Mass Comm 2023

MASCOM Entrance Exam 2023 Application Form, Pattern, Exam Date

MASCOM Entrance Exam 2023: Manorama School of Communication conducts MASCOM Entrance Exam. This examination is taking place at the university level which is held every year. They offer admission for the postgraduate Diploma courses in Print Journalism and Broadcast Journalism. The seat availability is only for 30 students per program. The time duration of the examination is 10 months. The examination is offline based. The examination will be conducted in August month. In this article, you will get to know all the information related to the examination and admission.

MASCOM Entrance Exam 2023 Application Form:

To apply for the examination you will have to fill the application form which is available online on the official website. The application form will be released in June month. You can fill it online through the official website. Candidates are recommended to fill the application form on time before the last date in July or August month.

  • Fill all applications form with details like personal information, address and educational details
  • Attach all Educational documents in the required format
  • Upload scanned passport photograph and signature in the required format
  • Pay application fee by demand draft
  • Take a printout of the duly filled application form for future references

Application Fee:

  • Application fee can be paid offline mode by making demand draft in the favor of “MASCOM” payable at Kottayam.
  • For the General category and SC/ST candidates fee is only 590/- rupees
  • The application fee is nonrefundable in any condition.
  • It is recommended to pay the application fee before the last date of the submission of the application form

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants must have read carefully all eligible instructions before applying for the examination. All the information is there in the information brochure. Some of the important points are as follows:

  • Candidates must have passed graduation from recognized institute and university in any discipline
  • Appearing Candidates and candidates who are waiting for results are also eligible to apply for the examination.

MASCOM Entrance Exam 2023 Exam Date:

Events Exam Dates
Application form start to submit April 2023
The deadline to submit to Application form June 2023
MASCOM 2023 Entrance Exam Date June 2023
Interview June 2023
Result July 2023
New Admission start To be notified

Examination Pattern:

An applicant who wants to apply for the examination must have to follow the pattern of the examination. Prepare according to the course you have applied for. The pattern of the examination is as different as the course is applied for.

  • Mode of Examination- Pen or Paper-based
  • Examination Shift –  There are two shifts for the exam (Paper1 and Paper 2)
  • Mode of language- English and Malayalam
  • Total Questions- 100 (paper 1), 100 (paper 2)
  • Time Duration- 2 hours 30 min (paper 1), 2 hours 30 min (paper 2)
  • Total Marks- 100 marks (paper 1), 100 marks (paper 2)
  • Question Type- Objective (Paper 1) and Subjective (Paper 2)
  • Marking Scheme- 1 mark will be awarded for the correct answers.
  • Negative marking– No

Exam Syllabus:

The entrance test will take place for few seats only so; candidates are suggested to prepare for the examination on the basis of the course they have applied for. There is no such specific syllabus available on the website but according to the applied courses candidates must prepare about the topics such as:


  1. Basis knowledge of Mass communication
  2. About Journalism and print media
  3. Current affairs
  4. Sound writing skills
  5. Politics
  6. Strong academic records

English Syllabus-

  1. Synonyms
  2. Antonyms
  3. Direct and indirect Speech
  4. Singular/ plural
  5. True/ false
  6. Question Tags
  7. Conjunction
  8. Article
  9. Phrases
  10. Spelling
  11. Verbs
  12. Young ones
  13. Jumbled sentences/ Words
  14. Gender
  15. Idiom
  16. Correction of sentences
  17. RC, Transformation of Sentences
  18. Determiners
  19. Degree of Comparison
  20. Adjective
  21. One word substitution
  22. Punctuation
  23. Active passive voice

Admit Card:

Admit card will be released after the submission of application details. In August month you will get to download the admit card through online. Go to the official page of the institution and click on the admit card link and by putting Roll number and date of birth as a password you can download. Admit card is mandatory to appear in the examination. All important instructions for the examination are given on the admit card. Bring identity proof along with the admit card. Without Admit Card you are not able to enter the examination hall.

Examination Centre:

  • Kottayam
  • Delhi
  • Cochin
  • Thiruvananthapuram
  • Kochi
  • Mumbai
  • Kozhikode
  • Bangalore
  • Chennai
  • Kolkata

Answer Key:

After the completion of the entrance examination, the answer key will be released after 2 days. Candidates can check and download it by using roll number and date of birth as a password. You can calculate and evaluate your score according to the answer key. If any issue arising with it then you can challenge the board through email with proper evidence. After the consideration, the board will recheck and upload a correction copy on the website.

Admit Card:

The result will be declared after the examination and it will be displayed on the official website of the university. You can download and can check the passing status. By using the roll number and password you will be able to download it. It is necessary to bring your result with you at the time of counseling. Those candidates who passed the exam will get the call for a Personal interview. Interview call letter you will get via mail and interview will be takes place online. In interviews, candidates can be judged on the basis of journalist skills, General knowledge and language skills. The final result will be declared on the basis of exam scores and interviews.


Candidates will be called for the counselling after the final result declaration. The institution will conduct the counseling at the college campus and it is only one round. It is a day process. You will have to carry all the required documents along with you at the time of counseling. To get admission you will have to appear on the given time slot by the institution. Selected candidates have to submit all required documents and submit admission fees to get admission. The admission fee for PG Diploma in Journalism is 20,000/- INR and the total fee is 1, 00000/- INR and admission fee for PG Diploma in Journalism is 50,000/- INR and the total fee is 1, 50000/-. Fees can be paid on an installment basis and it’s included tax also.


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