45% marks for OBC /PwD of Maharashtra state.

Exam Pattern:

  • The examination will be commenced via online mode which will be CBT based test.
  • There will be 200 questions in the paper.
  • Questions will be multiple-choice type.
  • The exam will be commenced in the English language only.
  • The time duration will be 150 minutes.
  • The question paper will be for 200 marks.
  • The candidate will get 1 mark for every correct answer but there will be no marks deduction for incorrect answers.
  • Logical Reasoning will have 75 questions for 75 marks
  • Abstract Reasoning will have 25 questions for 25 marks
  • Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension will have 50 questions for 50 marks
  • Quantitative Aptitude will have 50 questions for 50 marks


The entrance exam will be created on the basis of graduation level. It will be inclusive of various subjects such as Logical and Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal and Comprehension Ability.

Following are the topics included in the syllabus:

Logical and Abstract Reasoning: It includes Relationships and Puzzles. This is basically to check a candidate’s decision-making power.

Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension: It includes checking the reading ability of the candidates which includes Adjective, Antonym, Synonym, Comprehension, Verb, One Word, Errors, etc.

Quantitative Aptitude: It includes questions based on Number System, Accuracy, Ratio and Proportion, Speed and Distance, Time and Work, Average, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound Interest, etc.

Hall Ticket/Admit Card:

Hall tickets can be acquired via online mode. It will be released by the fourth week of February 2023. Candidates need to carry admit card along with them to attend the examination otherwise they will not be permitted to enter the exam hall. Download the hall ticket from the official website by entering the application/registration number along with the password. After downloading gets over, candidates can take the printout of the hall ticket for future use. Along with admit card students need to carry a valid photo ID for identity verification on the exam day.

Exam Result:

The exam result will be announced by the third week of March 2023. Candidates can access their results by entering their login credentials. Make sure for taking a printout of the rank card /scorecard for future help.

Merit lists will also be released for counseling and based on that candidates can participate in the counselling process. If it is the case of a tie in the merit list, firstly the resolution will be made on marks and if the matter is unably resolved even after that then-candidate older in age will be given the opportunity in the merit list and admission process.

Cut Off:

Cut Off marks will be announced by several colleges accepting MAH CET 2023 Scores. The cut off will be released in almost all institutions as per the category. Students successfully attaining the cut off marks prescribed by institutions will seek admission in the MBA programme in the institution successfully. The cut-off marks will be based on factors such as difficulty level of the exam, Number of test-takers, Number of available seats in colleges, Number of candidates qualifying, reservation policy, etc.


The counseling will begin after the declaration of results in several colleges and institutions. Candidates can check the related updates via online mode and on the basis of merit list; candidates will be given admission into management colleges. Candidates are required to report and register at institutions for admission process. DTE Maharashtra will commence the centralized admission process (CAP) for seat allotment. Counselling will take place via online mode. Students need to book their seats according to the priority of the course and colleges. Candidates are required to provide the relevant documents during the admission process for verification of documents.


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